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“hua la!”

Gu Huang put all ten catties of spiritual liquid into the stone axe, and saw the broken and almost decomposed stone axe as if it was rejuvenated, the brown cracks in the whole body were shrinking, and there was a faint flash of mysterious light. From the axe to the whole body, there is a line of extremely ancient lines flowing, like the law, but also like the origin, and even more like transcendence, as if to see the mystery of the most Supreme and the most original source.

Ancient, vicissitudes, and eternity, an ordinary stone axe also reveals countless strange images, as if it reflects the origin of a race, the rise and fall of a civilization, full of weight and majesty.

The shadow of all living things, the elephant of all souls, bloom in an instant!

A mysterious light and shadow enveloped Gu Huang. Suddenly the stone axe burst out into a cluster of extremely powerful flames, seeming to burn Gu Huang out. Heavenly Sword, Laojun furnace, Big Black Brick, Martial Ancestor Kanae and Hong Ling were all forced out.

The five inheritance heavenly soldiers represent the existence of Supreme, the symbol of kingship, and even the ultimate beyond the universe.

At this moment, I felt the fear in front of the stone axe. It was the fear from in the depth of one’s soul. The seemingly ordinary stone axe can instantly make it scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

“Tianhuang brat, what exactly is this device?”

“Say it!”

“Damn, I felt the fear of death.”

“Damn it, is it possible that Ancestral Item is really the first…”

“Sword grandfather, black big brother, furnace master, and Ding master, don鈥檛 blame Tianhuang big brother, this is Zhu Xia鈥檚 source tool, anyway, it is related to that unspeakable existence, its source should be traceable To Divine State above God.”

Hong Ling persuaded the kind of heavenly soldiers in front of him, and he was able to relieve Luo Qingchen. After all, things are not so easy to solve. You must know how huge the relationship is…

The Huang big brother, since it can resonate with the stone axe, I am afraid that legend is true.

There are taboos that cannot be spoken or read.

“Everyone, look at the flame, it is the flame of civilization representing Zhu Xia.”

“Existence beyond the origin, perhaps a stone axe…”

“Since I got the stone axe, I have always suspected fiend in human form……”

Luo Qingchen stood with his hand in his hand, his extraordinary handsome face with a smile of relief, he can be regarded as guarding the stone axe for endless years and snatching it back from the Hongmeng Forbidden Zone with his life, and it is not in vain to fight to death.



I finally came back and walked out of my own way.

In the depths of the mysterious halo of the stone axe, Gu Huang’s spirit was drawn out, and it seemed to have crossed the Eternal years in an instant, just like surpassing Heaven and Earth Myriad Realms, and stepping on the end of the eternal Immortal.


“The future me, I meet again. I really didn’t expect that you can really go to this step and see my message in the stone axe. Then it proves that you have reached the point of life and death.”

“Is it surprising, is it surprising, why I know everything, you should be more curious whether I am alive or dead, where I am now, and what is the point of digging all the way?”

“Want to know? It’s a pity that I didn’t tell you, there is no way? I have too many people cheated. When I look back, all my opponents have been cheated to death by me. Invincible is really very Lonely.”

“So ah! No way? I just came to pit myself. Of course, this is not a pit. I don鈥檛 know how many rounds I have arranged. This is a bet between me and two people. Obviously, it鈥檚 far from our success. Very close, at least you have seen the stone axe and saw my message.”

“Human? There is always something I want, right? Since you have come to this step, this axe is my reward for you. In fact, this is what I made to split the material. Don鈥檛 ask. Why did I make this stuff? After all, everyone has a time of failure.”

“What the hell! Actually, I don鈥檛 know whether I鈥檓 alive or dead, or where I鈥檝e been? Maybe it鈥檚 still a long time, maybe it鈥檚 a long time, or who I鈥檓 fighting with, maybe it鈥檚 already dead. 鈥︹€?#8221;

“After all, these are not important, right? The usual routine is almost the same. Let me tell you an important thing. Back then, I killed a very powerful emperor. This guy claimed to come from beyond the long river of time, Zeng Tian yelled Under the structure, the authority is the most powerful.”

“About the architecture and permissions, I went to the Spicy Chicken system and asked about it. In short, the emperor outside this architecture was killed by me, but this old man dropped two drops of blood essence before he died. If it is wrong, it should be Zhuxia鈥檚 Young Emperor. I don鈥檛 know where the other one has gone? It鈥檚 probably in the deepest part of the Death Ruins.”

“According to the time point, Zhuxia Young Emperor should wake up. Qijue should be unable to control the Universal Human Dao tool. I said that this thing is really untrustworthy, but it is a pity that Qijue would not listen to me. Of course you Don鈥檛 be afraid, I have left you with this stone axe.”

“However, to use this axe, you need a spiritual liquid. You can display as much formidable power as you have spiritual liquid. You don鈥檛 need to rob the Nine Provinces. I strongly recommend that you revive the Zhuxia Young Emperor, and Let him get the Human Dao tool.”

“Throw him to Lost Heaven and Earth, how to do it, you should know that the Young Emperor of Zhu Xia hates the desert most…”

“The enemy of the enemy is a friend. When a qualified Lao Yin Bi is to eat both sides, and the two sides cannot be merged, this is the ultimate Profound Truth of Lao Yin Bi.”

“This Zhuxia Young Emperor has a weakness. This person likes a little girl. What’s the name… Don’t worry… Let me think about it… By the way… Yunxi, the lord of miracles.”


“Back then, I was crazy about Yunxi naughty little girl. You don’t know how obsessed it is. Let’s just say that! Yunxi naughty little girl smiles at him, and he can die.”

“In the future, I believe that Yunxi little girl has been suppressed by you. Anyway, just go and do it.”

“There is one more thing, do you want to refining the closed-loop device, so as to break the infinite ultimate Space-Time technique of the Lord God, and plan to let Luo Qingchen to refining, it is completely unnecessary.”

“Because I planned to do the same at the beginning, but I discovered a secret that the main god has conspired for a long time, including who the wolf sister and the dead bald dust are really for.”

“I used to think that there are only six heavens in the world, but unfortunately there is still one day in the world that has never been born. Even if the peak six heavens merge, it cannot be worth a finger of this heaven.”

“This day is called Eternal Heaven……”

“Really a tyrannical and extremely domineering Lao Yinbi ah! In the future, you must be careful of Eternal Heaven. I have suffered countless losses in his hands.”

“Eternal Heaven is like a ghost that has been lurking in 3000 universe, and Eternal Heaven has Race self-named eternal family under Eternal Heaven. Heaven is stronger.”

“I am ah in the future! What to do, you can do it yourself, if you have nowhere to go, you can combine the spicy chicken system for the last time!”

“Performance and value.”

The mysterious halo of the stone axe disappeared, and it became ordinary again. Only Gu Huang stood in the same place for a long time without speaking. At this time, he just wanted to get his past self out and give him a fiercely beat. .

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