
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“It’s also helping and blocking!”

“Whether you want to see that Mianxia is worthy of my help, but also whether Mianxia’s value is worth letting me stop!”

“For example, under the mian, you want to destroy the pure land, can you know the background of the pure land?”

The voice of war chief Ji Yanqing is filled with invisible oppression, which is related to her innate authority. After all, few people can face herself directly like Gu Huang.

“I don’t know the details of the Pure Land, but the priest Sire, do you know my trump card?”

Gu Huang folded his palms and folded his hands behind his back, filled with a peaceful smile, no one could think of what he was thinking about?

This woman has such a meaning, if I have enough means to destroy the pure land, will I come to help?

If I didn’t, it would be resistance.

Is it so speculative?

“Men, don’t play the front line, I have already arrived, and I also showed my sincerity.”

“I once supported the Great Qin Empire, and now the Great Qin Empire suppresses the Three Eternal Era, creating an unprecedented prosperous world, and now it is my strongest support against the eight main priests.”

“The birth of Mianxia has disrupted the layout of your Majesty and I. The world says you have the ability to suppress half of the Great Qin.”

“But you are so unremarkable, I suspect that the rumors are wrong.”

The pupil light of the chief priest of the war suddenly became extremely murderous, and the whole person was like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. An imposing manner like a torrent of steel, moved towards Gu Huang. The terrifying will of cold killing, almost substantive murderous aura converge…




Panda Old Ancestor, the three Great Saints each and everyone retreats silhouette, fully exits beyond a thousand li, and just feels the pressure is reduced, but the four people are cold and sweaty, and the soul is full of horror. .

The four were in shock and stared at each other. The coercion of the chief priest of the war was too strong. It deserves to be the first of the nine chief priests in battle strength, and also known as the female tyrannosaurus.

The world has rumored that once the chief priest of the war showed up, it represented a terrible disaster.

Not to mention that the real body has come. It is conceivable that the arrival of the war priest, her, is definitely with a deeper goal, not just to destroy the pure land.

“Priest Sire, please take back your imposing manner, otherwise I will consider it a provocation!”

Gu Huang is in the center of the imposing manner, but he is not affected at all. He still looks calm and natural looking at the war priest in front of him. This woman is really strong, I am afraid that she is already not in the little sister Liyang. Of course, the little sister can’t produce a hammer.

“Men, dare to fight with me?”

The pupil light of Ji Yanqing, the chief priest of the war, is full of passionate fighting intents. It has been a long time since no one can ignore her imposing manner. Sure enough, it can suppress the fiend in human form of Great Qin half of the country, to the point of rumors.

Destroy the 300 billion li Death State with bare hands, really face the face of All Heavens powerhouse, and explode the deepest part of the Soul River.

Say 1,000, say 10,000, and understood one fight.

“Not interested, if you come to help, this Young Master is welcome to join, if not, please don’t block it.”

“Priest Sire, what should I do? Everyone is very busy.”

“Tie Senior, take a trip to the Jiuli, three big brothers, you are also with Tie Senior.”

“As soon as my call-up order is issued, you immediately respond, and I will be able to pull you into the pure land.”

Gu Huang is too lazy to fight with this female tyrannosaurus. The war is an opportunity. If it is missed, there will be no such good opportunity.

The pure land must be peaceful!

Panda Old Ancestor and the three Great Saints and four of them teleported and disappeared. In the 7th Great World, only the war priest and the wild Old Demon were left, and the atmosphere in front of them seemed very depressing.

One side wants to fight, one side refuses to fight!

One party is Great Qin ally, and one party is Great Qin Royalty.

“Under the crown, I really come, you can’t refuse this battle.”

“Won me, give you a secret that is vital to you.”

“Of course I can reveal a part first, this secret is about the twelve imprints contained within the body.”

The war priest said calmly and calmly, but still full of biting cold unparalleled fighting intents. She has already screened it out. This one is the taboo Legendary of the multiple Heaven and Earth back then, surpassing the twenty-four civilizations all Sovereigns The invincible exists.

Death from the utmost brilliance, and return from the endless ruin and dying.

The truth that the world thinks is not the truth at all, the real secret about that taboo Legendary…fiend in human form.

Except for Shi Huang, only she knew about it.

Because her ability is the inheritance of fiend in human form, but fiend in human form has been forgotten, and there are too many forgotten.


Gu Huang’s expression startedled, and his expression became extremely dignified, and the power of the gray mist filled out, instantly blocking the realm of soul and mind.

Twelve Marks!

He doesn’t even know the true origin of the twelve seals. He only knows that the twelve seals seem to represent the twelve powers of Supreme, and what he has so far has eternal destruction, swallowing, and origin.

“Under the crown, do you know the meaning of the four words fiend in human form?”

“If I didn’t guess wrong, you don’t know at all, because you have forgotten everything, but you are indeed the fiend in human form I know, the taboo Legendary of Heaven and Earth.”

“The first emperor, the Qijue Heavenly King, the two Paragons of Liluo and Liyang, the third heavenly emperor, and even Heaven and Earth, the strongest mythical creature… They have consumed countless years and laid out billions of lives, and they will finally be called back. “

“But they don’t know… In fact, I am the one who knows everything about you best… You have so many identities… so many that you can’t count them…”

“You are not curious, why Supreme wants to destroy the Human Race in the dead market forever, prohibit the Human Race from setting foot in diversity, and even destroy the Human Race time and time again?”

“Because you did something that made all races, creatures, nations, and civilizations gnashing teeth, and you can’t wait to smash your corpse.”

“For countless years, no one has been able to look at my origin, background, identity, and everything else, because my ability comes from you.”

“Because you are my half Master……”

Ji Yanqing, the chief priest of the war, took off the visor from his face. The bright pupil light was obviously misty. Looking at the silhouette of the fiend in human form in front of him, he unconsciously overlapped with the person in the memory.

It’s been too long, it’s really too long, too long, since the day Master you die, I have forgotten you.

I didn’t slowly remember everything until you came back from recovery.

Master, the endless era is now, and I am one of the few remaining players you have left.


“Priest Sire, let me calm down.”

Gu Huang’s expression was full of vigilance, as if he had seen a ghost, involuntarily took out a cigar and lit it, and took a deep breath.

What is the situation, what is the situation?

This Young Master has one more discipline, and he is also the chief priest of the war.

She even knew that I had twelve marks…

It’s too complicated, and too messy, it must be dealt with properly.

You can step on the horse from there!

“Master, you said a long time ago that if you meet one more day in the future, you must have forgotten me.”

“But you have left the mark of origin in the mark of my life. Please Master to display one of the Supreme taboos. The origin is connected with the mark of my life.”

“You will naturally understand what I said true or false……”

The war chief Ji Yanqing walked in front of Huang Old Demon, Divine Soul instantly emerged from the body, quietly suspended in the void, and the previous request for a fight was just for testing.

Fiend in human form never fights aimlessly, and naturally won’t do anything unprofitable.

Memory can be forgotten, but a person’s innate temperament and personality will not change.

The things the Master did in those days, let the entire diversified Heaven and Earth gnashing teeth, and even directly led to countless disasters in the countless epochs of Human Race.

So he inherited everything with his life and made the entire multi-dimensional Heaven and Earth tremble.

Because there is no one understood except for those from Supreme…

The Dead Market is not just the Dead Market, but…

Seeking monthly pass!

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