
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Ancestor Gu…Ancestor Gu…because of this system, please, can you seal it without moving, and suppress it from time to time? This system also has the right to know. If you dare to do this again…believing or not this system ……”

“Spicy chicken system, what do you want?”

“Guye, what is your attitude? Believing or not this system turns into 1 billion 80 million you in women’s clothing, and then go to the Heaven and Earth of Primal Chaos, and all of you who are familiar and unfamiliar to dance the Primal Chaos festival. Dance!”


“How about, ancient master, are you afraid of it? If you are afraid, quickly tell me your deal with the little girl of the war priest. We are a group. You are a person like you. Do you want to eat alone? “

“Spicy chicken system, can you still order some morals, can you order Bilian?”

“Guye, I’m not afraid to tell you the truth. I have never wanted that stuff in this system. I have been with you for so long. I have learned this system. If I want to make a fortune, I have to be ruthless. Don’t do it. , So hurry up and explain it! Starting from the secret information left to you by the three irreversible laws, no word is allowed to fall.”

“Spicy chicken system, you are very bloated! What if you don’t say this Young Master?”

“Guye, don’t you really say it? Don’t ask for this system for a while.”

“Heh! Spicy chicken system, this Young Master won’t believe it today, I see what you can do.”

“Hehe! Ancient Lord, this is what you said, so don’t blame this system for being merciless. Believing or not this system will send you the video of Meng Qingcheng Black Brick to Qiju Celestial Maiden now.”


“Guye, this system is very curious. If Qijue Celestial Maiden saw this video, how would he dare to think, dignified fiend in human form, Qijue Celestial Maiden’s favorite man, but I photographed her Black Brick, when the Time comes and Black Boss are also implicated. This system can tell you that Celestial Maiden is more fierce than the Empress, and it was once one of the strongest people in Heaven and Earth.”

“Spicy chicken system, can you think of any other tricks? Just this one set over and over again, and you have no other new tricks except for posting videos.”

“Guye! When you have a skill, you can eat your fill, this is what you teach this system, and it is also your only handle to fiend in human form. This system will be saved for a lifetime, so hurry up! “

“Spicy chicken system, you are cruel, this Young Master admit defeat, I do have two secrets here, but I still have to ask you one last time, you are sure to know.”

“Secret! Gu, what are you waiting for? The favorite of this system is the secret, and there is no need for you to tell it, just share it with memory…”

“Spicy chicken system, a few dishes ah! If you eat one more peanut, you won’t get drunk like this. The secret this Young Master is impossible. It’s impossible in this life. If you want to report it, please report it. Come! This Young Master doesn’t care, at worst Celestial Maiden, I don’t want this wife.”

“What! Master Gu, you are a pure man, you will be convinced if you don’t accept the wall of this system…”

“Spicy chicken system, look at you, isn’t it the Celestial Maiden? There is nothing to be afraid of. I am not afraid of the Empress. I am also afraid that she is a Celestial Maiden, Believing or not this Young Master. Give up.”

“Guye, you are a man, worthy of being a fiend in human form, the first man in the world.”

“Spicy chicken system, then beep a hammer, quickly open for me to open the door to the pure land, this Young Master is going to kill all directions.”

“Come on! The little one will do it for you soon!”

Gu Huang’s mood is extremely comfortable. Until now, I have been squeezed by the spicy chicken system. I have never been so happy today. I dared to use the Celestial Maiden to suppress this Young Master. I didn’t know I was angry and lost six. A daughter-in-law changes a Celestial Maiden.

“Boss, can I find a place with no one, I have very important things to talk to you.”

In the depths of the soul, under the Spirit Tree of life, the silhouette of the Spirit of Space-Time stands in front of you, the gorgeous peerless face seems to be stained with frost, and gold’s eyes are even more northerly. Strictly and severely, even her silhouette was slightly shaking, although it was still very calm, but it was already on the verge of explosion.

Boss, you are really good enough to shoot my Black Brick, and now you have to divorce your wife.

en! If I’m not here, it’s okay, you can blow whatever you want.

