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“Light of the Mind!”

Falling infinitely from the sky, seeming to fall into the eternal abyss, Gu Huang, consigned to eternal damnation, opened his eyes, riddled with holes and cracks, almost a collapsed body, just before blinking. After recovering from time to time, the pressure of the Heavenly Dao realm of the eighteenth-order myth runs through the world, and the eyes of the whole person are intertwined with a very strange brilliance.

In an instant!

Heaven and Earth is silent, everything is silent, the surrounding things, all living things, all have fallen into eternal stagnation, as if someone has pressed the pause button, full of extremely strange coldness.

Void, earth, stars, Vientiane, everything is in an absolute eternity.

Whether it is the collapsed Heaven and Earth, the shattered void, and the terrifying giant that runs through the world, even time, destiny, cause and effect are completely stagnated, only infinite forbidden.

Even Gu Huang in the depth of one’s soul’s spicy chicken system, Black Boss, and the ultimate tool Hong Ling are all shielded by the power of the light of the soul, and there is no perception at all.

Of course, this is not a seal, but a shield from a high-level force. For example, the low-level performance of the Twelve Supreme strength of Taboo is a fog of different forms, which is a strange existence that cannot be understood at all.

The core mark in Gu Huang’s soul, the Spirit Seal mark is in the first sequence, Order and Chaos is the 2nd sequence, and the Twelve Supreme Taboo is the 3rd sequence.

The mind side belongs only to the side he has mastered, and it is also the only power he has mastered. It is also the trump card in the trump card. Even if it is a system, it is as strong as a red silk.

Getting the seal of the two original powers of order and chaos allowed him to further clear the comprehension of the soul side, and faintly find a truly new path. Since its creation, it can be said that the soul side is a self-contained system. It has reached the eighteenth step that matches the cultivation base, because it comes from the sublimation of the spirit and soul.

The light of the soul spreads through the void, almost embodies the entire inner Heaven and Earth, and has a glimpse of the origin of all living things. The body of Huang Old Demon walks through the void, rippling step by step, and the agitation void interweaves Wan Daoguang shadow.

The realm of the mind is expanded tenfold, which makes Gu Huang’s physique thousands of times more powerful, and represents 23 pairs of life gene locks. It is almost like a flood that is washed away to the eighteenth order, and countless massive amounts of knowledge. , Experience, and memory flow to the depths of True Spirit. If it hadn’t been promoted to Erye True Spirit level, I’m afraid that Gu Huang True Spirit could explode at this moment, sinking to the bottom and annihilated in the eternal void.

Knowledge, endless knowledge, about all the systems, civilizations, sides, and various mysteries, authority, principles, and truths that have been born since the seven-volume chapter of ancient history…

In an instant, Gu Huang understood this is a gift from the past and all the knowledge left over from the past. This is undoubtedly an inestimable wealth.

The promotion on the spiritual side is the true achievement of the matching cultivation base and realm, but there is only infinite knowledge, but no secrets, or even any trace of information in the past. Naturally, Gu Huang is extremely regretful. Because I don’t know the past…

Always being led by the nose forever, and not sure what the truth is?

“My future, ah! Congratulations, we meet again, then it proves that you have been promoted to the eighteenth rank, of course you understand what I mean?”

“Some things, some people, and some cause and effect are destined. According to historical inertia, you will once again stand at the turning point of time, destiny, and cause and effect.”

“Because of the things that will be faced next, if it is considered this time, it is already 7th times. I have to regret to tell you that I have failed six times. I have been thinking about each failure. What went wrong.”

“Since long years, I have been thinking more than once. If I do it again, what will I do? What can I do? Because whether I participate or not, I have been entangled in this piece of cause and effect.”

“So this time I decided not to cheat you, let this choice be given to you, whether you go or not, it is up to you to choose, after all, I am you, you are me, who I was once I have failed too many times and I am no longer qualified to ask you what to do?”

“Therefore, you now have two choices. The first is to use you as the master to integrate all of us in the seven-volume ancient history. You will have the power to dominate the death market. Of course, you will become the enemy of all living creatures, but Can annihilate the Death Ruins.”

“2nd give up everything now, can choose to go back to Earth, never remember what happened now.”

“There is no way ahead. No matter how hard we try and how we lay out, we will inevitably fail in the end. Too many changes have been tried, but no one can achieve the corresponding results.”

“The future me, tell me your choice!”

In this brief moment, in the depths of Gu Huang’s life imprint, a magnificent and majestic will suddenly resounded, full of stalwart and depth, and an irresistible terrifying will, like the king of the Immortal sky .

“The me in the past, you really haven’t died. I’ve known for a long time that an old man like yours is not cold yet. You have been digging holes for me, never knowing how many years ago you have been digging. I want to be a deserter first.”

“I don’t know what you are facing? I don’t know your true purpose, but I will never be a deserter, never will be a deserter, only the fiend in that scares all living things human form, where is the fiend in human form as deserters.”

“Your two choices, I won’t choose one, because no matter how many strong enemies there are in front of you, I will push it all the way down, and even go all the way to God.”

“I want this Heaven and Earth to no longer cover my eyes, I want this All Heavens aloof and remote to dominate disappeared, I want my race to stand on top of all living things, above Immortal, Myriad Tribulations Inextinguishable, eternal invincible.”

“You have your choice, I have my goal, don’t come to me in the future, find a place where no one is going to commit suicide!”

Gu Huang’s mind is also plunged into the depths of the imprint of life, and issued the strongest cry of deep in one’s heart, giving people a kind of endless terrifying aura, as if is an Immortal king.

“ha ha ha! He is kind, brave enough, and a real man, so as to not shame the title of fiend in human form.”

“You have really passed the test. The day you really see me in the future, that is, when I retreat, then some truths should also be told to you.”

“What if I told you that the death ruins, life world, diversity, and even the void of the universe under your feet are just a phantom?”

“Infinite Space-Time, multiple Heaven and Earth, infinite Primal Chaos, vast universe, are all Heaven and Earth pawns, an endless phantom, except you and me, all are illusory shadows. .”

“But the long years have passed, and the dead ruins where you are based have swallowed Heaven and Earth, all living things, civilization, which has evolved from an illusory shadow to a real existence, but some people always want to annihilate this dead ruin and bear the brunt. They are the eternal realm, because the boss behind them is evil.”

In the depths of the imprint of life, there was an extremely mysterious voice, and it also narrated an extremely terrifying truth…

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