
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!




“Chi Ming, the leader of Jiuli Legion and the master of Yellow Springs, pay respects to the monarch Sir, 300,000 souls of Jiuli, follow the monarch’s dispatch!”

“Tiger Ben Legion Vice Commander flows empty, pay respects to the monarch Sir, one hundred and five 100,000 Tiger Ben heroic souls, follow the monarch’s dispatch!”

“Legion, the leader of Bahamut, pay respects to the monarch Sir, the seven hundred thousand souls of the demon, follow the monarch’s dispatch!”

“Guangming Legion commander Carl, pay respects to the monarch Sir, one hundred and two 100,000 bright souls, follow the monarch’s dispatch!”


Heaven and Earth is silent, Sun and Moon lost radiance, faint and yellow. In the broken Ancient Road shrouded in mist, a team of Armored Soldiers have emerged from the mist in silhouette, and the monstrous aura of death is permeated, exuding unmatched Cold and silent, like walking out of the eternal hell of Immortal, like the Yin Soldier unique to the legendary Mythological Era, the Yin Soldier who once made Heaven and Earth Myriad Races, countless civilizations became terror-stricken at the news.

seems a spirit but is not a spirit, he was a member of Legion who dared to die and fight, and was full of righteousness during his lifetime. Gu Huang crossed Space-Time summon and later became Six Roads of A member of Samsara.

Now it is the Yin Soldier that is infinitely close to the ancient underworld. After the Three Eternal Era, these sleeping army souls were born again, and they have become the Six Legions in the hands of Qiran.

1000 3,000,000 Ming Sect Legion, led by the current Yellow Springs Taoist Chi Ming, the unfolding of hiding the sky and covering the earth emerged behind Qiran, the terrifying Yin Qi and the soul of the army The killing of aura made countless dead from the soul river tremble.

“The Order Veteran Rank 6 Paladin Ladis is on the order of the monarch to meet Princess Your Majesty 14. The guards are late, and I hope Your Majesty will forgive me!”

“The veteran of the Order Rank 6 Rank 6 Soul Wizard Nicholas, on the order of the monarch, pays a visit to Princess Your Majesty 14. The guard is late, and I hope Your Majesty will forgive me!”

“Rank 6 Demon Sword, Rank 6 Demon Sword, is ordered by the monarch to meet Princess Your Majesty 14. The guard is late, and I hope Your Majesty will forgive me!”

“Order veteran quasi-ten Rank 6 fighter Hardy is ordered by the monarch to meet Princess Your Majesty 14. The guards are late, I hope Your Majesty will forgive me!”


36 everywhere on the continent, one after another terrifying aura diffused out, and an unhindered void burst out like a thunder-like sound, bursting out an extremely terrifying will.

a The silhouette of an old order veteran with an old face, a thin body, and wearing a rotten armor piercing cuff emerged. The 3000 last order veteran was like an irresistible torrent, tearing away countless dead like a tide Siege, each and everyone Although the qi and blood were dry and life seemed to have come to an end, each and everyone’s sleeping three Eternal era, the imposing manner that had once recovered, was always filled with shocking coercion.

3000 veterans of order, all at the Daoist level, the brilliance of coercion can be imagined, although they come from different sides, at least 70% of them are professionals from the magic side.

“Well, everyone, today is the battle between our six realms and the soul river.”

“Our enemies are far more than several millions of ours. In this war, our chances of winning are very small, but I am the Lord of the Six Paths, the heir of the last ruler of the order, the Young Master if Great Qin, I am guarded by Your Majesty’s orders 36 continents.”

“I dare not promise you anything? I can’t promise you anything? All I can do is to live and die with you. Today, the six ways of survival and death, 36 continents, are all in our hands.”

“There are family feuds here, and there is even more national hatred. This battle is not only divided, but also life and death.”

“Samsara Seal, if you are alive, come back!”

“Those who commit Great Qin, kill without mercy!”

Qiran was in the void, praying for Samsara Seal secretly, but Naihe didn’t respond, and she couldn’t help filling her heart with a shadow, but even so, now there is no way back.

Only battle!

Master big brother, if you are alive in the sky, please bless me to step on the Soul River and raise my Great Qin military might.

“Order the brothers of Legion!”

“The monarch has orders, kill without mercy!”

“According to the 9th battle formation, cut the battlefield, this battle regardless of loss, regardless of cost, flat the soul river!”

“Lattice, you and your 3000 brothers guard the lord!”

“The rest, kill me!”

“Yellow Springs Daojie, subdue!”

Yellow Springs Taoist Chi Ming silhouette stepped into the void, and the endless yellow mist swept away, as if flooding out, the imprint of the 100 million Eternal Dao Ze faintly appeared, instantly sealing Daganzhou When they got up, they formed a boundary shrouded in yellow mist. The broken Ancient Road became clearer and clearer, and it was faintly visible that the other end seemed to overlap Dagan State.

“Want to close the world!”

“Death State!”


The monarch of 2nd Death State, the dark bones all over his body are filled with infinite cold death and decay power, deep in the burning skull’s eye sockets, two dark souls burst out, seemingly able to penetrate the Eternal World domain, endless horrible pressure Sweeping out, I saw the shadow of a dark and silent kingdom of death, full of ancient aura.

Yellow Springs Dao Boundary was broken, the shadow of the huge Death State filled, endless death and dark mist shrouded, and all directions the dead in the Soul River let out a loud roar.

Without the suppression of the Yellow Springs Dao Realm, the erosion from the Six Dao Samsara Power can be avoided, and with the blessing of the Death State, battle strength can be improved geometrically.


“Break Ming Sect and capture the Six Paths!”


“From now on, the only place where World will reincarnate is Soul River!”

3rd, four, five, six, seven Death State monarchs have spoken out, the shadow of the huge Death State and the Yellow Springs Dagan State divided into two, the vast terrifying will permeates out, like a tide Endless dead are swept out, almost the general terrifying power of natural disasters.

“Having a horse, you are waiting for the souls of the soul river, really bully intolerably.”

“Her Highness the Queen, please let Order Legion suspend the action, wait for the cat to perform a trick.”

“You should have seen the formidable power of the cat art, please Her Highness the Queen to order, let Merlin Old Master lead him into the enemy battlefield.”

“The beheading plan can be implemented, and as long as it cooperates properly, at least three death masters can be eliminated.”

Orange Cat Fat Tiger screamed secretly. At this time, he couldn’t run away. Now he can only fight to the death of the dead. The spirit technique of the cat has always been a rebellious effect. It is usually one Scum, but if used on the battlefield, it is definitely a nightmare for the enemy. However, the magic from the mysterious side, including the law of cause and effect, can only be used once, and it must be transformed into a super big orange cat to consume enough energy Row.

“Fat tiger! You can really do it!”

Evreya’s dark gold pupil light is full of doubts, because this orange cat is too unethical, who knows that he will not betray.

“My Her Highness the Queen, when is it all, please trust me once!”

“Although this cat has no morals, it is absolutely unambiguous in terms of truth. This cat has actually longed for Great Qin.”

“If you are lucky enough to make a contribution today, I hope that Queen will have a few more words in front of Your Majesty in the future, and I will also let Lord Cat become an official.”

The orange cat and the fat tiger stood upright, and had never had the desire to die like this for a moment. This is the ultimate innate talent killing technique of the cat Race.

“Little cat, the old man will believe you once, go!”

Master Merlin lifted the fat tiger, and the whole body was covered by a halo of Arcane 24, rushing into the battlefield like a torrent…

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