
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

At the other end of the Transmission Gate, countless lines are intertwined. It seems that there are hundreds of millions of World projections and a vast Star River manifest. It seems that it does not exist on the top of this world, but it seems to be a condensed from the old times. You can even see one after another. An ancient civilization is full of vastness and mysterious.

“Respect, please wait, the old man will wake up the three manager Sir immediately.”

“As you don’t know, No. 9 is the last place of refuge. It depends entirely on the strength of the three Sirs, even the old man is sleeping.”

“About evil things…”

The skinny old man hesitated to speak, only a long and blank sigh. It was really unspeakable, unable to fight, and there was no trace at all. Even the true appearance of evil things has been No one knows.

And evil things, even Supreme fears 30% of their existence, because they are unknown, they have no answer.

Compared with the threat posed by evil things, the seven chapters of ancient history have been fought between the living world and the dead market, which is really negligible.

A trace of intelligence about evil things is of inestimable value.

“Wait, Old Mister, the intelligence about evil things, can you three managers bear the responsibility, consequences, and everything that this intelligence brings?”

“Do you know what price I paid for obtaining this information from Mythological Era in order to bring this information out?”

“Of course I am not asking you for the price, but I want to say that evil things have appeared, and I have been looking for evil things, but the power of my body is almost exhausted.”

“Old Mister, please consider again and again, do you have the ability to undertake this?”

Gu Huang’s expression has changed to be extremely serious, and the whole person is full of deep awe, but his heart is full of calmness. Sure enough, the four words of evil nature represent great horror. It seems that they are hooked. .

If you are not afraid of getting the bait, you are afraid of not getting the bait!

Then heading to the Great Evil Empire, you can pull the No. 9 town into the water.

“This…” The skinny old man was silent, his muddy eyes were full of embarrassment. It was true that he was right. The terrifying existence of the entire diversified Heaven and Earth. Any trace of intelligence is of infinite value, but we can bear it. Are the consequences and responsibilities of intelligence?

Because some secrets can kill people!

And we really can’t afford it, because we can’t afford it.

“Old Mister, my body has been annihilated. It is lost in the hands of evil things. You can’t afford it, and Supreme can’t afford it, but I can take it.”

“Because I am the only one after another who knows the true face of evil things, and the only one after another who knows how to fight against evil things, you know that since Mythological Era is annihilated, I have been traced by this body The evil things have been around for a long time. If you count by time, there are at least seven chapters of ancient history.”

“I can only tell you where the evil things last appeared, right in this chapter of ancient history…a country called Dae…”

“But because I ran out of strength, I missed the last chance. When I wake up again and I am here, do you know why I helped Ms. Anne?”

“I felt a trace of evil aura from Annie. Of course, Ms. Anne is not an evil thing, it should be an evil thing that came into the abyss a long time ago.”

“Old Mister, your No. 9 town is located at the meeting point. You should have seen people from different sides, Heaven and Earth, and the era. Have you ever heard of this country called Da E.”

Gu Huang’s expression is full of calm, but his words are full of deep incomprehension and confusion. Coupled with the anxiety and melancholy displayed in the depths of the pupil light, people can’t see any weak spots and traces. Putting it on Earth is enough to take the Golden Man.

The bait has been dropped and the hook has been bitten, so let’s get ready to go into the water!

Underwater is a quagmire. It can only sink deeper and deeper. You found it yourself.

You can blame this Young Master’s heart.

“Respect, the Great Evil Empire, the old man naturally knows, not only knows, but also knows their origin.”

“But the old man is puzzled. What does this have to do with evil things?”

The skinny old man has been completely brought to the rhythm by Gu Huang, and he did not realize that the Yellow Ox suit has been under the wild Old Demon. The more the suit, the deeper…

“Oh! Old Mister, please tell me everything about Da Eh, you can’t let go of any details.”

“Time, place, and history, the same cannot be missed. Don’t hide Old Mister, I also have a trump card that can lock the place where evil things finally appeared. I can go retrograde, although it will cost a lot. .”

“But as long as I can enter it, I can find evil things. Please also Old Mister for help…”

Gu Huang hearing this pretended to be shocked, and the whole person’s face was full of astonishment. He immediately cup one fist in the other hand to the old man.

“Zunjia, I’m serious, this information is nothing? The old man will transmit it to him in Spiritual Imprint.”

“Dare to ask the driver, you really have a way to fight against evil things, but I don’t know how far you can fight?”

“And why are you fighting so much with evil things?”

The skinny old man condense a Spiritual Imprint, and it melted directly in front of Gu Huang, and then he really asked seriously.

Has he been fighting against evil things?

Even to get out of Mythological Era, but what is all this for?

“Old Mister, I am for love and justice.”

Gu Huang didn’t hesitate to fit Spiritual Imprint into his forehead, but looked at the skinny old man solemnly. The surface was calm and calm to the extreme, but there were millions of MMP sentences in his heart. .

Take a horse, the three damn Grand Law, the first name of this Young Master ah! What is this ** ah!

What a shame!

This Young Master really wants to be killed.

“pu 呲!”

“Respect to drive…this…”

The skinny old man couldn’t hold back for a while, his wrinkled face was flushed, and he almost didn’t laugh. He thought of a thousand reasons and all kinds of excuses, but absolutely didn’t expect it to be love and justice.

There is such a pure person in the world, although this respected driver is indeed very noble.


“Old Mister, I didn’t crack a joke with you, because I have a Great Demon King named Love and Justice.” Huang Old Demon opened the folding fan and waved it, the whole person was full of calmness and calmness. .


“Respect drive…you…are the Great Demon King of love and justice…it is the one who saved time, fate, cause and effect, put down the taboo Space-Time, stabilized the three Grand Laws, and was even killed by the three Grands. Law personally awarded the title.”

“Where the old man is disrespectful, please forgive me, please be worshipped by the old man…”

Guide No. 9 I was extremely horrified, and the whole person was respectful and respectful. I gave Huang Old Demon a deep respect from my heart, and pupil light was full of awe and admiration.

Love and justice!

Although he is named Demon King, he is a true existence full of love and justice.

Didn’t expect saved the existence of Taboo Space-Time, and it turned out to be the one in front of me.

Now the old man really believes that he is a purely selfless anti-evil thing.

Because he is a Demon King full of love.

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