
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Beyond the tributaries of time, there is an unnamed gloomy void, intertwined with infinite pitch black mist, and a huge black clothes star emerges inside, and on the star at this time, Gu Huang and miracles are staged The last battle of Lingyunxi.

Only a blue scepter entwined with infinite mysterious ancient talisman stood in the Vault of Heaven, and the moment Gu Huang in the planet called the scepter, he saw a little aura descending from the endless black clothes. , Has come here quietly and without interest.

Gu Huang seemed to feel something, staring inexplicably into the void, his surface was as calm as an old dog, but his heart was full of surprises, because he could clearly feel the arrival of another self.

A person who surpasses him by countless times now, and even his soul side has completely Great Accomplishment, then it goes without saying that there is only one possibility, and the other one comes from the future, which means that his efforts and efforts are not in vain, Great Qin Empire has already Successfully returned, but needless to say that something must have happened in the future, so the future self only appeared at this point in time.

We even violated the three irreversible laws…

At this point in time, Gu Huang had a lot of thoughts and thoughts of all kinds of variables and possibilities, but he did not speak out at all, nor did he have any communication with his future self, although he himself has the only one The power of tampering, but this point of time is full of variables. I don’t know how many people observe it, and it may even produce unexpected causes and effects.

“Keep your original intentions, don’t forget the fundamentals, and follow the ideas in your heart.”

“Leave it to you now, and to me in the future.”

“The past me, I should go!”

“Take good care of and cherish everything around you, because no one can rely on them except us.”

“The future is difficult, but only to go on!”

The spiritualized Gu Huang did not show up, but walked past him. Only a few words echoed in his ears. The entire silhouette had disappeared in this planet. At this point in time, Gu Huang’s heart trembled, but the original incomparably complicated and chaotic thoughts were instantly expelled clean, and the whole person’s eyes were only extremely firm.

“The strongest weapon under the eternal sky!”

“The exiled symbol of kingship!”


“Summon you recover in the name of my fiend in human form…”

Gu Huang in this great Great Star Chen is no longer hesitating, no longer has any anxiety, it is summon the real name of the scepter, and also revives the sleeping True Spirit of Paragon. Everything is proceeding step by step, the whole process is not Deviated and did not produce any variables. It seems that everything is very normal. Even outside of this space-time, countless unknown powerhouses are watching. Many of them have the existence of ultimate creatures, but no one has peeped at all. A little light passed by.


Beyond the parallel World formed by countless barriers, Space-Time, World, there is only a huge dark star hanging in the depths of the void, and here is the true body of Netherworld, and everything outside is the infinite ultimate Parallel Space-Time constructed by Space-Time technology.


“There is no change…There is no change…it is impossible.”

“Why is there no change, why is it still all the way before, without a slight deviation.”

“This is unscientific…unscientific…I have deduced this process for a whole tens of thousands of years. The probability of 99.99 times will be a major deviation. The future in your Haotian God’s memory will not If it happens, the seven-volume illusory ancient history chapter will be reduced to a bubble, and his fiend in human form will come to change from this point in the future.”

“Why didn’t it happen?”

“Damn it, Haotian, what did you do?”

In the room on the top floor of Sky City, Minglie fiercely dropped the wine glass in his hand, and the whole person seemed to be in madness. There were countless mysterious pictures in his eyes, moving towards all directions. Go, but no matter how many variables he deduced, and no matter how many times he deduced it, even if he was one of Heavenly Dao once, it is difficult to find the probability of zero point and one hundred, and the most subtle variables have occurred. .

“Netherworld, I have already said that my brother Human Sovereign will come and take your skin off.”

“I am the God of Haotian, I am the god of the people of Divine State, and also their most respected God. My brother Human Sovereign also respects me 30%.”

“If you dare to treat my God like this, you should have a taste of not have the will to live, unable to ask for death.”

“Fear! Netherworld, or you should call you Gaia.”

“Human Sovereign has arrived, let’s see how you die?”

The silver-haired and silver-eyed youth spoke calmly and calmly, with a smile on his face unconsciously. It is worthy of being my Haotian brothers, who have really escaped this level. If you really want to jump, there is more Minglie alone.


Just because you want to deal with my Divine State Human Sovereign, you are really not qualified!

When the third child arrives, my last stump will be able to return, and then I will personally pick up Ming Lie’s skin.

“Haotian, you bastard!”

“Why? You are the sky, and I am the sky, where am I worse than you?”

“Give me your power…give me ah!”

“Haotian, our six heavens were born in the same place. You are a brother, and I am a younger brother. Would you rather work with Divine State man made than help your brothers?”

“How did you be your brother…”

Ming Lie fell into hysterical madness, and grabbed Haotian’s shoulder mission and shook with both hands. He completely lost his mind and wanted to eat Haotian alive.

“Human Race respect me, respect me, canonize me!”

“My nature, no desires, no desires, no self, no personality and emotion, it is the belief, spirit, and will of Human Race that makes me Haotian.”

“With me, Haotian, will you have blue sky, blue sky, heaven, yellow sky, and your nether sky!”

“Divine State Human Race, that is my people, I am their support!”

“Gaia, I have given you too many opportunities and let you go many times, but you have never been my brother, why should I take you as my brother and be born in the same place, but I and you Not the same.”

“Because Wu Haotian is not only a sky, but also what people are better than you know?”

The young man with silver hair and silver eyes is light and elegant. Innate is born with a kind of extraordinary, free and easy gesture that is not in the world.

Minglie ah! Minglie, even though you have been to the Death Market and Human Race, you still don’t understand what a human is.

Heaven Ah is the first talent!

“Haotian, this is what you forced me…”

“Since I refuse to lend me strength, then I can only eat you.”

“Don’t blame me, if you want to blame, blame you for being too aloof and remote, and never treating me as brothers.”

“Go to hell!”

Minglie seems to have regained his sanity, his eyes become dark and silent, without any emotional color, only the monstrous coldness and ruthlessness, he saw that his body suddenly appeared numerous tentacles and tubular objects, surging. The extremely moved towards Haotian’s body surged.


The mighty, mysterious, majestic, heavenly music full of Supreme brilliance runs through, and you see a silhouette filled with infinite World and time setting foot…

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