
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Wild Spirit Ruins.

Gu Huang silhouette has just landed on the ground, his body is cracked inch by inch, blood is flowing like a fountain, the whole person is almost not bursting, the forcible promotion of the cultivation base and True Spirit are also quickly fading, the hands of Eternal Heaven are in Heaven and Earth If it hadn’t been suppressed by the power of Emperor Suirenshi, Spicy Chicken System, Red Aya, and Black Boss, I’m afraid it would have been dead at this time.

In the horrified eyes of Old Xuan, Huang Old Demon’s silhouette disappeared, and he still escaped into Heaven and Earth. At this time, it was already riddled with holes by the hands of Eternal Heaven, even if Even a tiny movement will cause indelible damage to Heaven and Earth.

“Guye, is there a trick or not! This system has already used more than 30% of the Immortal World core.”

“Big brother Huang, my younger sister has already spent more than six cost sources.”

“Dirty Brat, my ultimate form is almost impossible to maintain.”

The spicy chicken system, Hong Ling, and Black Boss are all madly suppressing the arms of Eternal Heaven, and it is necessary to ensure that Heaven and Earth inside cannot collapse. The loss of their power is really great. You must know that at this level, every Every source is precious, but fortunately, the emperor Suirenshi shared at least 50% of the pressure.

Otherwise, because they might have run away long ago, who would be willing to smash with the hands of Eternal Heaven.

“Scary night!”

“Water cut!”

“go! “

Gu Huang’s body cracked again, and the qi and blood and the origin could not stop flowing, but he still threw out the two divine spears, one black and one red, two divine spears running through the world, with guns A peerless fierce light broke out, the infinite seals were uncovered faintly, and the terrifying power was diffused, and it seemed to be able to surpass the divine spear.

“Scary night! Water cut!”

“Damn, damn, how could these two guns appear here!”

“This is the weapon of the real world, why did it appear in 3000 universe, who are you?”

The hand of Eternal Heaven is filled with black light, and the power from the real world is permeated. The terrifying voice of the majestic Immortal seems to penetrate Heaven and Earth and annihilate the endless and eternal void of the universe…

The weapon of the real world!

Scary night!

Water cut!

Double divine spear!

This is a tool specially forged to kill the eternal race. It comes from the fallen man above the heaven…

The double divine spear is made from the uniform origin of the tree of the universe.

No one in the world can use it except him.

Could it be that he is back again!

“The dead don’t need to know!”

“All you need to know is that this Young Master is going to kill the sky today!”

“The Seed of the Universe!”

The two major divine spears erupted with the most primordial fierce power, like two Heaven Supporting Pillars, forcibly penetrated the hands of Eternal Heaven and fixed it in the void without any movement. At the same time, Gu Huang also communicated with the world. The seed, I saw that Gu Huang’s body suddenly has a mysterious vein extending out, like extremely thin hair, like countless tentacles, but no one can see it except Gu Huang. , All extend to Eternal Heaven’s arm.


“Why is it in your hands…”

“Who are you anyway?”

Densely packed, almost endless tentacles spread out, like the roots of the Supreme giant tree entrenched, before a moment, all the hands of Eternal Heaven have been entangled, and Eternal Heaven’s will is full of fear and anxiety .

The sky that was once the only real world was almost the eternal Immortal, Myriad Tribulations Inextinguishable existence.

What aloof and remote!

What a look down all living things.

Even if the real world collapses and Divine State falls, this arm also falls down. In the endless years, it has never been born, but everything in the world is clearly understood.

Because he is eternal, Immortal’s, Supreme’s, and even Supreme’s.

But today I felt fear for the first time, felt the invasion of death, a fatal crisis that has never been seen before.

The tree of the universe!

This is the power of the universal tree. Apart from the universal tree, there is nothing in the world, a weapon, a technique that can harm him, but the universal tree has withered, for the continuation of the real world… /p>

They did not hesitate to knock down the Divine State, and did not hesitate to launch an annihilation war against the Divine State Human Race.

This arm is watching the conditions of the major ruins in the evolution of the Divine State. Even if the 3000 universe is the ultimate creature, it is all waste in front of the power of the real world.

I never thought that anyone could hurt him, and it was the power from the tree of the universe. It was clear that the tree of the universe had withered, and the last Source Power evolved into the operation of the real world.

Seed of the universe!

It is said that when the tree of the universe withered and died, Zeng condense a seed, 3000 of the two and a half of the universe who first entered the real world, two of them have already detached, and simply are not in the only real world.

Only the mysterious half man, it is said that he will be able to be 3rd detached, but unfortunately he has cut off those two Taos, and even made a very big vow to find one all living things that can be detached Tao.

It is said that he disappeared with the Seed of the Universe long before, even before he had a consciousness.

Now that the power of the Seed of the Universe is reappearing, is it possible that this person is him…

It must be him, he can’t be wrong!

Only he dare to have such courage, dare to plot my arm…

“Eternal Heaven!”

“Didn’t you already guessed it?”

“Just do you dare to name my name?”

“Unfortunately, you dare not, the vast world, the endless Great Domain, those who dare to name my name, only those two.”

“My way has come, and you should be honored to be the cornerstone of the birth of my way.”

“Go to death with peace of mind. When I come back to the only real world, I will settle with you.”

Gu Huang’s eyes are full of coldness. Immortal’s will is like an eternal Immortal, giving people a sense of majesty looking down on the world and looking at the world.

It’s done!

Eternal Heaven’s hands are destined to be cold.

The Seed of the Universe, swallowing an entire arm, I believe it will be enough to take root.

Shocking night, Shuhang, is it a tool from the real world?

It seems that Eldest Young Lady’s identity is extraordinary. Anyway, I am her boss, and I don’t have to pay back the favor of the gun.


“It’s really you…”

“You actually found it…”

“There is no chance…you have no chance to enter the real world again…my body will sense everything…”

“Even if you have…it’s too late…”

“The real world is not the original real world anymore…”

Eternal Heaven’s will was a little bit wiped out, and his arms quickly withered, containing the rules and laws from the real world. The origin has been swallowed by more than 95% by the Seed of the Universe…

Suirenshi, gold light shadow man (spicy chicken system), Hong Ling, Big Black Brick each and everyone are silent, full of weird and horrified looking at everything in front of them, each and everyone is full of shock for Gu Huang, but Then secretly muttered his identity.

But no one dared to speak out, because they all thought of the legend, but no one…

“pu tong!”

“Finally it’s over…”

“Old Ancestor…I need to stay closed for a while…”

“The Eternal Hand still has four points of the power of the real world left…you have one share…”


Gu Huang sat paralyzed in the void, and straightly separated the remaining four points of the Eternal Hand, and then left a point for his own use, and then escaped into the deepest part of the void and closed up. This battle brought it The harvest will be tens of thousands of times more than usual…

Although it is extremely dangerous, it is really worth it!

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