
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Wang Lu, you shameless!”

Looking at Gu Huang’s posture, Yunxi became more and more disgusted. It was from the contempt of in the bones. He had never seen such a shameless guy.

The first black hand in prehistoric times, the world’s first shameless.

Don’t be angry, let alone furious, or you will fall into his trap.

“naughty little girl, this seat has teeth, and it’s still white.”

“Your good days have come to an end. When this seat is full, I will send you to the Eternal Abyss.”

“I have contacted you with the best buyer, so you can wait for nothing to become someone’s little maid!”

Gu Huang bit the dog’s leg and drank the wine in the altar. There is no need to imitate the old shameless, because he is this kind of person. Rogue tricks.

It’s the kind that can’t escape, can’t die, and can kill her alive.

Death, impossible made her die. It took such a high price to get it down. The effect of this miracle is too great.

A miracle is not invincible, it can be a universal ah!

It’s okay to draw blood, deprive a trace of miracle authority, before the war, a wave of sacrifices is infinitely useful.

Yunxi sacrifices to the sky, boundless mana!

this Young Master dignified fiend in human form, I can’t even clean up this naughty little girl if I don’t believe it.


“Wang Lu, fiend in human form was not killed by me, that is what my body did.”

“It’s a laugh for someone like you to be a substitute for fiend in human form.”

“Say it! What do you want from me?”

“The city of miracles, the Supreme Abyss, or the mystery on the side of miracles, I believe that everything has a price, you can make a condition.”

Yun Xi gradually calmed down. Although she hated this big black hand, she also understood her own situation. Never expect Wang Ran to have a bottom line. He has no bottom line than fiend in human form.

Everything has a price code!

Wang Lu, a bottomless guy, may be able to escape just as long as he has enough benefits.

“Hey! You naughty little girl is really nonsense. This seat and fiend in human form are brothers of life and death. They are brothers and sisters. Although he was not killed by you, it is also the work of your body. You can never escape the relationship. “

“Do you think trifling wants to buy this seat? Then you underestimate this seat. Since this Majesty’s brothers are dead, then this seat can only send you to accompany him.”

“Quickly, we will be at the deepest part of the Death Ruins soon. Enjoy this last moment!”

Gu Huang’s big sleeves wiped the greasy dirt on the corners of his mouth, and the whole person seemed to be extremely rude, only a pair of extremely cold eyes looked towards Yunxi, which seemed to be full of deep mockery.

naughty little girl, this Young Master see when you can carry it.

I have to say, this little girl is really good, or else I will keep it as a black silk maid.

The eighteenth-level cultivation base, the lord of the last miracle, is not considered a loss if taken out.

“Wang Lu, don’t pretend, just rely on you to dare to step into the deepest part of the death market, I am afraid that the death will not know the death.”

“Where is the dead market, you should know better than me.”

“Don’t intimidate me here, I am the lord of miracles. I still offer your conditions, which is more effective than anything else.”

“What is your origin, I know too, and what is my origin, you also know.”

“After all, we are the same kind of people, would you, Wang Yan, be willing to be swallowed by the body under 99? Of course you will not, because how long have you escaped? How many ancient history chapters have you been since Mythological Era? Up.”

“You Wang Lun has been hiding, and Yunxi has been running away. Today I fell into my hands and have nothing to say. You and I are not enemies of life and death, and why cannot cooperate.”

“The same people who have fallen into the world, why acquaintance is harming each other.”

Yunxi’s emotions have completely calmed down, and he has once again returned to his former calmness and calmness, and there will be no waves in the face of everything.

Wang Lu is shameless enough and has no lower limit, but as long as he has enough benefits, there is nothing he dare not do.

There is indeed something in common, after all, there is a body that wants to swallow them at any time.

Whoever made them the Avatar of the ontology, but gave birth to the self.

“naughty little girl, did you do good homework? Since you know the origin of this Majesty’s, and dare to propose to cooperate with this seat, you are not afraid that this seat will send you to your body.”

“I have to say, naughty little girl, your proposal touched this seat.”

“Tell me, what can I get if you cooperate with you? And what do you have to give?”

“And what game did your ontology set up on the great plane of Eras?”

Gu Huang’s heart moved, knowing that it was almost there, the naughty little girl took the initiative to take the bait, and it turned out that the identity of the old shameless is right, there is no more suitable than the old shameless.

Because old shameless is enough to make shameless, but no one knows that it’s all the appearance of old shameless, old shameless is more affectionate and true than anyone else.

Of course there are enough benefits, and the sentiment still has to stand aside.

“Wang Lu, this is what I want to say, let me ask you a question first, what do you think of Fuhuang?”

Yunxi’s voice is very calm, and the whole person is full of wisdom and self-confidence, because she deeply believes that the old shameless has been brought into her own rhythm by her, letting him have no bottom line, no matter how deceitful he is, only I was led away by the nose.


“Human Sovereign Nine Heads? Isn’t it the original Human Race of this vast universe, it’s trivial in my opinion, but the overall situation is not good, no matter what he wants to arrange?”

“The final result is only one death, because the fate, the general situation, and the aura are all in the wilderness.”

“If you dare to go out and do something, behead it.”

Gu Huang’s surface is dismissive of Fuhuang, but he has never glimpsed Fuhuang, and even said that he has always been an opponent, but Fuhuang hides too deeply, and there has been no suitable time to make his move. Fuck him.

“Wang Lu, if you look at Fuhuang this way, then it proves that you are not far from death.”

“Fuhuang is not as harmless to human and animals on the surface. It took him a long, long time to arrange this game of chess. He waited for the team battle between Da E and Great Qin Two Great Empires.”

“This is the 7th time, how many people remember what happened in the previous six times?”

“The Great Ecuador Empire has become a part of the real history, what about the Great Qin Empire? But there are countless opportunities to become part of the real history and reach the upper reaches of time…”

“You really think that there is no means for Fuhuang. His means are so many that you can’t count them. He will give you a piece of information for free. One of the four masters of the creation of the world, Shuijun, she is not dead yet.”

“That is also one of the incarnations of my ontology. It is a pity that Shui-jun escaped from the ontology’s control, and now it is one of the great lords of the lost Heaven, Earth and Human Emperor Jiutou.”

“In this team battle, the incarnation commanded by my main body in the Great Ecuadorian Empire will personally visit the great plane of Eras, and even 99% of them may end up personally. You said if the main body’s incarnation is controlled by Lord Shui.”

“So what will happen?”

Yun Xi has an extremely confident and calm smile on his face, because when the matter is here, then it has been successful, and the rest is waiting for Wang Lu to verify the authenticity of the news.

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