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With one word, all directions are silent!

Martial Venerable, Xuan, withered wood, Xiyue, Qianlong, orange cat and fat tiger, even Qiran who didn’t say a word raised his head, everyone’s eyes were on the roof white clothed youth.


So handsome!

No matter who it is, the first sight of white clothed youth feels handsome, just like a bright moon under the night sky, no matter how it is concealed, it is difficult to conceal the glory.

There is such a handsome person in the world!

Simply a handsome man.

Martial Venerable, whether it is Martial Venerable, or Xuan, they are all handsome men who were once famous and rare in the world.

But compared to the young man in front of him, he is no less than Yinghuo and Haoyue.

The gap, obvious at a glance!

“Who are you?”

“Dare to take care of our Celestial Court.”

“Aren’t you afraid of death?”

When Yuxuan Tianzhuxuan saw the white clothed youth, he was completely uncomfortable. Someone in Thirty Three Heavens dared to be more handsome than him. Although he didn’t want to admit it, he had to admit that he was indeed not handsome.

Who is he?

When did it appear?

Why is there no perception at all?

Such a big living person, close at hand, didn’t even notice it at all. I was half-step in the Heavenly Dao realm.

“Sire, who is it?”

Martial Venerable instinctively felt the threat, because he couldn’t perceive what kind of cultivation base the youth is, just like an ordinary person, he couldn’t even look at it at all. It was a feeling he had never felt before, even the Supreme 6th Layer Those of heaven did not feel this way to themselves…

Are Qin people?

It seems not!

But even if they weren’t from Qin, they would definitely be a remarkable existence.

“How can you be qualified to know the name of this seat!”

“While this seat is not angry now, get out of the sky for this seat.”

“Go back and tell you Master, if you dare to set foot in the Great Qin Empire, I will go to Thirty Three Heavens.”

“Go away!”

The white clothed youth sat on the roof, plunged into the void, and directly emerged a bottle of wine exuding coldness. He raised his head and poured it gently, and his handsome face had a bit of Cold.

Three Senior Brothers, Four Senior Brothers, you are really good enough. The Celestial Emperor’s decree came to the sky on the 2nd time.

Fortunately, I didn’t leave early, so I really don’t worry about this rebel.

Otherwise, war might start today.

Supreme Celestial Court seems to be a little erratic, it seems that I am going to Xingtian Brother to talk.

“Sire has a big tone, does this God not even listen to your name?”

“My God is not talented, I would like to ask Sire for advice.”

“Sire, please enlighten me!”

Yu Xuan Tian Zhu Xuan’s silver hair rose without wind, and his silhouette burst out with monstrous coercion. Half a step into the Heavenly Dao realm’s aura permeated, it directly caused Heaven and Earth to change color, the void roared, and faintly reflected Myriad Dao Laws The brilliance has formed countless extremely terrifying characters, flying between Heaven and Earth, and a robe of Taoism has evolved directly on the bathing body.

Divine Thunder billows, seems to come from the vast sky, overwhelming the ten-square era, full of terrifying Great Dao coercion, as if the vast rainbow light runs through the end of Immortal, moved towards the body of the white clothed youth unhindered.

“That’s it! Dare to show off!”


The white clothed youth still sits on the roof, simply linked and didn’t move, and opened his mouth. The Dao on all sides collapsed, the thousands of mighty forces disappeared, and the Dao formed on the mysterious body was instantly shattered. Seeing that his body was oppressed by inexplicable force, he immediately fell from the Vault of Heaven, and directly fell to the ground.

“Speak out the law, order Heaven and Earth!”

“You…who are you?”

The silhouette of the Jade Profound God fell to the ground, half a step into the Heavenly Dao realm’s cultivation base, was imprisoned by invisible power, the whole person was impossible to move even a little bit, and the face was full of incomparable horror, it was completely full disturbed.

Whatever you say!

Order Heaven and Earth!

He himself is the master of Heaven and Earth, and he is naturally able to do it, but he is limited to his own Jade Profound Heaven, but here is the ancient Heaven Ah!

This person can ignore the Dao rules, order Heaven and Earth, and speak freely, even in the real Heavenly Dao environment, because of the variables from Heaven and Earth.

Except…unless he is from the last era…or he has been promoted to Heavenly Dao realm since ancient times.

Is there still such a thing on the cultivation side?

Even if they did, how could they not know…

“Weak, too weak, this is the half-step Heavenly Dao state, Thirty Three Heavens is so weak.”

“One generation is worse than one generation!”

“Today’s Thirty Three Heavens and today’s Supreme Celestial Court have not inherited even 10% of Mythological Era. They really lost the reputation of Supreme Celestial Court.”

“Martial Venerable, you seem to be very unconvinced with this seat, then this seat gives you a chance to shoot.”

The white clothes got up easily and put his hands on his back. The pair of deep pupil lights seemed to be able to reflect the world, sweeping through six eternities, full of serene gestures.

Three Senior Brothers, Four Senior Brothers, I’m sorry today, I can’t let you break things.

Slight punishment!

Don’t run wild in Great Qin from now on.

“No, no need, since Senior is here, how dare we make it again!”

“Dare to ask Senior’s name and let my Junior pay her respects?”

“Please also ask Junior to return to Celestial Court for an explanation!”

Martial Venerable is panicked. It’s really terrifying. Motionless As Mountains, serene posture, open mouth mythology, closed Celestial Court, he might not be the super old monster that has survived from Mythological Era to this day!

You need to know those above Thirty Three Heavens, but they all survived from Mythological Era…

Mythological Era!

But Heavenly Dao is not as good as a dog, the age of eternal walking on the ground ah!

The distant ancestor of the Peacock clan has recovered, and now the Great Qin Empire……

“Never mind!”

“This seat was born in Hongmeng, and learned from Xuanhuang. This seat is named Sword Ancestor in the early days.”

The white clothed youth was in the void, stepped into the front of Martial Venerable, and directly made up a name, after all, Mythological Era has been so long, and Swallowing Heaven Beast is still alive, so there is no one who lives an old fart. What kind of?

Too early!

According to the memory left by Chen Old Demon, it seems that Mythological Era is indeed the name. At least this servant has come to Mythological Era. This name is not weak, and it seems to have worshipped Martial Ancestor, and The position is commensurate with Fellow Daoist.

Chen Old Demon, this Young Master has not tarnished your identity, you demon don’t ruin the reputation of this Young Master.

“pu tong!”

“You…you are… Sword Ancestor…”

“Unfilial discipline Xiaowu has seen Martial Uncle, I don’t know if Martial Uncle is here, please Martial Uncle forgive me!”

When Martial Venerable heard the name, he shuddered all over, looked pale and knelt down. The cold sweat on his forehead slowly dripped down the tip of his nose, and he almost fainted on the spot.

Master’s brothers…have disappeared since Mythological Era, the Sword Ancestor of endless years…

Master has not mentioned the prestige of Sword Ancestor Martial Uncle once…

Today… Actually in front of Martial Uncle…

I am so bad luck ah! This time I have to be cramped by Martial Uncle.

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