
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


At the top of the endless **, three huge water columns soared into the sky, and one person was filled with endless black light, forming a parasitic armor, making a low voice like an evil ghost.

A huge White Tiger measuring over 100,000 feet, the whole body is covered with ink, thousands of densely packed black clothes tentacles swept across it, as if to tear the sky apart, bursting out incomparably shocking aura.

In the end, is a azure clothed person, holding a fan and waving in the void, brave warrior’s extraordinary face reveals calmness and calmness, just like is a modest gentleman, which makes people feel good.

“Guye! This system is coming, and it needs a small shot, please speak up!”

“The spicy chicken system, you don’t need to take action. You can broadcast this Young Master to every place in the World. This Young Master must be a saint.”

“Ah yuck! Old master, shall we point our faces? Scholar is called a prestigious saint. You are just an illiterate trifling. At best, it is pretending to be coercive. More vulgarly, it is to pretend to be Big Tailed Wolf. Is it okay to be so tall?”

“Spicy chicken system, go to your uncle, what the truth is, this Young Master Tianzong Shenwu, peerless Wushuang, what is this not a man who is a saint? Give this Young Master a whole set of Scholar equipment, I want Elegant funeral for these two evil creatures.”

“Go! Lord, who made you the lord? The Sect outfit has been delivered to you, but please let the system say, even if you wear it; dragon robe is not like Crown Prince, Chenghui 100,000 Origin Crystal.”

“Spicy chicken system, I’m going to your uncle…”

“Guye, you need to be civilized, have quality, and be elegant. You are the uncle of this system. If you scold this system, you will call yourself…”


Gu Huang’s mind peeped into the depths of the system panel. Inside, there was a set of robes that met with each other, an azure square crown, and a book. The quality is only the sacred costume, which is the ninth order. It’s crazy to ask for 100,000 Origin Crystal for his equipment.

Sweet ah! It’s so cool to be in the bones. It’s been a long time since I squeezed the ancient master. Since the promotion to Heavenly Dao, this system has become more and more difficult for the ancient master to rely on, and it seems that the system is incompetent.

Holding grass and playing rabbits, can’t keep up with the times, ah!

Now the system has been upgraded to 3.1, otherwise it is appropriate to upgrade it, and open the 1st Layer, the core treasure house of Immortal World. After all, the things used to be the negative layer, they are all the garbage on the Immortal World Wanxian. thing.

“Zhu Xia…Human Sovereign…Today is your death…period!”

The Lord Divine Power’s parasitic spirit lacquer black hair, Silky Flurry Heaven and Earth, countless densely packed tentacles spread to the face, countless dark and terrifying tentacles like the Nine Heavens thunderbolt coming from the heavens strikes, let Sea The Territory swept through several 100,000-foot terrifying waves, and the Vault of Heaven cracked countless large black cracks, even the Primal Chaos void.

“I want to kill this Young Master, I’m afraid you can’t do it!”

“The Book of the Holy Path shows righteousness, and Da Ripu reflects Nine Heavens!”

“One word means the day!”

Above the Sea Territory, above the sky, Gu Huang rolled his sleeves, dressed in an innocent Sect scholar robe, and added a Confucian crown on top of his head, holding a book in his left hand, writing with his right hand, and saw silhouette moved towards Taking a step in the void, the ancient book manifest in the palm of the palm is void, suspended above the head, and the white awe-inspiring righteousness runs through the sky, reflecting thousands of weather and endless wonders.

There is Saint to teach the people!

Splendid articles turn 100,000 mountains and rivers!

The word “Heaven and Earth” reflects the era of the eight directions!

grandiose, Heaven and Earth, righteousness, infinite characters flying out of the ancient book, directly reflecting the ancient picture scroll of the Eternal flourishing age in the sky. It was originally an ancient book at the equivalent to Saint Armament level. At this moment, the quality is in an explosive state. Ascension, the infinite awe-inspiring righteousness is aroused among them, the ancient characters manifest vanity, just like Heaven and Earth Rule, the pattern of Great Dao, the manifestation of Supreme truth.


Awesomely, I saw a roll of Gu Huang’s big sleeves, like a splash of ink, and the pen in the palm reflects the light of thousands of mysterious yellows. The grandiose seems to be able to inspire the eight directions of the era, the throughout time destiny of Heaven and Earth.

“hōng lóng lóng!”

In a flash, Heaven and Earth made a loud noise, like Divine Thunder intertwined, there seems to be an unknown through time. The will is revived. A Japanese manifest is in the sky, and a bright and magnificent bird’s chirp erupted in an instant. A three-legged Golden Crow measuring over 100,000 feet was filled with infinite brilliance, and it also reflected the majestic and inviolable righteousness.

divine light dazzling, hot as fire!

Golden Crow tweets, Heaven and Earth shakes!

one after another contains the most primordial rules, laws, origins, and principles (authority, mystery) of Heaven and Earth, piercing through the brilliance, and trapping the sacrifice spirit and the silhouette of White Tiger into the void, simply impossible to move even A little bit, the water in the entire ocean decreases at a speed that naked eye can see, and all directions the temperature of the void does not know how much it has risen.



The sacrifice spirit and the White Tiger wailed to the extreme. One person and one tiger became a living target, completely smelted by the power of Hao Ran righteousness, Heaven and Earth authority, and Supreme destiny.

The big sun is like a raging fire, gathering infinite Divine Power. You can see the black clothes tentacles extending from the body of the sacrifice and White Tiger directly melt, turning into strands of black air, but all are burnt clean in the divine light.

“Zhu Xia…Human Sovereign…the end of the era…the day…”

“I want to… devour you…”

The body of the sacrificial spirit and the White Tiger were subdued by the power of the main god parasitic. In the end, only a residual spiritual thought echoed in the void, from which one could clearly feel the power of infinite darkness and the unknown.

“bitch, I wait for you to come!”

“Don’t worry, wait for this Young Master to finish the matter at hand, and go and strip you personally.”

“Tell Fuhuang for me. After six hours, if I don’t show up in front of me, I will go to Lost Heaven and Earth.”

Gu Huang stared into the void and broke through the barriers of the ruins of death. A Divine Sense head turned into a body and appeared in front of the big light ball deep in the dark void, threatening on the spot.

“Human Sovereign…”

The pitch-black big ball of light in the depths of the dark void trembled and issued a terrifying will to tear Heaven and Earth, as if to annihilate all the creatures above heaven under earth Human World.

“Thanks Your Majesty for your help!”

“Thanks Your Majesty for your help!”

The spirit of sacrifice and White Tiger trembled all over, looking at Gu Huang standing in the sky, it is no longer able to describe in words, the power of the main god is expelled, and there is no residue.

That is the source of darkness, representing the great horror. How many gods have been polluted and turned into fallen gods.

Otherwise, Paragon Xiyan, how could he develop Heaven and Earth alone? It is really terrifying that the main god is too terrifying, and what power does Human Sovereign exert?

On the cultivation side, Sect’s means belong to a Sect of Zhuxia Human Race.

But such a Scholar’s Sect, in the hands of Human Sovereign, can purify the Power of Darkness of the Lord God.

He is simply a devil.

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