
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Spicy chicken system, lift the seal, Xiaoshigu is about to break out.”

“Guye, there are times when you are afraid, aren’t you not persuaded?”

“Spicy chicken system, this Young Master is certainly not afraid. I can now block the star Warhammer with my bare hands, but I am afraid she will smash Lie to death.”

“Fuck! Old master, this is indeed a problem, do you want to suppress it properly?”

“Spicy chicken system, no need to suppress, Lie is also an old lady, just look at his methods.”

“Guye, this system sees you are really getting shameless.”

The communication between Gu Huang and the spicy chicken system was just an instant, but at the same time the Void Seal was lifted, and Gu Huang directly used the Space Dao to move the battlefield to the depths of the void, otherwise it would be Li Yang. One of the hammers will smash World into several big holes.

“Really strong coercion, this is not an ability that Tier 14 should have.”

“Myth…Heavenly Dao Realm…”

“How is it possible, is she always hiding the cultivation base.”

Feng Qingning watched the scared witless soaring power of the void, and instantly understood what her cultivation base had reached, which belonged to the heavenly Dao myth.

“It turns out that the strongest is not Liluo, but the famous Eternal Liyang Paragon.”

“The patron of all living things, the suppressor of Human World, the gifted daughter of destiny and time, the exiled star girl, the most beautiful flower under the eternal starry sky, and the paragon of the enlightenment.”

“In the beginning, she was the Number One Person in all living things, but it is a pity that fate…”

The sacrifice to the spirit also sighed slightly, and now I truly understand the horror of Liyang. If the original era was not doomed to destruction, then the achievements of Liyang Paragon in the future…

“I’m going…it’s not scientific…”

“In the Heavenly Dao level of the eighteenth-order myth, the little Liyang of this era is so powerful. I have come to the original nine eras. I have always paid attention to the cultivation base of Liyang.”

“Human Sovereign, it’s you…it must be you…it’s you who raised Liyang’s cultivation base…cheating…you are naked cheating ah!”

“You are dignified Paragon Human Sovereign, how can you do such a shameless thing.”

“Little Liyang, stop fighting, I will admit defeat!”

Lie’s imposing manner was a proper eighteenth-order myth, Heavenly Dao. The face similar to Luo Qingchen’s was instantly darkened, which clearly meant naked cheating, except for this one Unknown Human Sovereign accident, who can have such a strong method.

What else is playing here? Play a hammer ah!

When Li Yang was the strongest, he did not reach the Heavenly Dao level of the eighteenth-level myth.

Warhammer of the stars is not an ordinary tool. The Liyang of Ten Rank 7 carries Warhammer and can fight against the eternal. The Liyang of the mythical Heavenly Dao state carries Warhammer, and Tianzun also has to die.

“Don’t use Warhammer, the old lady will blow your dog’s head in the same way.”

“Star Arcane-Star Sword!”

On the top of the dark void, the star Warhammer in Liyang’s hand disappeared, and the body bloomed with billions of Wan Daoguang glory. The infinite starlight descended from the distant sky, the ancient and mysterious rune intertwined in the void, and a volume of incomparably bright throughput time behind him The starry sky is suspended, and a Star Radiance halo emerges under the crystal clear jade foot, intertwining an extremely mysterious array.

The Power of Star is swaying all over the sky, waiting in front of Liyang, like is a Queen from the eternal starry sky. The endless mysterious ancient symbols are intertwined into one after another about three inches in size, with a pair of starlight wings. The number of elves is not known at all.

Countless elves formed by starlight have constructed a mysterious array that fills the sky. The dark and empty sky is reflected very transparently. In the depth of each array, a sword of blue stars appears, densely packed ancient The Xuan’ao rune structure is full of infinite mystery and grandeur.

“Damn it, what kind of technique is this? It’s not in the twelve sides?”

“Could it be…Xiao Liyang, you created a brand new side…”

“Little Liyang, stop, I lost.”

“Human Sovereign, stop playing, let Xiao Liyang stop, this technique must not be in the original era, otherwise great horror will come.”

Lie’s face was full of horror. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Now he somewhat denied the previous speculation that the cultivation base could be a means under Human Sovereign, but this brand new technique has never appeared before. It is not within the twelve sides at all.

There is both a cultivation side and a magic side, but it also contains the aura of source power.

The combination of cultivation, magic and source power.

Who invented it is already a brand new aspect and system.

Furthermore, the strength of Xiao Liyang’s body clearly comes from the fusion of these three. In the future, there will be countless Heaven and Earth and the times. How many people want to combine magic and cultivation, but they can’t do it at all.

“Cultivation, magic, source power, someone really blended, and the innate talent really terrifying!”

Jingling sighed heavily. It was completely unexpected that Liyang had already achieved this point. With this brand-new system, it is another existence that can be called the ancestor in the future.

“unrivalled innate talent, Tianzong Shenwu, no one before, no one afterwards!”

Feng Qingning looked at the emptiness of Liyang. For a while, he couldn’t help being obsessed. Liyang has surpassed everyone and walked at the forefront of the times. It’s hard to say whether this original era is annihilated or continues. Because of the arrival of Human Sovereign.

“Congratulations, Little Master, Congratulations, Little Master, for creating a brand new system.”

“This technique comes from the triad combination of cultivation, magic and source power, but at the same time it is evolved from All Heavens Power of Star.”

“Sister, how about naming it the star side?”

“Don’t refuse, don’t resist, this is what you deserve, my sister, I need you to help me attract the attention of all living things and the sea of ​​power. Martial Nephew is in everything.”

“Liyang Paragon, the four words represent invincible.”

Gu Huang opened his palm folding fan gently and waved it very calmly, directly attributing Tsing Yi Wuhuang Jue to Li Yang, which was named the Star Side, because this is already a complete system. It has also passed the test of one of the six big days in the future, and now as long as Liyang announces it, it can mirror All Heavens and develop Myriad Realms.

Little sister, you will help me several times in the future, and now I return your glory and endless glory in your lifetime.

This is what you deserve.


“My Liyang created the side of stars, and the 13th side of the world was born!”

“All Heavens, the domain of shining stars, is my territory.”

The vastness, the mysterious, the Immortal and the magnificent voice resounded, All Heavens stars violently invested in infinite brilliance, forming the silhouette of Liyang Paragon, reflecting the endless light and shadow of the sky, showing the end of billions of World…

The stars side!

Young Martial Nephew, what are you going to do?

Whatever you want to do?

The destiny of my big brother and I have changed, so what a future will continue.

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