But in my presence…

It seems that I have to talk to you, just talk…

Gu Huang hearing this prevented the system from opening the gate of Pure Land, but the silhouette stepped into the depths of the System Space, a quiet and dark void, only a blue altar floating with an ancient giant tomb.

“Space-Time spirit, you can come out.”

Gu Huang stood with his hands in his hand, floating quietly above the void, with a majestic and solemn expression, directly summoning the spirit of Space-Time.


A gold shining brilliance permeated, the ripples of the Void Path were rippling, and I saw the silhouette manifest of the Spirit of Space-Time coming out, a head of dazzling and dazzling hair fluttering like a blazing sun, and the light of aura flowed in an instant. A gold soul seal was formed, which directly sealed Gu Huang’s body.

“The Spirit of Space-Time, why seal me.”

Gu Huang was sealed by the light of the soul, and his whole body was impossible to move even a little bit, deep in one’s heart, filled with a bad feeling.

“Boss, don’t be afraid. I won’t do anything to you. I just want to talk to you, but Boss, you don’t have a good sense of truth all day long, so you have no choice but to make this. “

“Space-Time Spirit, what’s wrong with you? If you have something to say, let me go first.”

“Boss, then I will ask you a question, you must answer truthfully, if you fool me, then I will be angry.”

“Okay, okay, okay, the Spirit of Space-Time, you can ask quickly!”

“Boss, do I look good?”

“Space-Time spirit, are you nonsense? It must look good! Devastatingly beautiful, prosperous beauty, if you regain your true body, the entire Primal Chaos Heaven and Earth don’t know how many people will be crazy for you.”

“Boss, would you like me?”


“Boss, then I will ask you again, who is the more beautiful and the better character between me and the empress?”

“Space-Time spirit, I’m panicked like you are like this, can we be normal?”

“Boss, let me ask you again, would you like me? Who is the more beautiful and the character better than the empress?”

“The Spirit of Space-Time, you and Imperial Capital are peerless talents. Each has its own merits. It is better to talk about personality alone, because you know me best. I admit that I have a good impression of you…”

“Boss, then I have one last question. If one day Celestial Maiden really returns, will you really divorce your wife?”

“The Spirit of Space-Time, how can it be ah! My six daughters-in-law have lost money. Doesn’t it mean that if I divorce my wife, I will divorce six wives at once… No right… The Spirit of Space-Time… …You can perceive the existence of the system…and you can eavesdrop on our words…”

“Boss, of course I can perceive it. Don’t forget that I am a spirit. There is nothing in World that can evade my perception. As for the system you said… quietly tell you a secret… I’ve known it a long time ago …”

“Space-Time spirit, you know the system, where did this thing come from? Who made it? What is the real goal?”

“Boss, I do know some, but I really can’t say, because it’s not when the time comes, unless one day you really remember who you are? What have you done?”

“Space-Time Spirit, who are you? It seems you knew me before?”

“Boss, apart from being the Spirit of Space-Time parallel to Nine Provinces, I was the queen of the Dayu Dynasty a long time ago. Of course, this is something I just remembered recently, and I do know you , But I don’t remember what you did, I just vaguely remember that it’s crazy…”

“Space-Time spirit, let’s talk about these things later! Hurry up and untie me, I am going to the Pure Land…”

The Spirit of Space-Time satisfactorily untied Gu Huang’s shackles and returned to the realm of the soul again, but Gu Huang’s heart was also terrified. Absolutely didn’t expect the Spirit of Space-Time to belong to the Yu Dynasty. Empress…

It was a dynasty that was even before the summer. In the historical records on Earth, there are only a few words about this dynasty…that is also one of the sources of Human Race.

A holy and white vortex emerges into the void, and the silhouette of Old Demon steps into it, but the position where the vortex door opens, if there is a high-dimensional lifeform peeking, you will find that it is in a dimension, Space-Time, the intersection of light and darkness Click on…

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