
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“What happened?”

In Qiran City, Emperor Qianlong suddenly opened the pupil light. Although the 36 continents had only a momentary shock, Qianlong’s current cultivation base naturally felt the change very clearly.

“I don’t know! But there must be something wrong!”

The Lord of Time, Chami slowly uttered a voice. As the last Lord of Time, she naturally had a feeling, but she didn’t know what happened?

“It’s okay! Don’t panic, the overall situation is more important, nothing else!”

“Although Young Martial Nephew is already…but teamfights cannot be lost, absolutely not.”

“We can’t afford to lose, even if there is no Young Martial Nephew, even if there are six people left, we have to go.”

Sword Emperor Xiyue also made a sound. In the last seven days, I have really tasted the group of dragons without a head, and really understand what it means to be no one to rely on. The previous Young Martial Nephew, who looked like a scourge, was for them. The backbone of everyone, no matter what happened, has Young Martial Nephew to share it.

The empress sits in Xianyang, so she can’t show up easily, she is always staring at her every move.

And Young Martial Nephew is the king of Great Qin Empire, and one person is enough to support half of Great Qin’s territory.

But now…

The team battle is just around the corner. The Great Qin side has already lost its main core, so what else will it take to fight the Great Evil Empire?

In this team battle, Your Majesty communicated with the Hall of Valor with 10% of the national fortune.

They can’t afford to lose!


“Benefactor Huang, don’t worry, this poor monk doesn’t believe that ancient donors really…”

“Countless timelines, vast Space-Time, this poor monk has not seen him once, with the power of ancient donors…”

“Maybe he is playing the game again, like the 36 continents in front of him.”

The Withered Wood Master folded his palms together, made a low voice, his eyes full of wisdom, and gently glanced at the listless, lazy orange cat and fat tiger.

“Master, what does this mean?”

The expression of Emperor Qianlong startedled, and his heart was filled with incomparable horror. You must know that the old monk in front of you is extraordinary, but it was sent by Young Martial Nephew from another Space-Time, and it was melted with the Great Wall. For the sake of one, the three Guardians of the Empire, known as the Barrier Master, are quite powerful and extremely mysterious.


“Thousand dragon benefactors, this poor monk is just speculation, I dare not have complete assurance.”

“If there is no shaking on the 36 continents, this poor monk may believe that the ancient benefactor is really…but the 36 continents are shaking…”

“Even if the ancient donor is really…but according to this poor monk’s understanding, he must have left enough players, such as the game in front of him…”

“Fat Tiger, this is the end of the matter, don’t you tell the secrets of 36 continents?”

The Withered Wood Master’s voice fell, and he suddenly looked towards the orange cat and fat tiger next to him. The fat tiger was born on the mysterious side. His race has a very origin and holds the secret of taboos on 36 continents. Now 36 continents are shaking, although only In an instant, how can you hide from them? You have to know that 36 continents have a lot to do with yourself.

“Dead bald donkey, don’t ask…”

“Here she is!”

“Lord, I will leave the words to you today, and be kind to him in the future, or you will die.”

“Lord’s patron, you cannot afford to offend, you can hang all of you.”

The orange cat and the fat tiger lay on the ground, flicking its tail lazily, opened his wistful gaze and swept the crowd in a circle, seemingly terrified.

You wait for the Human Race scum, my cousin is here, you guys are ready to die!

How to clean up, let you return it a hundred times.

Especially you damn bald donkey.


“Fat tiger, you are floating, speak quickly, otherwise this poor monk will have a trick!”

The Withered Wood Master folded his palms together and walked slowly towards the fat tiger, with a gentle smile between his eyebrows. He was a great monk.


“Bald donkey, don’t come over, if you are like this, I will call someone.”

“Your Majesty, there is something to say, everyone is a civilized person, and there is a lack of demeanor when using a knife.”

“Emperor Master, wait a minute, wait a minute, my master recruited, and immediately said, can you take the piano?”

“Chami little girl…no…big sister…I was wrong…”

“36 Continents represents Heaven and Earth, which is the original order and chaos, and also represents the only Sovereign of chaos and order.”

“36 square Heaven and Earth origin, there are two altars, one is the virtual altar, the second is the real altar, the virtual and real two altars plus the 36 square Heaven and Earth origin, and the Blade of Order, Divine Sword , You can recast one…”

“The instrument of the monarch of order and chaos. Once this instrument is born, it means that the only monarch of order and chaos will also appear. The person who is currently going to cast the instrument is the only monarch of order and chaos. But I don’t know what generation of monarchs are.”

“You big shots, I know so much, and now I have all shots.”

“Master kneeled for you, please let go ah!”

The orange cat and the fat tiger looked at all around. Everyone was fierce and wicked. One group was about to devour himself alive. He immediately knelt down on his hind legs, and his two front paws became cup one fist in the other hand, filled with incomparable shock. .

You are really deceiving the Lord too much.

Lord, let’s bear with you for now, but don’t be too unsatisfied.

When my cousin comes, I promise to kill you.

Cousin ah! Cousin can’t hold it anymore, come on!


“Fat tiger, such a big thing, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“The only monarch of order and chaos is fiend in human form, how can there be 2nd monarchs.”

“Now the life and death of the crown is unknown, please explain to this poor monk, who is this person?”

“Dare to conceal half a word, this poor monk will only save you.”

Withered Wood Master’s skinny face was full of horror. He knew from Nine Provinces that fiend in human form is the only monarch of order and chaos, and one of the first kings, but today’s fiend in human form is whereabouts unknown, even if Immortal must have been hit hard, and now there is another monarch who dares to steal the secrets of order and chaos.

Be aware that the following is not only order and chaos, but also represents order and strength of Chaos. Mastering one of them can set foot in civilization all Sovereigns. Once the two merge, there is even a chance to master the two Supreme taboos.



Not good, the major event is not good, something will happen ah!

“Bald donkey, don’t get excited, please calm down!”

“That is not the enemy, that is the relative of the Lord, also from the Nine Lives Tmall Race.”

“The only two remaining today are also a big orange cat, but they are much better than their master.”

“Bald…no…Master, you are thinking about it, once you were a part of the chaos, haven’t you witnessed this Legendary monarch?”

“Her name is Fat Miao, and that is the second cousin of the master.”

The orange cat and fat tiger are shiver coldly, and they can only beg for mercy. You must know that everyone in front of you has the power to pinch him to death.

“Fat meow!”

“this poor monk ignorant and inexperienced, never heard of this name!”

“Fat Tiger, I dare not recruit from the truth!”

“It seems that there is only a trick!”

The Withered Wood Master spreads out his palms, and a touch of gold shines. It can be seen that a gray mushroom has emerged from it, which is about to be moved towards the fat tiger’s body.

“Master, wait!”

“It can be proved below that what Feihu said is true.”

“Pangmiao is indeed the only monarch of order and chaos, but she is the 2nd generation monarch.”

36 Above the void of the continent, a passage suddenly emerged, from which a silhouette shrouded countless mysterious Taoisms came out, impressively the three Senior Brother Martial Venerable of the old demon, and also the few behind the order camp. One of the bosses.

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