
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Brother, I’m heartbroken!”

“My little brother deceives the heavens and the earth does not deceive you. Besides, Heaven and Earth, the strongest myth, is cold. You are the only remaining powerhouse of my Human Race. We really need you.”

“You are believing or not, even if you are just a mindful body, you really don’t have to take action. Just stop there and keep the group of people in the Hongmeng restricted area that are more scared than the cubs.”

“So ah! Brother, you don’t have to trust anyone in this world. You must believe me. The little brother is really sincere. If the little brother has a lie, everything is to blame for the strongest heaven.”

Gu Huang leaned in front of the emperor, with a sincere smile on the corner of his mouth. It was really not easy. As expected, he was a fake Number One, and he finally flicked him to death.

It’s too important to be alive, an existence beyond all Sovereigns of civilization, an emperor who can deter Supreme.

It doesn’t matter if you think about the body, even if it is about to be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

There are ways to resurrect him at full state, I’m afraid there is no chance to understand it!

The Space-Time meeting point is really a great opportunity.

After all, the emperor has crossed countless epochs and Space-Time, but even the one who is in the void is placed.

The one who provoked him was swearing. I really wanted to see if the one who knew that the Emperor Brother still had a thought in his body, I wonder if he would kill him directly from the Great Nothingness.

“Brother, I believe in you, whether you are sincere or not, I will play with you in the future.”

“It’s just that my mind body is really on the verge of dissipating, and the remaining power is no longer Peak 1%.”

“I can barely fight against civilization all Sovereigns. I can compete with the supreme existences on the strange side. I am afraid I can’t help you much.”

The emperor sighed softly. Pupil light was filled with deep helplessness. He raised his head and drank from the wine jar, because it was really too weak, not as weak as the Peak period of the year.

“Brother, please allow me to yell 666. I really don’t need any help from you. Just come out and make a place at a critical moment. What kind of existence do you exist and what identity are you?”

“The ordinary lackey is qualified to see your true face…”

“So ah! Brother, I decided to send you to the original ancestral land, where you can cultivate with peace of mind. As for the specific situation inside, you will naturally understood.”

“Brother, what do you think?”

Gu Huang watched more and more creatures all around. Although they were leaving them alone, it is difficult to guarantee that there are some who have survived countless epochs and can recognize the emperor.

The emperor, like Swallowing Heaven Beast, is a strategic existence. As long as they are given enough time, recovery is sooner or later.

“Good too!”

The emperor nodded gently, and the silhouette became unclear. Looking at the vortex emerging from Gu Huang’s palm, it instantly turned into an aura that blended into it, directly descending on the original ancestral land.


“Human Sovereign…”

“How is it possible…the fairy is resurrecting…brother…you have to rebuild the myth…the beast of darkness…”

“What a fiend in human form, what a brother ah! It really is a great talent, great talent ah!”

The silhouette of the emperor descended on a vast void through time, looking at a continent emitting a light source, and with his cultivation base level, he naturally felt the power of the strong Immortal Spirit.

The fairy is recovering!

Rebuild the myth!

Even if he is above the sky, the Emperor of Supreme can’t help being full of horror. It is absolutely unrestrained, regardless of the law and of natural morality. Old Demon ah!

The last sentence is completely crazy and ridiculous. Between Heaven and Earth, besides fiend in human form, who else has such a great talent?

Three elements in one!

Mythological co-owner!

Legendary fiend in human form taboo has a title of “is legend”. The original meaning is this.

Everything is ready, except for the return of the myth Heaven and Earth.

Dijun younger sister, Haotian brother, but where are you?

There is also the Empress, Qijue, Liluo, Liyang… Bao girl… Martial Goddess…

The last survivor of Divine State…

The myth has been rebuilt, and ten thousand immortals are about to return to their place. One day the Dead Ruins may really rejuvenate. How many chapters of ancient history have passed, we finally have hope…

Our sacrifice and struggle finally saw a glimmer of light.

Just where is the deceased?

“You…you are… Damn ah!”

“Emperor…you are the emperor of the Heaven and Earth Empire…you…you unexpectedly…”

“Are you still alive?”

There was a huge Divine Sense head on the original ancestral land. When it came to the emperor, it was immediately full of horror. It suddenly turned into an illusory shadow of a strange beast, which is naturally the legendary Swallowing Heaven Beast, which is now the original ancestral land. The beast of the protector.

“A ray of remnant thought, luckily not to die!”

“Brother ah! Brother, you are such a bastard, if you told me earlier, how would I die.”

“Ominous Beast, the first in the myth, finally you will have a day of cultivation, and as expected, only fiend in human form can enlist you.”

“But you have come with all your suffering. This piece of Heaven and Earth and Fusing into One can be considered as another continuation. All living things can rest in peace.”

The emperor stands with his hands on his hands, hanging above the sky. Naturally, he knows that this piece of Heaven and Earth is his legacy from the next life, and now it is really perfect with the original ancestral land Fusing into One.

“Your Majesty, stop standing here, go to the ancestral land!”

The illusory shadow of Swallowing Heaven Beast is also full of shock. I really didn’t expect to prestige shaking multiple Heaven and Earth in the past, and in charge of Yin-Yang, ordering the emperor of Heaven and Earth to not die completely, and still have a thought to survive.

A thought is really enough, because he is the emperor of Sky Supreme.

It’s really a strategic existence.

Didian Shou turned into an aura to go with Swallowing Heaven Beast…

“Guye, admire, admire! This system’s admiration for you is just like the endless water of the Yellow River. It’s really too awesome! The emperor’s thoughts are dissipated, but as long as he If you refuse to be annihilated, there is only one person in the world who thinks, and he will not fall.”

“Spicy chicken system, study hard, who told me to have a good relationship with the emperor brother? You have to really know that he is who, believing or not will scare you to death.”

“What? Gu Ye, you mean that the emperor has other identities, please tell him that this system would like to hear the details.”

“Spicy chicken system, I want to know ah! Exchange secrets for ah!”

“Guye, don’t bring this, you are sitting on the ground and starting from the ground, not preaching the rules, this system is impermanent to help the emperor stabilize his body, so let’s do it!”

“Spicy chicken system, this is fine, this Young Master is in a good mood, I will tell you a little today, I actually don’t know ah!”


“ha ha ha! Spicy chicken system, let’s be depressed! Knowledge and information are priceless. If you want to know the background of the emperor, you have to trade a secret. Of course you can not tell me, but I can tell you One thing, the death market will be over before long. Someone will come and destroy the death market.”

“What? Ancient Lord, don’t crack a joke anymore. This joke is not funny at all. Who can destroy the dead market in the world is really a big joke, the dead market is Kunlun…”

“Spicy chicken system, you just said Kunlun…what’s behind? Tell me now!”

“Guye, you are in the system, and your heart is really dirty! Even the system is in the same way. Knowledge and intelligence are priceless. If you want to know, you can trade secrets.”

“Garbage system, now learn to use ah! It is really possible, but when you say Kunlun, the meaning of Kunlun is only the Kunlun Mountains. Obviously the impossible is the Kunlun Mountains. Obviously it is not that. The software…then only one explanation…”

“Guye, what is the explanation…”

“Spicy chicken system, Kunlun Qiu Xu…A region that even God would not dare to set foot in…”


system is completely speechless. I just don’t know how to describe it. With just a little information, the true origin of the Dead Ruins is revealed.

Is this still the illiterate?

Although it’s not all right, but it’s close to 80% of the truth. Gu Ye is really terrifying.

What secret Gu Ye has mastered, it seems that we must increase efforts to squeeze it out.

Seeking monthly pass!

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