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Xiacheng, north, 300,000,000 seven thousand 10,000 li, a deep white ice field.




At the top of the sky, the Eighteen silhouette came down, all lined up, and directly this white ice field smashed one huge pit after another.

“Archangel Sir, Human Sovereign does not want to go, what should we do?”

A Seraphim jumped out of the ice pit and knelt in front of Michael respectfully. I really didn’t expect Human Sovereign to be so overbearing. It didn’t give the Heaven and Earth the face of Paragon at all.

“What else? Keep going until Human Sovereign agrees!”

Archangel Long Michael shook his head with helplessness. His handsome face was embarrassed and helpless. It would be a death if he could not complete the Oracle. He could only continue to go. At this time, Vermilion Bird Sacred King pleaded, otherwise they ten All the eight glorious divine residences will die.

“Sir, the archangel, it’s not a solution to being so hard? Human Sovereign Your Majesty simply doesn’t wait to see our glorious mansion. Even if we go rashly, we will be thrown out, or we will be obliterated.

“This is the Arctic Ice Field. The subordinates remember that the ruler of this place is Snow Elf Race, and is also one of our allies of the Glorious Divine Residence. There are also Glorious Divine Hall and Wisdom Divine Hall here.”

“The Archangel Sir, the rumored wisdom of Divine Hall. Every veteran is the most knowledgeable, wise, and possessing infinite mystery in the world.”

“In the opinion of the subordinates, not equal to me. If we visit the wisdom Divine Hall, maybe we can find a way to get the best of both worlds?”

Seraphs made a sound, but they always lowered their heads and did not dare to make a sound. Their Glory Mansion was not greedy for life and fear of death. If they were fighting with the Fallen Mansion, they would never frown, but they didn’t want to be unknown by Human Sovereign If you don’t obliterate it in vain, naturally you don’t want to be killed by Paragon.

In the

Heaven and Earth gods belong to the strongest lineage of the Glory God Mansion. The god Paragon deliberately suppressed the Glory God Mansion under the crown of the gods. This matter is no secret in Heaven and Earth.

Lucifer, one of the five Archangel leaders* Morningstar has betrayed Heaven and Earth and is now one of the fallen gods. Now there are four Archangel leaders in the lineage of the glorious gods.

But Paragon has been weakening the Glory Mansion…

“en! Since you are here, I will visit the Divine Hall of Wisdom.”

Archangel thought for a while, and then he adopted the opinions of his subordinates. Now he can only do that. Who makes the Human Sovereign Your Majesty bad temper?

I’m really going to knock it hard, maybe it’s gone.

It was supposed to give birth to a Paragon in our Glory Divine Residence, but it was because of Xiyan…

Can you mention these taboos? Paragon is worried about not finding an excuse to kill us.

the thoughts got to this point, Michael and his group of eighteen people were in the void, and it took less than a quarter of an hour to reach the top of the majestic Divine Hall built on a huge glacier of 100,000 meters.

The whole body is silver white, as if it was poured naturally, without any artificial traces. It is located on the glacier, full of solemnity and solemnity, just like an ancient god.

“hōng lóng lóng!”

When Michael and his party descended on Divine Hall, the giant gate of silver white with countless strange characters opened automatically, and it made a dull sound like a grinding disc, which seemed to come from the end of Immortal Antiquity.

In the depths of Divine Hall, sitting two old silhouettes, one with silver hair and silver eyes silver robe, his face is filled with traces of time, especially a pair of silver eyes, which seems to be clearly understood. The top.

The other person has a messy hair like withered yellow straw, and an extremely old face, but his eyes are full of incomparable wisdom and vicissitudes, as if he has peeped into the end of truth and mystery.

“Venerable Destiny, Venerable Wisdom, Michael has seen two Venerables!”

Archangel Long Michael saw the two old silhouettes in front of him, and he immediately knelt on one knee, full of incomparable reverence from the depths of his eyes.

Venerable Destiny, Venerable Wisdom.

A person who can look into the past and the future, and know the fate of Heaven and Earth all living things.

A existence who can clearly understand the mystery of Heaven and Earth All Living Things and possesses the wisdom of Supreme.

Since the nine epochs, the two Venerables have often manifest Heaven and Earth, walking between all living things, this is the Supreme being comparable to the existence of the Dharma.

“Michael, driven by Human Sovereign, now come and ask for help.”

Venerable Destiny wears a snow-white long beard, giving people a very mysterious aura, making it difficult for people to look at his innermost thoughts.

He finally came.

Originally, extremely anciently, and anciently, in the future, his footprints will spread over several eras, and eventually he will retrograde to the original.

As soon as Great Sage died, the old man knew he was here.

Apart from him in this world, who else can walk freely in Death Ruins, ignoring the three irreversible laws, and freely tampering with causal destiny.

But did he bring salvation or destruction?

“Please teach me!”

Michael raised his head and glanced at Venerable Destiny. Zhan’s blue eyes were full of horror, and his heart had to be filled with horror. As expected, there is nothing that can be hidden from Venerable Destiny, only he wants to know…

“He can’t teach, nor dare to teach!”

“Michael, in this world, only two people can ask for Human Sovereign.”

“Go to the sanctuary of all living things!”

Venerable Wisdom spoke out and pointed directly to Michael a clear way, because only the two Paragons in this world can really ask for Human Sovereign, otherwise it will be the same no matter who goes.

“All…all living things, a place of refuge…”

“Sir, let the little god go there, the little god might as well go back to Heaven and Earth and wait for death.”

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