
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The shadow of memory manifest. At this point, Gu Huang’s heart, Divine Ability, has passed the memory of the 21st, and has perfectly seen all this happening. When the Lord God, Chen Chen, and the wolf sister have finished their discussions, they will see the big Nine. The Provinces shrank violently, and finally melted into the palm of the wolf girl, and the main god Zi Qianlu evolved a projection Nine Provinces, and the dust was responsible for destroying the time, destiny, and cause and effect outside the Nine Provinces Heaven and Earth. The will of Grand Law itself, let It has become a chaotic and disorderly Space-Time Secret Realm……

The three people each left a thought, the long years of evolution, time after time…and the three took the Nine Provinces Great Heaven and Earth into the depths of the deadly dusty Heaven and Earth… …

When the memory reaches this point, everything has disappeared. The twenty-first was used as a pawn and thrown into the parallel Nine Provinces cycle, becoming a substitute for fiend in human form…

Gu Huang’s mind returned to his place. Although only the outside world was just a blink of an eye, he seemed to have experienced millions and millions of years. Fortunately, he is now in the Heavenly Dao realm, and he can’t help being frightened.

“Huang big brother, what happened? The younger sister perceives that you are in fear.”

“Guye, what’s up, there is this system and Black Boss, and Hong Ling girl, what can make you so uneasy?”

Gu Huang’s change of mind is naturally not hidden from Hong Ling and system, that is, he immediately asked the question.

“Red girl, spicy chicken system, Black Boss, do you remember the Thunder Dragon in the parallel Nine Provinces?”

“It is the aggregation of the will of the Nine Provinces, the Great Heaven and Earth 3000 World. Regarding the vast Nine Provinces, is there any secret hidden?”

“For example, about the Qijue Celestial Maiden, about the Dayu Dynasty, about the world’s first artifact in the hands of the Qijue Celestial Maiden, known as the Ancestral Item of the Human Dao Civilization Peak.”

Gu Huang sighed slightly in his heart, and he didn’t mean to blame them. After all, how weak he was at the beginning. These secret understoods have no benefit at all.

“Fuck! Ancient Lord, why did you mention this suddenly? The Nine Provinces matter has come to an end. Indeed, there is still a Human Dao tool in Human Race, but it belongs to the Seven Celestial Maiden and belongs to the Great Empress Yu.”

“She does not show up, no one can find it, but that is also the last heritage of the ethnic group. If she is born easily, it will represent the most critical moment.”

“The background cannot be revealed, because it means seeing the light die.”

The spicy chicken system is a bit speechless. Who told the ancient master this secret, it shouldn’t be…

that’s all, that’s all, this system should leave it alone, otherwise the Queen Your Majesty, this system really cannot afford to offend.

Let the ancient master settle it by himself!

“Huang big brother, why did you mention this suddenly, did the elder sister Qijue tell you?”

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t find it, the little girl can replace it as a tool of civilization for your race at any time.”

“So what happened?”

Hong Ling’s pupil light is full of incredible, because Huang’s big brother felt fear, which is not the emotion that fiend in human form should have.

“I just received the memory transmission on the 21st, please see for yourself!”


Gu Huang let go of his mind and presented the memory picture one after another, without any reservation…


At the same time, hidden in the depths of the infinite void, beyond the Primal Chaos, existing in matter and energy, in the gaps between high and low latitudes, there is an ancient Heaven and Earth of various colors……

Here is called Heaven and Earth, which means to seal, hide, and never be born.

Dust seal Heaven and Earth, Nine Provinces.

The night faded, dawn appeared, and the Vault of Heaven was still gray.

In an ancient city, there are skyscrapers, and the sleeping wolf girl in the top room trembles with a curled-up silhouette, turning on the hazy and haunting blue pupil light, slowly climbing up from the bed, sweeping away the emptiness one person.

In an instant, the wolf girl hugged her head with her hands, her whole body showed endless pain, her face turned pale, her body trembled violently, and her pair of wolf ears drooped.

Pain, restlessness, confusion, loss, longing, panic, all kinds of emotions are intertwined, seem to have forgotten the most precious thing in my heart.


The wolf girl, who was squatting on the ground, had an extremely painful expression and made a hysterical sound, but her throat only made a utter desperate sound, like the sound of an oriole.

But at the next moment, countless auras filled the body, one after another blue particles appeared, and the silhouette gradually became transparent and blurred, like a candle swaying in the wind, always extinguished and dim.

The skyscraper shook violently. One after another cracks spontaneously spread, but 10 breaths began to collapse. Since the skyscraper collapsed, one after another blue particles swept out, and the earth began to show unhindered crisscross cracks, starting from the square. Ten several li, radiating to hundreds of miles, thousands of miles…

Buildings are collapsing, countless dust and rubble are dancing in the void, Vault of Heaven is thundering, the sky is rolling, the ground is unhindered, and countless silhouettes are rushing back and forth.

Darkness, silence, depression, full of aura of destruction.

The gray Vault of Heaven has also tore open one after another unhindered intertwined pitch-black cracks, just like the rhythm of Heaven and Earth about to be destroyed and the end of the day.

Wolf sister’s silhouette, the blurred blue particles swept like a storm, and the terrifying destruction aura permeated. From the depths of the cracks in the Vault of Heaven, one after another line penetrated down and was reflected in the blue particles.

“Damn it, the wolf girl ran away, what happened?”

“Amitabha! The little monk doesn’t know either.”

The blue particles of the wolf girl incarnation are full of desolation, silence, and depressive destruction aura. The dust and the silhouette of the main god Zi Qianlu quickly emerge, but they are incomparably at a loss because the wolf girl has gone violently again for a long time. , The episodes have occurred more and more frequently.

According to the wolf girl, only understood has forgotten very important things, but what has really been forgotten? However, Chen and the main god Zi Qianlu didn’t know it.

I don’t know how long it has been until half of Dongzhou City has been turned into rubble due to the outbreak of Wolf Girl. At this time, Wolf Girl’s mood has calmed down, and her most important name has been forgotten in her subconscious mind. Just like long, long years ago.

“Wolf sister, who are you? Where are you from? Why do everyone arrest you?”

“That’s all, you don’t know these, then you should always know that you grabbed me from Space-Time vortex into this piece of Heaven and Earth. What do you want me to do?”

“That’s right, if you can know, you won’t be bullied by a crab, after all, you are the Lord of Time,”

“Even if you are the Lord of Time, you are the Lord of Time after all.”

“What have you experienced? Only instinct is what makes you change, the seal of the lord in the mouth of Chami, you can shuttle through any Space-Time.”

“Forget it, if you meet by fate, just treat me as a younger sister!”

“From now on you will be my younger sister, and I have a name called fiend in human form.”

“If one day I pass away, remember my name firmly because it can save your life.”

fiend in human form big brother, I finally remembered you, and remembered your name…

Sorry, I’m really sorry, we left a fake Space-Time Secret Realm, plot against you…


But you still treat me that way, using me as your younger sister.

fiend in human form, Gu Huang big brother, you are not Emperor Chen, I made a mistake, I am really sorry.

Please don’t come to dust Heaven and Earth, don’t come to dust Heaven and Earth……

the thoughts got to this point, the wolf girl’s pupil light was hung with two lines of clear tears, and in the bewildered eyes of the dust and the purple Qianlu, the particles disappeared and disappeared.

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