
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Old Mister, everything is said to others, I think it’s good here.”

“Well, please tell Old Mister, who am I?”

Gu Huang’s palm folding fan unfolded in an instant, with a peaceful and calm smile on his face, the whole person was full of serene posture, making it completely difficult to guess his thoughts.

Is this old fellow misunderstanding something?

This Highness refers to the sky above, the ground below, and oneself in the middle. That means heaven knows, earth knows, but I don’t know.

I don’t even know who I am?

If you can guess it, you are really hell.

Although I do have a lot of identities, only fiend in human form can truly represent myself.

In this diverse intersection, countless creatures come from different sides, times, Heaven and Earth, and some even span an unknowingly long history.

Just ask who can guess!

“Respect…respect to drive…the old man dare not say…”

“The old man didn’t know the identity of the driver before, and there are many offenses. I hope the driver will forgive him!”

The skinny old man’s forehead was densely covered with fine beads of sweat, dripping slowly along the tip of his nose. The pupil light of the whole person was full of horror, his head dropped deeply, and he did not dare to look at Gu Huang at all.

Respect drive ah! Respect, if the is legend has passed away, how dare you mention your name?

Don’t mention it, even if you want to, you can’t even think about it!

What a stalwart existence you are, Mythological Era Number One Person, Supreme Ruler above the sky.

Heaven, Earth and Human are all in your thoughts, even today’s Supreme……

Thousands of generations are shorter in front of you, who can be taller than you.

Unless it is nothingness…the sleeping taboos exist…

“Oh! Old Mister, this Young Master is really curious, you know who I am?”

“I said that no matter what people, things, things are mentioned, they are not affected by fate, time, cause and effect, and any side of the backlash!”

“So, Old Mister, you can say it!”

Huang Old Demon folded his palms together, and directly used the power of the soul to borrow the spirit technique from the mysterious side, and instantly the power of the invisible and more traceless soul descended on the body of the thin old man.

Everything implying the law of cause and effect, destiny, and even the backlash of time, will not have any influence on it.

Really want to hear who he misunderstood him?

No matter time, destiny, or causality, everything is already immune.

“This…respectful driver…please forgive the old and disrespectful…”

“You come from a mythological and ancient history that has disappeared…”

“ka cha!”

The voice of the skinny old man hasn’t fallen yet. The spirit technique on his body is mixed with the power of the soul, which is like glass, and the old man takes seven or eight steps backwards. , The body was even more severely hit, a sense of fatal crisis full of great terror permeated, and a faint feeling, as long as he thought about it, he would be immediately obliterated by unknown power.

Sure enough?

It’s really that one, seven chapters have disappeared.

But still can’t speak, think, think, think… the existence of taboos will still produce a huge backlash.

Even the technique performed by the one himself cannot resist interference from unknown forces.

He is an existence that simply cannot exist in the three irreversible laws, an existence that has passed away, passed away, and died forever.

If it is not the intersection of diversity, impossible will always appear.

“Unknown interference, do people who shouldn’t appear? If it is not the intersection of pluralism, I will be fundamentally impossible to appear. I have already existed forever.”

“Okay, Old Mister, you guessed half of it right, since meeting is a fate, I can only give you half of this good fortune.”

“Please collect these materials, I will refining for you a nine-turn nine-pole good fortune Dan.”

“But the effect is only half, this is the law of heaven, it is insurmountable, but the sky is infinite, there is a glimmer of survival, half of the good fortune, the other half can only rely on Old Mister.”

“Ms. Anne, can you give me another glass of wine?”

Gu Huang’s expression was calm and natural. The folding fan in his palm shook gently. The surface looked stable like an old dog, but his heart was extremely guilty, and he almost didn’t slip off the seat just now.

The myth is gone, it is not to be spoken, let alone a single minute.

The light of the mind + the spirit technique of big words, and the protection of the formation of the three irreversible laws of immunity, have also been interfered by the unknown domain…

In that moment, I clearly sensed the arrival of a cold will without any emotion. It was an inexplicable, unclear, and hazy existence…

A more terrifying coercion than the Sky Boss, the will of the center of the multiple intersection?


At this moment, Gu Huang’s heart’s chill increased sharply. He felt that he had touched an invisible truth, and was infinitely close to himself, but his thoughts were forcibly cut off.

Continue to peek, it will really cause unpeepable consequences.

“Many thanks, I don’t know how to express it…”

“Dare to ask the good fortune of the other half of the car, how do you make it up?”

“I hope you will tell me that the old man is willing to pay any price.”

The skinny old man keeps his head down. The whole person is full of awe, because the respectable driver is really right. He gave him a chance to say it, but he didn’t know the interference and he could get half of the good fortune. Is enough.

Assembling material is not difficult at all. What is difficult is how to complete the good fortune of the other half.

“Old Mister, don’t panic. In fact, half of good fortune is enough for Old Mister to expel the source of weird and unknown matter.”

“You know that there is nothing perfect in the world. Even if I tell you the other half of the method, it may not be successful.”

“I want to ask Old Mister, are you sure you want to know that no matter how much you pay, you can do it at all costs?”

“Even if you fail in the end, even half of the good fortune I gave you will be in vain.”

“Let’s do it! And please Old Mister go back and think about it first, gather the material I need first, and then come find me, so what do you think?”

Huang Old Demon closed his palm, and he was silent for 10 breaths, full of kind advice.

Want to catch, ah!

Old Mister, don’t blame me, you can’t guess it yourself.

Then please be my dear Davaris!

You stretched your head over and let me chop it off.

If this Young Master does not chop, I am sorry for your sincerity.

“Respect, don’t think about it, please tell the old man how to do it.”

“The old man will bet on the chance of in ten-thousand does not have one. Even if it fails in the end, then the old man will have no regrets, at least the old man has worked hard.”

The skinny old man calmed his emotions, took a deep breath, and turned to watch Huang Old Demon make a sound, his old eyes filled with calmness.

“Okay, Old Mister, since you are willing to believe me, then I will do my best to help.”

“Destiny, the crystal of the origin, the ancient treasure of the myth, these things are the more the better, because the quantity can achieve qualitative change.”

“The realm of my body is limited, so I need to arrange an array, which can deceive the heavens on the upper side, block the three Grand Laws on the lower side, and block all peeping in the middle.”

“Whether Old Mister can defy the heaven and change fate depends on the formidable power of this good fortune ancient formation.”

“The iron rule, the law of heaven, the definite number is irreversible, but today I will try to break it.”

“Old Mister, please remember that the higher the quality, the better. If there is no ancient treasure, you can use material instead…”

Gu Huang stood up and drank the strong wine in the glass, looking at the old man in front of him very seriously, the whole person was full of peace…

This wave, this Young Master is about to post!

It’s really the point of cramping when counting money.

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