
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Lonely, dead, and cold, Eternal’s eternal and unchanging depth of nothingness, faintly revealed a dark and silent ** that does not know how big or how far it radiates.

However, on this ancient cold gloom, there is a broken Black Brick floating. Facing the existence of endless gloom, it simply seems insignificant, not even dust.

Drifting in silence, moving with the waves, without direction and direction, wandering at will, seems to be lost, and seems to be exiled, giving people an unparalleled loneliness and loneliness.

I don’t know how long it has passed, a moment or an absolutely time, it seems eternal, after all, in this vast void, time has no meaning at all.

The Big Black Brick that was drifting in the ** trembled slightly, then rose from the Sea Territory and moved towards a place in the void.

“Quick, quick, quick ah! Black Boss, quicker, speed up ah!”

“Black Boss, must accelerate, this system has sensed, that bastard aura.”

“No…It’s the aura of the ancient master…It’s the aura of the ancient master…”

“The ancient master is still alive… he is not cold yet… whether he is a man or a ghost… he must rush over immediately.”

“Accelerate…accelerate ah! Quickly accelerate crazy…”

There is a little golden light suspended on the surface of Big Black Brick, making a rapid sound from time to time. The speed of the Black Brick is also increasing. Almost the surface burns with a layer of silver material, just like violent friction. The Silver Flame that I carried is full of unparalleled mysterious aura, which is particularly conspicuous in this vast emptiness.


I don’t know how far the Big Black Brick drove at the terrifying speed, and how long it has passed. I heard a loud noise in the silent void, like a high-speed sports car suddenly braking The terrifying sound from the tires under violently rubbing on the ground made people almost sour to the teeth.

“Black Boss…how…”

“Fuck! No way! Are we awakening the sleep of which big shot!”

“Black Boss, you have to hold on to it. This system, this system, depends on you for your life.”

A little golden light on the surface of the Big Black Brick stays in hiding, completely expecting the Big Black Brick to hold on. After all, this matter is of great importance, and I have just sensed the ancient master’s aura just for a moment. It was the ancient master who was in this vast void, and he knew that ancient master was impossible cold.

After all, the dignified fiend in human form, how can it be said that the cold can be cold…

But…but now it has attracted the attention of unknown existence, this matter is not very fun ah!

No one really knows how many old monsters are asleep in this vast emptiness Heavenly Realm and where they come from.

No one can understand the origin of the existence of the Dead Ruins. If any one of this vast emptiness Heavenly Realm awakens, it will be able to wipe out the multiple Supreme in minutes.

The ancient master is known as the founder of the Twelfth National Congress, but no one knows that the ancient master is the only one after another who has set foot on the Heavenly Realm and did not die. On the contrary, he still got many benefits. The power of the side is inherited from here. Of course, these taboo secrets are all said by Big Black Brick, and the existence of the Primal Chaos sacrificial dance in the void is the only one who always pays attention to the situation, and is also with the ancient An unknown existence with an inexplicable relationship.

The system and Big Black Brick were thrown here by the ancient master. Isn’t it because of the care of existence that can come and go free in the sea of ​​nothingness?

But it’s fine now, and finally attracted the attention of unknown existence.

“What are you two brat running? Are you really afraid of death?”

“Where is this place, how can you two be allowed to run wild.”

“I knew that it was nothing good to meet you, and I was woken up by you after tens of thousands of epochs after trifling. Can’t you let Laozi sleep peacefully?”

“The cultivation base is not good. Even if things can be done every day, there are seven chapters in ancient history. Laozi thought that there would be different changes, and eventually he moved towards his destiny.”

“This bastard, if you were willing to listen to us back then, why did it fall into this field of land today, how many existences have fallen asleep in this vast void, that is not a hundred times stronger than him…”

“that’s all, that’s all, it’s meaningless to mention these, it’s the final chapter!”

“You two brat, let’s go! Bring me a word to that bastard. If you really can’t hold it anymore, just get back to sleep!”

Suddenly a voice full of deep helplessness and suffering resounded in the silent and dark void. I thought that the final chapter of this last volume could not see a different result.

But it has come to the destiny again, fiend in human form, you bastard ah!

Laozi doesn’t understand, what is it for?

If it is for your race, you have proven everything to everyone, as long as you set foot in the void and sleep, then your race will still exist.

If you refuse to bow to fate and want to prove yourself, you have already done it, and the seven chapters of ancient history have passed.

We have all given up on the way to God, and we have given up on the sky, but why you bastard is not willing to give up, from the outer world to the inner world, falling, resurrecting, fighting again, what exactly is it For that.

Your race is really a bunch of lunatics!



More sigh!

But the seven-volume ancient history chapter has passed, and the final chapter is the same as before. In the end, this life and death competition is still to be held. Even if you have escaped the prying eyes of the eternal realm, you can’t escape our attention. .

“Senior, long time no see, you can’t agree with brat.”

“You also said that it’s the final chapter. It’s too early to say the outcome before this volume ends!”

“Will you wait and see, and look at this last volume of ancient history, who can have the last laugh.”

The tone barely fell of the unknown existence of the great emptiness, a group of wild Old Demon shining with misty light, the light of the soul is also floating, and sure enough, the light of the soul is endless, even in the great emptiness, it can also be transmitted , Of course, take this Senior as the coordinate anchor point.

“Dirty Brat, do whatever you want! Don’t bother old man in the future.”

“You also remembered to the old man, I am not your nanny.”

“If you dare to come and find me, believing or not…”

“This…this is…life spirit…Dirty Brat…what are you waiting for? Hurry up and present it to the old man!”

The voice of the existence of the Great Void and Unknown was originally annoyed, but when he saw a handful of life essence emerging from the palm of Gu Huang’s palm, his attitude immediately changed greatly.

Life Essence!

The special product of the spiritual realm, in the world, inside and outside the universe, only this bastard can find the spiritual realm.

The wine that was extracted with life essence back then, the taste is really missed ah!

“Senior, what did you say just now?”

“believing or not what ah! You always want to break brat’s leg!”

“Okay, since you always said that, then brat won’t bother you, and you will definitely not take a step further.”

“Black Boss, spicy chicken system, let’s go!”

Gu Huang instantly converged the life essence, which was completely aggrieved…

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