
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Senior, brat is here on the road, not fighting with you.”

“I also hope that Senior will make it convenient and put brat in the past. There are too many people and things waiting for me.”

“If Senior is willing to let go today, brat will never forget the kindness in the future.”

Gu Huang cups one fist in the other hand again. He is really unwilling to make a move because he is enveloped by the infinite ultimate Space-Time technique. The opposite is a ultimate creature, at least Liuye True Spirit. The existence of the above.

The true truth, the ultimate one at the end of the road, can be said that all the authority, principles, mysteries, and truths in the world cannot be concealed from them. If you fight against an existence like them, there is simply no chance of winning.

fiend in human form represents absolutely unrestrained, regardless of the law and of natural morality, but it does not represent fearlessness, but the immensity of heaven and earth.

“Little Young Master knows that it is easy for you to step out this step, but it is difficult to take it back.”

“The Buddhists have a saying, Boundless Abyss of Suffering, repent and be saved, the young Master is not in front of Sea of ​​Bitterness, but a dead end.”

“Even the woodcutter, the little old man, can block the path of the young Master. How can you block the deadly powerful enemy, the young Master.”

“Little Young Master, might as well go back and cherish the present, is it not beautiful to live in the present!”

“How many people want to be the same as the Young Master, but they don’t have the opportunity, from the depths of endless emptiness, down to the depths of 99, inside and outside the universe, only the place where the Young Master is located is pure land. Why not cherish it?”

The woodsman put his hands behind his back, filled with deep sighs. The simple and straightforward words contained deep meaning, but no one knew what he was thinking?

fiend in human form, why are you so much!

The cycle of epoch after epoch, the struggle of scroll after scroll of ancient history, how brilliant you have been, and how proud you are, your race stands on the top of the universe, you never conquered, but your Prestigious but glorious in the universe.

You have the opportunity to break free, and you also have the opportunity to open up an eternal pure land, but each of you does it at any cost. What is it for?

The little old man doesn’t understand, many people don’t understand, we have fallen from God, crawled out of the tomb, we have created civilizations, established empires, and dominated an era, but we are all illusion…

3000 Dahuanyu, the last road to God, hides the deepest part of the Dead Ruins.

It is also the only hope for all living things!

But there are only a few creatures at the top of the Pyramid who are truly qualified to set foot on the road to the heavens. The little old man has given up on the road to the heavens. You are already qualified to climb the road to the heavens. Why are you still in this world? Rotation.

“Senior, brat also wants to live in the present and cherish everything, but some people never give me this opportunity.”

“Some things have happened, no matter how long it has been, even if Heaven and Earth sinks and the stars go out, they will not be forgotten.”

“You can stop me for one day, one year, one era, one catastrophe, but one day you won’t be able to stop it. I still have a chance to change, but if you really can’t stop me One day.”

“When the people, things, things and even everything I cherish will not exist, when the time comes, I will cut everyone’s way. What is this way?”

“Senior, I don’t need to say more!”

Gu Huang slowly raised his head. He is no longer the Earth Xiaobai who just crossed over. How can he not realize what the other party means? But when that time comes, it’s time to interrupt the road to God.

Because all the cherished existences are gone, everything that I want to protect is gone.

Besides destruction, what else can you do?

“It hasn’t changed at all, it hasn’t changed at all!”

“Little Young Master, you have said this before. I really want to ask you something?”

“What the hell are you for?”

The woodcutter gently took off the hat, and sat down on the side of the road, smoking a few cigarettes, looking at Gu Huang, it was full of deep unknowns, and he didn’t understand what the other party wanted. doing what?

“Senior, all the memories of the past, I have all lost, I cannot answer your question?”

“I am not so lofty, nor so great.”

“I just want to protect what I want to protect in my heart. I will not leave any regrets in this life.”

“Even if the front is really a dead end, at least I have sacrificed for it, at least I died without regret.”

“If you don’t even have the courage to go desperately, even if you live forever Immortal, it’s just an empty shell that’s all.”

“Senior, please make way!”

In the face of such an ultimate existence, Gu Huang couldn’t hide any secrets at all. That is to say, he told the truth about what he thought and thought. After all, people still have to fight once, at least there is a chance of success. Can’t even fight, it’s really just an empty shell that’s all.

Live in the present, cherish the present!

If it is possible, who would not want to be a Royal of the Great Qin Empire is not good?

Is it okay to lead a group of henchmans and take to the streets to molest the beautiful women?

It’s a pity that this simple Second Generation life is an unattainable luxury wish.

“Young Master, Rong Xiaoer is asking a little bit more?”

“Going one step is death, but if Young Master not have the will to live, impossible to ask for death?”

“Being treated as a prisoner forever imprisoned, so do you want to go too?”

The woodcutter confided in Vault of Heaven with a sip of smoke. A large area of ​​smoke obscured the Ancient Road and the void, and even Space-Time was shrouded in it. It seemed to remind Gu Huang, and it seemed to have deep meaning.

Little Young Master, why is this?

But if you insist on doing this, it’s hard to persuade the little old man.

I can only wish the Young Master a good journey.

“go! “

“Senior, I have no choice, although brat doesn’t know what will happen before me?”

“But I still have to go. Brat also knows that this impossible way is always secret and will be discovered eventually.”

“But it doesn’t matter anymore. In brat’s hometown, people are dead and birds are in the sky, and immortals are absolutely years old.”

“As long as you don’t die, you have a chance after all.”

Gu Huang startedled in his heart. He already understood that the woodcutter reminded him, so he could only silently write down this affection. After all, when it came to the woodcutter, it could not be described simply.

Every word is a secret.

It is already a great sentiment to be able to give a reminder instead of making a move.

“Little Young Master, that little old man will help you to have a smooth journey. All the answers you want will be presented in the front.”

“What you will face is the ultimate battle between the civilizations of all native races in the Dahuanyu Void and the creatures in the dead market.”

“When you set foot on that area, all Space-Time will be disillusioned and will eventually become…”

“Little Young Master, time is limited, little old man can’t talk about it. If you can survive without death, you can come to Beiming to find me…”

The silhouette of the woodcutter slowly stood up, and disappeared with the last wisp of smoke, as if it had never appeared before, only a few lingering sounds left in Gu Huang’s ears…

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