
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Mianxia, ​​don’t think about it, I’m dang!”

Shui Jun almost didn’t even think about it. He agreed to Gu Huang on the spot. Facing such a thing, does he have a choice?

Even if fiend in human form pits her, at least it still has the value of being pitted. Whether it is the four masters of the past or the doomsday ruler, her path has come to an end.

Dahuanyu’s 25% authority gave her unhindered capital and restricted her from setting foot on Supreme after all.

all Sovereigns!

It’s the limit, and no further progress is possible. Wuye True Spirit level has also come to an end.

It can be said that she has reached the end of the road. It is not that she has not thought about reincarnate and recultivate, but no matter how many reincarnations, she will only escape the incarnation of Yunxi. Unless she reincarnation from the six samsara, can we wash away the shackles of the True Spirit imprint .

And must be reincarnated into the realm of the world, but now the six realms…

Whether it is for him, or for myself, fiend in human form let her be an undercover, then we must continue.

Because there is no choice.

“Shui Jun, you are very smart and pragmatic. This Young Master has always been your type.”

“What Fuhuang can give you, I can give you the same, what Fuhuang can’t give you, I can still give you.”

“I do not promise you anything, but I will show you one thing.”

Gu Huang took a step forward, and pointed to the center of Shui Jun’s eyebrows, and the picture that was reflected was only a short moment. It was a new two-leaf seedling and an Ancient Road extended by the soul. Although Ancient The end of the road is covered by countless mists.


As a civilization all Sovereigns, Shui Jun has a 22-level cultivation base, and it is also the five-leaf True Spirit level. The twelve Supreme of the Eternal Realm can also be shot to death with bare hands, but Supreme means that the way is broken Exhausted, even climbed to the nine leaves True Spirit known as the ultimate.

It’s no more than the Peak. The only way to enter the legend is the only real world. Unfortunately, the way to enter the only real world is hidden in the deepest part of the death ruins, and it has not yet been opened.

Even if it is finally opened, it must be a quasi-ultimate creature, at least six-leaf or above.

She is simply not qualified!

But what did fiend in human form show him?

The road!

A brand new path, he has created a brand new path, even if it is a glimpse, she also knows that this path is suitable for all living things, no matter all living things, doomsday, natural disasters…

All creatures can be enlightened.

This reminded her of a rumor about fiend in human form that he wanted to create a path suitable for all living beings.

Otherwise, with the cultivation base of fiend in human form, it should have exceeded 3000 universe long ago.

He has created this new path…

“Shuijun, since the long epochs and years, some people have called me a scum, devil, and scourge. They want to smash my corpse into thousands of pieces and suppress me in the Primal Chaos era.”

“But there are only a few people who can understand me that’s all, you see, this world is full of chaos, disorder, fighting…the doomsday is born…the natural disasters are endless.”

“There are Thirty Three Heavens on the top, 99 lands below, the place of origin before, and the eternal abyss behind, and more evil things mess up the world, so that Heaven and Earth will never be peaceful, and the source is also for setting foot on the heavens. Above.”

“But those who can really walk the path of God will always be just a few people. The only real world above the ancient God is not a pure land. In fact, we fell from God.”

“In fact, I have always had a wish to make this world no more disputes and fights, so that Heaven and Earth all living things, Myriad Races people are like dragons, and create an eternal golden world.”

“Seven scrolls of ancient history, I have gone through too many and too many, I have really exhausted all methods, and I can’t find a way to calm down, only create a Dao Road with all living things.”

“Now I have done it, but this path still needs time to comprehend, perfect, and finally turn into a way to advance to God, but I have too many enemies, too many, so many that I can’t count them. .”

“I ran all the way, laid out all the way, and digged all the way, but it was just an utterly inadequate measure. There really is no perfect change to the overall situation, but I believe that as long as I have time, this path will definitely be perfected.”

“At that time, no matter all living things, Myriad Races, doomsday, natural disasters, all creatures can be enlightened.”

“But between Heaven and Earth, how many people can know me.”

Gu Huang proposed a jar of wine and drank it easily. The whole person fell into deep melancholy and confusion. I believe this performance has penetrated enough into Shui Jun’s heart.

No matter how strong Shuijun is, one thing will not change.

It’s so foolish, and it’s also very bad.

Don’t do it if you haven’t seen Yunxi being fooled.

Anyway, for Yunxi, it is to sell to death.

“Dare to ask me, how much time do you need.”

Shui Jun already knows in his heart. The arrival of fiend in human form this time is to dig a wall. It can even be said that it brought a murderous heart. It is very likely that the loss of Heaven and Earth will face a Heaven and Earth turning upside down .


Everyone lacks time.

But after a long time, it’s not so easy to go retrograde.

“Mr. Shui, you don’t understand, what I need is not literal time.”

“That’s all, now that I have already said this, I will tell you something!”

“Actually I have been to the land of origin…”

Gu Huang came up with another jar of wine, and he told the whole story of what he saw, heard, and what he wanted to do when he traveled to the place of origin. Anyway, it is 30% true and 30% false. Jun Huyou’s don’t want it.

Shui Jun ah! Shui Jun, now you are completely bound to my war chariot.

What should be done, what should be done, what should not be known, you have all understood, you really have no choice about this matter.

I only told you about the Space-Time closed-loop plan, but I will never tell you about the 4th natural disaster.

Naturally, we also need to make two-handed preparations. The path of creation will continue to create, and the Space-Time closed-loop project will not stop.

As for offering sacrifices to Celestial Emperor, Human Sovereign, Mingjun, and letting the death ruins rise to dimension, it is simply nonsense.

The personal way of gathering the crowd, how can the great power belong to oneself for a long time.

With the power of one person, I can raise the dead ruins.

Help the emperor brother rescue Taiyi Xiruo, only Space-Time closed loop 10%, can have enough time to win this war.

“Under the crown, what can I do for you? Maybe what I need to do?”

Shui Jun has understood Gu Huang’s plan, and it took a long time to recover, because this plan is really crazy, as long as one link is wrong, it is immediately consigned to eternal damnation.

“Take me first to meet Taiyi Xiruo, she is also the core of this plan.”

“It should not be too late. Let’s set off now to avoid long nights and dreams.”

“Because tomorrow is a deal.”

Gu Huang will naturally not reveal the overall plan. Only by first finding Tai Yi Xiruo can we find the final number of changes. The Space-Time closed-loop plan cannot be without Tai Yi Xiruo.

Otherwise, the emperor would not have died in the past, and Luo Qingchen would not be forced to be unable to come out in a strange wilderness…

So if Tai Yi Xi needs to be saved, only Tai Yi Xi is rescued.

In the next three eras, talents will fundamentally change, even Great Qin…

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