
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“It seems…something makes sense…eating him…not enough…”

“Can’t be fooled…pure-blooded creatures…all liars…”

“Yes… the meat that you eat in your mouth is meat… This is taking us as two fools…”

“All shut up…I am the Boss…I have the most say…Can you really each bring a hundred…like creatures like you?”

A group of rotten creatures whispered to each other, seeming to be discussing whether this wave of loss is not a loss, but in the end, a powerful temptation made this group of ten creatures overcome their appetite.

A hundred such pure-blooded creatures, and they still eat in various ways, think about it, they all feel different!

“What good can I do if I lie to you, besides, I also accidentally live here, dare to ask you where this is? Who are you?”

“Don’t worry, as long as I can go out, I promise to bring you a large wave of creatures like me, and I can cook for you myself.”

“You can question me, but you must never question the level of a professional cook.”

The folding fan in Huang Old Demon’s hand is directly closed, secretly sighed in relief, at least the first wave has been flickered, and the rest is really all dependent on acting. These ten rotting creatures are definitely not simple.

“Okay…I will believe you once…”

“This is the land of burial sky… the land you see is transformed by the body of heaven… the sky of Mythological Era…”

“As for our brothers…have forgotten the past… vaguely remember some pictures…”

“We used to have ten brothers…it seems to be in charge of the underworld…you living people call us…Ten Temples Yama…I used to be their boss…My name is King Yanluo…”

“He is the second child, King Qinguang…the third child…”

“Who are you? How can you be banned by the power of the Ten Taboo Supreme and descend into the realm of Burial Heaven…”

One of the ten rotting creatures came out, full of weirdness and ignorance, and his voice was full of calmness. He also introduced the origins of Huang Old Demon one after another and the others.


“Ten Temples Yama, you are Ten Temples Yama, once in charge of the ancient lands, the Lord of the Yin Division, judge Good and Evil, dominate the order, and jointly manage the Lord of the Yin Division of the Eighteen Levels of Hell.”

“The ancient house was already broken in Mythological Era, and your Ten Temples Yama had died a long time ago. You didn’t even die… and the myth is the strongest heaven…”

“Doesn’t it mean that you have been alive since Mythological Era? Although it has been rotten and weird, dare to ask how many Mythological Era creatures are buried here.”

Gu Huang’s pupil light shrank violently, and the whole person was full of unparalleled horror. He thought about 100,000 possibilities, but the ten creatures in front of him didn’t expect the Ten Temples Yama of the legendary ancient land.

That is Ten Temples Yama, Control Life and Death, reward Good punish Evil, Dingding Yinsi, mastering the existence of Eighteen Levels of Hell.

In the first place, that rebel was the existence of the ancient underground palace.

The Burial Domain!

Mythological Era is probably buried…

I dug up the treasure. This time is the right thing. If there are some remaining creatures from the Mythological Era of the past, as long as they are brought out, it is enough to subvert Heaven and Earth, and there is no need to venture to the Three Eternal Eternal Era.

“I don’t know ah! I haven’t counted it. Anyway, there are probably millions in this area, which belongs to our ten strongest.”

“And that farther place, we are afraid to set foot, there are creatures far beyond us.”

“In short, the sky has been asleep for a long, long time, and it seems to have woken up the last time… I even ran out with a ray of will…”

“And that strand of will later became very strong… I fell asleep again before the Three Eternal Era.”

“You haven’t answered my question yet, who are you? Why did you come here? I doubt you are related to the Eternal Realm?”

“Brothers! Now that he knows where we came from, let’s check his details.”

“Please Life and Death Book!”

The rotten creature claiming to be King Yanluo’s thinking and speech became clearer, and he was keenly grasping Gu Huang’s problem, giving people a terrifying will.

Mad, I’ve been sleeping for too long, my brain is getting more and more awkward, and I almost got a routine by this brat.

Since we know where we came from, we have to look up his details.

Even if Mythological Era has fallen, the Life and Death Book is the Earth Book, enough to see all the creatures of Human World.

“Boss…no ah! Life and Death Book awakens… it will blow up all our brothers.”

“It’s ah! Boss, we are all incarnation unknown and weird in order to survive. Life and Death Book hates us the most.”

“Boss, please don’t, please don’t ah! As soon as the Life and Death Book comes out, our several brothers will be gone, the soul flew away and scattered, the one that will never be overborn.”

The king of Ten Temples Yama, each and everyone is terrifying, just by their current bird appearance, if they move the Life and Death Book rashly, they will undoubtedly die. You must know that the Life and Death Book contains the origin of heaven. , That is the celestial pole is fully preserved.

The underworld can be broken, the Eighteen Levels of Hell can be gone, and the Six Roads of Samsara can be broken, but as long as the Earth Book is still there, it takes minutes to rebuild the underworld.

Life and Death Book is the origin of the underworld.

“Fear of a ball, even if scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, I still have to ask for the Life and Death Book.”

“You are afraid of death, let me come!”

“Living people, listen carefully, don’t think about resisting or running away. This is to identify your identity. As long as you are not a spy and have nothing to do with Eternal Realm, we are still good friends.”

“In the name of King Yanluo, the head of my ten temples, please invite the Life and Death Book!”

The body of the rotting creature who claimed to be King Yanluo shook. From the rotting body, a black clothes square mark appeared, and it was imprinted on the earth in a flash, and the earth shook violently, and a touch of shock came out from the underground The power of the sky, I saw that the entire dark sky was like a ray of light shining like day.

Above the void, brilliance, a volume full of ancient desolate aura books emerges, on which is wrapped the strong source of heaven, full of Supreme Dao Rhyme……

“Scum, ghosts, damned bastard, look at your ghosts, you really lost the face of the underworld, lost the reputation of mythology, if it were not for a cause, I would have killed you.”

“Let’s talk! What are you looking for…it’s wrong…living…aura of living…”

“Heavenly Dao Realm… Mythical Heavenly Dao Realm…”

“Saint…has a slack…the living myth Heavenly Dao Saint.”

“Brat, who are you? Where are you from? Come and announce your name quickly, and let this Earth Book look up your details.”

Life and Death Book instantly felt Gu Huang’s aura, and immediately came to his side, and danced violently, seeming to want to peek into Gu Huang’s details.

“The mythical Earth Book, in charge of Life and Death Reincarnation, Ding Ding Yin-Yang is one of the existence of good and evil, the balance of order.”

“But in my name, I’m afraid you won’t dare to look it up.” Gu Huang smiled, and the folding fan in his palm waved lightly, and he knew it in his heart. In this land of burial, it is not the sky. It is the entire Mythological Era.

This Young Master in Mythological Era, seems to be the co-master of Heaven, Earth and Human.

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