
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Hey! Will it work ah! You said something ah! I have already taken out all the things I brought.”

“If it is not enough, add two more flowers of willingness.”

“Please tell me where is my wife?”

The Dijun girl bit her lip lightly, her delicate little face was covered with two tears, full of pitiful gestures, she has really taken out all the treasures, but is the price not enough?

For my daughter-in-law…I can give up everything…

But this Great Demon is too greedy, really greedy to the extreme.


“Things are accepted by the teacher. As for the Eldest Young Lady of the Star Empire, starting from the timeline when you go back, you will be able to see her in about 1,000 epochs. Now she is in Fight in an unnamed domain.”

“Don’t think about looking for her, just rely on your current cultivation base. If you go, you will die. Trying to become stronger is what you should do.”

“Also don’t just think about that Eldest Young Lady and forget the people around you.”

Gu Huang, without the slightest hesitation, took over the things in the hands of the Dijun girl. Anyway, the discipline is his own, and his own will always be his own.

As a Master, squeeze the discipline, it is justified!

Rebel ah! Rebellious disciple, your destiny is unchangeable, even as a teacher, you can’t change it.

Returning from here as a teacher will definitely be better (or worse) for your next life.

“You…you…you lie to me…Great Demon…”

The landlord girl hearing this startled, she turned to look at Gu Huang angrily, because what he said is almost the same as if he didn’t say it, it is clearly a Great Liar through and through.

Damn it, badass, what the wife said is right, men are a bunch of big pig hooves.

This Sovereign’s treasure ah!

This…If you go back…how to explain to the big brother, you will be beaten to death by the big brother.


“Rebel, I want you to meet someone?”

“Brother, come out! Stop pretending, I think you have a lot to say to her.”

Gu Huang looked at the appearance of his rebels, he was really unbearable, silently using the power of his mind to involve the two into the System Space……

Disciple is too smart to be fooled, so I can only take out the trick.

Who makes the emperor brother favor this younger sister the most?

Knowing that they are all betrayed, I still save the girl from the landlord with the last thought…

“oh! Brother, why are you doing this!”

In the depths of the System Space, a long and lonely sigh fills the air, and then the emperor’s thoughts emerge from the darkness. The stalwart and deep pupil light looked towards the earth-jun girl, full of extremely complex emotions.

“Di…di big brother…you…how did you become like this?”

“What happened? Who made you like this again, big brother…you tell me quickly.”

“Is our empire already…”

The girl from the earth shuddered, and she was full of shocking pupil light looked towards the emperor’s thought body, this is his big brother, always impossible to be wrong, but above the sky, the Supreme Emperor, how Will become like this.

Did it mean that Supreme came in person and killed the big brother?

What happened?

“Silly girl, it’s hard to say a word, the past is over, don’t mention it, I really didn’t expect to meet you here.”

“He is indeed your Master, you will know in the future.”

“Come on, I want to talk to you alone.”

The emperor sighed again, and a ray of light swept away the earth-jun girl, even if it was extremely stalwart and deep, but in front of the earth-jun girl, it was really a bit cold does not raise, it will always be his favorite The silly younger sister.

“Madam, don’t worry, the emperor will not do anything to her.”

“You have also seen, my emperor brother, above the sky, Supreme ruler, the number one overlord of Heaven and Earth, established the Big Supreme Empire, but it will inevitably fall.”

“Of course he was self-defeating. If he doesn’t want to die, anyone in the world can kill him, but there is only one thought left.”

“My discipline, your lover, in the near future, she will be used to betray the emperor, and she will eventually be beheaded, and the river of life and death will be cut off by others. Since then, there will be a distinction between life and death. .”

“In the end, the thought of the emperor saved my rebel, allowing her to re-enable Samsara Reincarnation, even if the Heaven and Earth empire has disappeared, and everything has been erased.”

“The future of your…but…”

Gu Huang looked at Guan Qingsi and sighed softly. The whole person was full of weak and compassionate pupil light……

Come out and mix, half true half false, half flicker, who makes you a sick lady so strong in the future, this Young Master can’t beat you too much, and has to propose team fights just to make you happy and to support Great Qin Empire.

God has eyes!

Let me meet you here today, but it is still your weakest moment, this Young Master must have revenge, grievance.

In short, in short, let’s fool you into the Heaven and Earth alliance first.

tsk tsk! In the future, when this Young Master returns and initiates the order of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, what expression will you look like?

“Who…killed my lover…”

Guan Qingsi’s expression is cold, pupil light is full of hatred, unknown and weird particles are intertwined all over her body, giving a kind of extremely cold aura, which seems to come from…

“Madam, this is a destiny that cannot be changed. Even if it is stronger than the emperor or me, there is no way to change it.”

“And now you are too weak, even if you have half-footed into the unknown and weird, but it is impossible to save or change, because I am a rebel itself is part of history.”

“There is no absolute in everything. The established destiny cannot be changed, but there are still opportunities in the future.”

“I come from Mythological Era, the co-owner of Heaven, Earth and Human. A long, long time ago, I founded the Heaven and Earth Alliance. I am even the overall Alliance Leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance. Right now I have a chance. Let you and me, the landlord, the emperor, everyone break free.”

“Madam, you are willing to join my Heaven and Earth alliance, and the time is ripe one day to conspire with a major event.”

“Of course this is not a coercion, but a request. You also have the right to refuse, but I will erase your memory here and send you back to the Heaven and Earth Empire.”

“So, what’s your opinion, madam?”

Huang Old Demon stands with his hands behind his hands, his expression is extremely calm, he is completely like a peerless expert.

“Alliance Leader, I am willing to join the Heaven and Earth Alliance.”

Guan Qingsi calmed down, without any hesitation, she just said to join it, because she has no choice but to never give up any opportunity to become stronger.

“Madam, Heaven and Earth Alliance welcomes you to join. It is a very wise choice. Although I cannot change your destiny, I can give you powerful capital.”

“From now on, you are one of the eight guardians of my Heaven and Earth alliance. There are still twelve Alliance Leaders above you. You will know in the future.”

“This thought contains some pictures about the future, the only code of my Heaven and Earth alliance, and the Supreme strength of Taboo Seed of Eternal Destruction. As long as you smelt, you will get Seed of Eternal Destruction, equivalent to Have a path to promotion to Supreme.”

“When you leave this intersection, you will forget everything here, including all the things you have experienced. Only in the future when I issue an order with the Heaven and Earth Alliance Leader, you will automatically restore all the memories of today. And the Supreme strength of Taboo will never die.”

“Madam, your future will be endless darkness, loneliness, and loneliness, because this is a road that must be chosen and completed. One day we will meet in the dead market, but I may have forgotten everything by then. “

“After all, we are all pitiful persons that’s all…”

Gu Huang let out a long sigh, the whole person was full of helplessness and melancholy, but his heart was full of sorrow, and finally she flicked the sick lady into the Heaven and Earth alliance.

You have suffered my life-saving grace and gained my eternal inheritance. With such a big cause and effect, you can’t support the Great Qin Empire.

Sure enough, it feels so cool to be a Lao Yin Bi. No wonder that many people like to be a Lao Yin Bi.

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