
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Desolate, dead, and dilapidated, I don’t know which Fang Huanyu is, I don’t know how far away it is, and I don’t know which side of the ancient scroll chapter it comes from, only the vague picture shows.

A warship with only half of the black clothes left floating in the void, looking at all directions, countless corpses, broken weapons, and broken warships are quietly suspended.

Only this ancient and dilapidated black clothes warship stands, and on the deck is a dead and decayed corpse. The vast and majestic imposing manner sweeps through time Heaven and Earth, rolling up billions of storms , Seems to break this eternal and ancient void.

The image of Seed of the Universe is full of tremors. Even if it is as strong as Gu Huang in the presence of the image, he feels his own insignificance and seems to be shattered at any time.

Who is he?

Where do you come from?

Where does it exist?

Which side is Heaven and Earth?

The reflection from the Seed of the Universe made Gu Huang more questions, because the enlightenment of the Seed of the Universe to Gu Huang was only a picture, but is undoubtedly a strong enough to exist for heaven defying?

“Seed of the universe, what does this mean?”

The picture from the soul disappeared. With more questions, Gu Huang said again. There is a faint feeling that the unknown existence in the picture will be able to solve his own dilemma.

However, the Universe Seed has stopped communicating, and no revelation is coming, but this is already in Gu Huang’s expectation. The ability of the Universe Seed to give revelation is really the greatest help.

The biggest question right now is who is the other party? Where is it again? How to perceive is the biggest problem.

Maybe… you can use the light of the soul.

The mind side can ignore the cause and effect of time and fate, transcend the distance of space dimension, similar to this first class supreme existence, it is a taboo in itself, as long as someone thinks, thinks, thinks, speaks… it will definitely be perceived by them.

the thoughts got to this point, the manifest of Gu Huang’s ontology is in Heaven and Earth, which unravels the limits of the spiritual realm. When the mind is immersed in the spiritual realm and becomes a Spirit Physique emerges, the Spirit Tree of A piece of leaf was collected by Gu Huang and hung on Spirit Physique.

In the next instant, Spirit Physique walked directly out of the spiritual realm, and was in the depths of endless darkness. Only the square inch of light reflected by Spirit Physique, but with Gu Huang Spirit Physique as the center, one after another is as subtle as The cobweb-like veins moved towards all directions continued.

Gu Huang’s Spirit Physique has skyrocketed. Since the Great Accomplishment of the soul side, he has never fully exerted his spiritual power. Just in this dark and endless depths with the spread of the spiritual web, Gu Huang can be very clear Hundreds of millions of thoughts of all living things, and countless thoughts, spirits, and thoughts are present, but they are all blocked by Gu Huang.

The mind exploded at full speed, just like the unhindered high-speed rail, extending in all directions, Gu Huang sensed that his mind had risen to another latitude between his thoughts, and he could clearly feel the dead ruins and the lost Heaven and Earth.

I even peeped into the essence of the three long rivers of time, destiny, and cause and effect in an instant, and through this moment I peeped into the Great Qin Empire downstream of time……


“You are back!”

Death Ruins, Great Qin Empire, in the depths of an unknown barren realm, there is a woman’s utter despair, echoing between Heaven and Earth…

But Gu Huang not at all notice, his mind and thoughts exploded rapidly, only the broken ship and the corpse, although I don’t know which dimension it is, or where it is?

But at the moment it is the only existence he can find. The enlightenment from the Seed of the Universe, impossible will be wrong, even if it is really a mummy, it is a suppress and kill ultimate existence.

I don’t know how long or where it will extend, but Gu Huang can clearly see what kind of sight…

He saw the retrograde creatures hanging in the river of real time, an unknown dark island next to the river of time, and a void on Thirty Three Heavens, with a thin monkey covered in blood and hands. Fight with the unnamed enemy with an iron rod…

No one can perceive his mind, but with the continuation of the web of mind, his spirit and thoughts are still ascending to a higher dimension. I don’t know how long it has passed, Gu Huang’s mind feels more The vastness of nothingness.

At this moment, he knew that his mind had already jumped out of this vast universe, and came to a more vast void outside the universe, as if there was no trace, and as if there was a trace to follow.

The power of the mind is vividly and thoroughly played by Gu Huang. This is an unknown void with nothing. Except for deadness, Primal Chaos, and darkness, there is no other creature that can live.

But the power of the soul is almost at its limit. I can feel the emptiness of nothingness, and the connection with myself is getting weaker, and I will eventually be lost in the depths of this nothingness.

But Gu Huang is unwilling to give up. Even if it is a weak chance, he wants to take a gamble, because he really feels a sense of powerlessness and crisis. He has never had such powerlessness before.


“No matter which unnamed domain you are in, if you can hear Junior’s call…”

“Please come back…”

The connection between mind and body is getting weaker and weaker, and Gu Huang is becoming more and more urgent. He can only try to sense the unknown existence with his mind and use himself as a beacon, but Gu Huang’s spiritual power has reached its limit… …

3000 At the end of the universe, the vast endless void, an unnamed dilapidated place, with countless corpses suspended, broken weapons silent, and ancient warships, only one half of the broken black clothes capsized wandering.

Drunken, dead, desolate, through time, I don’t know how many years it has existed, maybe it can’t be measured by time…

A certain moment!

Tattered black clothes The ancient corpse trembled silently on the deck of the capsized ship, and the moment when I slowly opened my eyes, the entire quiet and ruined void directly engulfed the terrifying storm, showing one after another terrifying matchless. The big crack is full of aura that is extremely hideous.

“Who… is calling…”

“Who am I…?”

“Where is this…”

“Who is you?”

“What do you call me?”

The corpse did not move, only the dark, hollow eyes, just like this eternal dark void, but burst out one after another Divine Sense head shuttles to the end of Heaven and Earth, it seems that it can descend into infinite dimensions, Ming Mingzhong and Gu Huang’s mind contact…

“Zhuxia people have seen Senior…”

“Senior, help ah!”

“Heaven, underground, Human World, there is no place for my summer to survive.”

“Junior really did his best, Senior, if you don’t return, Zhu Xia will be annihilated, and the world will be completely annihilated.”

Gu Huang felt the powerful Divine Sense head from the unknown void, and immediately started crying and wailing. He could faintly guess that the mummy in the unknown place was definitely Zhuxia’s powerhouse, because This kind of will not give enlightenment casually, and it may even be the passing powerhouse of Divine State above God.

“Zhu Xia…Divine State…and the descendants survive…”

“Who… dare to destroy my summers…”

“Is there no one in my Divine State?”

“Brat, return to the body, go to the Wild Spirit Ruins to be the beacon, take me back…”

At this moment, the corpse on the tattered warship suddenly sat up, and the mighty coercion instantly collapsed this dark void, and a number of dimensions began to fall, and the entire nothingness was collapsing, directly crushing the number of Primal Chaos ……


“Where are the Wild Spirit Ruins?”

Gu Huang knew in his heart that he returned to his place at the moment when the connection between the mind and the body was about to disappear. Finally, the mysterious mummy from the deepest part of the void cast a spiritual seed…

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