
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“fiend in human form, don’t you show up yet?”

“The fiend in human form I know is not a man who hides his head and shows his tail.”

“If this is the case, then treat it as if I didn’t say it.”

Elena*Evelyn* glorious gold pupil light peers into the void, although the surface is extremely calm and confident, Gu Huang is there, but there is no certainty in her heart, so she is afraid of fiend in Human form, but today’s fiend in human form. If you don’t show up, it proves that there is a mistake in the plan. Maybe the fiend in human form is really dead.

But if fiend in human form died, who was the Guangming Dragon Lord just now?

In the World, anyone who dares to use the name of Wang Sanlong and can be the big brother of Wang Lan, the first black hand in prehistoric times, is there anyone besides regardless of the law and of natural morality, absolutely unrestrained fiend in human form?

Wang Lun is not a simple existence, just like those on Thirty Three Heavens, either because of covenant restrictions or being held back by others, otherwise, who would dare to deal with this race.


“This Young Master has been afraid of you naughty little girl for a while, I have to say that you are bold enough to appear in front of me singlehanded.”

“naughty little girl, are you really afraid that this Young Master will kill you?”

Gu Huang silhouette stepped out of the void, the whole person was full of unparalleled coldness, like the supreme master from boundless void, giving a kind of ultimate terrifying aura, and naturally there is admiration that comes with you. Shubai and Lan Yanran.

Naughty little girl, why is it so indifferent? I don’t know how to have a shameful PY deal with her!

It turned out to be only the eighteenth order. It seems to be correct. It should be the projection of the incarnation commander of the Great Evil Empire.

Let’s see what crafty plots and machinations she has.

“Gu… Wang Sanlong, I have no time to speak with you. The Lord of Silence has already said everything that has been said, and I will not restate it.”

“You may not believe me, but you should always believe in the Ancestral Dragon of the Great Qin Empire. This is a temporary truce between me and her.”

“As for the authenticity, you will understand after reading it.”

Elena*Evelyn* Radiant fingertips radiate radiantly, a book of contract full of powerful pressure floating in the void, instantly reflecting thousands of natural phenomenon, developing an ancient holy grail illusory shadow and one The illusory shadow filled with the vague Nine Dragon Emperor’s Seals, and the two auras with powerful civilization stigma, draw each other.

“Aura is right, the mark is right, and the power of civilization is right!”

“But so what?”

“Ancestral Dragon signed a temporary truce with you. It is true, but have you asked this Young Master?”

“I don’t care about the internal affairs of the empire, but this Young Master is in charge of all matters related to the external warfare. This agreement itself is invalid.”

“naughty little girl, you will not die for one day, and the war will not stop for one day.”

“Unless you and other dead races are extinct.”

Gu Huang is in the void, standing with his hands holding his hands, his expression is full of unmatched fierce aura, just like the return of the lord of the myth Heaven, Earth and Human, full of unparalleled will to kill, let people be in the depth of one’s soul felt a deep anxiety and coldness.

Temporary Truce Agreement!

It’s just shit, I really thought this Young Master would care about these different Space-Time campaigns and plot against.

In the past, there was no way to be forced, because it involved the most closely related people and events, and he couldn’t do it unless he went out.

But this is not what it used to be. This Young Master doesn’t care about these shit things. Does the layout plot against have anything to do with him?

As long as the 30% of this acre of land is kept well…

Empire is the basic disk, Great Qin will not fall, everything can be done again.

I want to reverse the moment Space-Time went to the sacrifice. If you are not afraid of death, you can try it. Is it true that Eldest Young Lady, the Sir, is a vegetarian?

If nothing else, the Eldest Young Lady at this time has already returned to the old site of the Xingyao Empire, ready to rebuild the Xingyao Empire, and the old site of the Xingyao Empire is really a coincidence, and it happens to be there. The depths of the Primal Chaos.

In terms of plot against layout, as the founder of the technology side and the master of the double divine spear, Primal Chaos Goddess is no less than anyone. Since the long era, Primal Chaos Goddess has left a lot of backhands. What we do is to develop Peak technology, and naturally it will not be left behind for individual development. The previous collapse of the Star Empire was the result of too much technology but too weak itself.

In the future, when the path of Sir reappears in the world, then the entire Duoyuan will know what the four natural disasters are.

“You really haven’t changed at all. It doesn’t involve the safety of yourself and the people involved. You will never go to eliminate disasters in advance.”

“This time I will also go with you. What you worry about is nothing more than plot against you, but why don’t I worry about you cheating me.”

“Gu Huang, it is because you and I are on guard against each other, so that each other can take advantage of each other. Of course, you can also treat me as nonsense. Anyway, whether you go or not, I will definitely go. .”

“I may not even be able to walk through the dusty corridors of Heaven and Earth, but what about that? At least I have fought for the civilization that I want to protect, and you are just waiting for evil things and deserts Completely empty this vast universe of void!”

“Gu Huang, believing or not, it’s up to you. It’s up to you to go or not.”

Elena*Evelyn* Guanghui didn’t feel annoyed at all. On the contrary, she seemed extremely calm. It seemed that she had expected Gu Huang to refuse, and naturally she didn’t want to waste her tongue.

If fiend in human form can be easily persuaded, then it is not fiend in human form.

“naughty little girl, you still want to fool this Young Master. I really didn’t know that one of your incarnations is the Shuijun who lost Heaven and Earth. It has already accompanied the disappeared area to before the sacrifice.”

“I have to say, you really don’t miss any opportunity. You have already colluded with Fuhuang this time. Are you just waiting to fool me over so that you can catch a turtle in a jar completely, Let me destroy diversity forever.”

“Really a good plot against…”

Gu Huang turned back and sneered. He didn’t give her a good face at all, and he just pierced her lies. Such a simple and obvious thing, he is not stupid, how could he not understand?

“Shuijun incarnation has long since turned evil and rebelled, and I have to punish me when I go now.”

“Gu Huang, let go of your preconceptions and work together for a game.”

“You need me in this battle, and I also need you. Of course, you can ignore Haotian’s life and death.”

“If you are willing to go with me and be able to come back alive, my Great Emperor will withdraw from the dead market and go to the eternal realm, and will never be an enemy of Great Qin. It will also open the entrance to the world for you, completely tearing it apart The blocking of Hongmeng restricted area.”

“Of course, the premise is that we can jointly fight back the lost Heaven and Earth, kill Huang Tian and Fuhuang, and repel evil things…”

Elena*Evelyn* Guanghui once again gave a promise, a promise she believes Gu Huang will never refuse, because the Great Evil Empire alone can prevent Great Qin from entering the footsteps of diversification.

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