
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Void and silent, the earth is silent, an unrivalled name, invincible All Heavens, even if the Eternal years of the past can still retain the ancient history of the Gedai powerhouse, each is the overlord of the era, and each is the shock of the Eternal .

Years, destiny, cause and effect cannot conceal their existence.

When Swallowing Heaven Beast came out, the three heavens had changed from shock to fear. It was a kind of horror that originated in the depth of one’s soul, and it came from the oppression of natural enemies, just like a mouse saw a cat. It is an instinct.

Swallowing Heaven Beast is definitely a sword above the sky. It is not only a fierce name, but an existence that truly swallows the sky.

Because this thing is simply not a 3,000-world species, but a great evil from the only real world.

Really is the mortal enemy of Sky Race.

Others don’t know, but can Qingtian, Lantian, Heaven still know?

all living things do not die, the sky does not die.

But in front of Swallowing Heaven Beast, everything is a display that’s all, because it can really eat the sky, were there few days that were eaten in the only real world?

This…how else to play.

Neither the emperor nor the Swallowing Heaven Beast, but the five Great Crown Princes of the Ancient Celestial Court, the great witch Hou Yi, that one cannot hang them, each and everyone should destroy the Eternal creatures. How come alive, who has such great ability, can defy the heaven and change fate.

dying, but not dead!

Just an emperor can stir the boundless situation.

fiend in human form!

There is only one explanation, fiend in human form is not dead yet, he really came back.

“Swallowing Heaven Beast Senior, the blue sky, the blue sky, Heaven is handed to you, drain their origins and melt them into the original ancestral land.”

“Emperor brother, you take a copy of the source of heaven and smelt the real body, and my brother needs you to recover as soon as possible.”

“When I take the Nine Provinces, I will go to the land of origin, and the war will begin.”

Gu Huang is too lazy to be too verbose. The three nasty origins still have immeasurable benefits. As for the fact that Heaven will not die and return to its place, it is simply nonsense. Is it true that Swallowing Heaven Beast is paperless? ?

“What? You want to refining our origin…”

“Wang Sanlong, you are despicable and shameless, and we wait to put your heart to you, but you want to harm us, this is heaven defying.”

“Wang Sanlong, who are you?”

Blue sky, blue sky, Heaven is horrified, really didn’t expect Gu Huang to really kill them. This move was completely beyond their expectations. I thought that Gu Huang was just a deterrent to that’s all, amazing them The three brothers let out some blood, but really didn’t expect the means to be so vicious. It really didn’t give the sky a chance to survive, and directly drained the source and melted into the original ancestral land.

So completely crazy and ridiculous, with no bottom line, it is a villain, a real villain ah!

“I am Wang Sanlong, the bright dragon lord of Heaven and Earth Empire, and also the first class Royalty fiend in human form of Great Qin Empire.”

“When this Young Master met, he told you his true identity.”

“Why don’t you believe me, blame me!”

Gu Huang shrugged his shoulders, in a casual gesture, directly clarifying his identity. Now it is no longer a question of whether they believe or not, but is doomed to their death.

God, aloof and remote!

But in my own eyes, it is also a Supreme Treasure.

Smelt their origin, but it has great benefits.

The original ancestral land needs the origin of the sky, and the original ancestral land has been integrated with the Nine Provinces of the original death ruins, but the Nine Provinces of the death ruins are just mirror images, and the real Nine Provinces have always been hidden in the dusty Heaven and Earth.

Now is the time to take back Nine Provinces. This is originally my own.

“Your Majesty, don’t worry, the old man promises to do it properly.”

“The old man runs rampantly Mythological Era, what it’s like to have not eaten the six great heavens except for Haotian God.”

“Today after countless epochs, old man is finally able to be gorgeous oneself.”

The voice of Swallowing Heaven Beast is full of unparalleled coldness, and the extremely dark sharp claw is crushed from the Vault of Heaven, giving people a kind of extreme terrifying will. Its real body has not appeared at all, and the pressure of projection alone It can annihilate the three heavens, and it can be said that Swallowing Heaven Beast is now the strongest existence in the original ancestral land.

After all, it was the only one after another old monster that was completely sleeping from Mythological Era, and when Gu Huang created the method, he was able to contend with Haotian’s will with a single will, which proves how tyrannical Swallowing Heaven Beast is. .

“Wang Sanlong, it turns out that you are really fiend in human form……”

“Fiend in human form, do you have to kill us? Indeed we owe you great cause and effect, but we can pay it back.”

“Four brothers, why bother to him, a shameless person who has no vision and big pattern, only knows the internal struggle, anyway, the 3000 universe is going to be annihilated after all, no matter how many means you have, it is just struggling on whilst at death’s door, the only real world has long ceased to exist.”

Blue sky, blue sky, and Heaven have different ideas, but they have one thing in common. No one wants to die. They want to live more than everyone. They don’t hesitate to struggle on whilst at death’s door in the endless era, not just to wait The opportunity of Nine Provinces, absolutely didn’t expect to wait for the people who came to be fiend in human form.

Speaking of 1,000 and 10,000, there is no chance.

fiend in human form will not let him live, and Fuhuang will not let them live.

Even in the final battlefield, definitely kill them first.

“Old brothers, it is good to kill them, but it is not the best policy.”

“Whatever? It is the three ancient days after all. Now that you have arrived in the dusty Nine Provinces of Heaven and Earth, there are some things I can say.”

“Back then, I went to Supreme Peak and set foot on the emperor of Supreme, I have also set foot in the door of Huanyu Prison, and I have seen the artifacts of Human Dao left by the Queen of Qijue.”

“And I have not only seen the Human Dao tool, but also the Queen of Qijue herself. Do you know my purpose of leaving a thought to escape into the intersection of diversity? It’s actually just waiting for you.”

“The Queen of Qijue asked me to pass a word to you, fiend in human form must take the Human Dao weapon and kill all competitors!”

“Because the Huanyu Prison existed very early, its original purpose was to imprison evil things. On the surface, the artifacts of Human Dao were used by the Qijue Queen to kill the female emperor’s big sister. In fact, it was used to cover people’s eyes and eyes. Suppress evil things.”

“Ancient brothers, I can tell you that everything that is happening now is in the arrangement of the Queen of Qijue. The artifact of Human Dao is left for you. Let’s compete for the position of the lord of Nine Provinces!”

“That’s how I killed it back then!”

The emperor looked at Gu Huang and was full of peace. Since Gu Huang has reached the dusty Nine Provinces of Heaven and Earth, then everything should be said naturally, and finally the secret has been explained, not having to hide it. But the timing is really not there.

“Emperor Brother, each of you is talking about the Queen of Qijue, what does this Celestial Maiden have to do with me?”

Gu Huang was full of doubts, because I only knew that Celestial Maiden turned into seven. Now he has combined the real body and returned, but he has never seen the Celestial Maiden. This is really hurt.

“must not be reveled!”

After saying this, the emperor who had never dared to say anything but smiled, the silhouette disappeared in an instant.

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