
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Heaven and Earth vibrates, the void roars, and it seems that Great Dao shines, filled with endless terrifying aura, coming from the vast and endless sky.

The last lord of order!

The only dawn of the Era of Calamity!

Divine King walking in Human World!

all living things The bright fire of hope!

There is no shortage of killing God!

The silhouette of Old Demon emerged from the wasteland, vast and infinite, and the mysterious and stalwart voice shook the sky, seeming to come from the end of the vast and endless glorious era, and more like the light of the world, descending on the ten thousand zhang red dust.

At this moment, Heaven and Earth is dead, full of weird silence, everyone’s pupil light is looking at Gu Huang.

“pu tong!”

When the incarnation boy saw the void silhouette, he was shocked and turned into a big rooster with two huge wings holding his head. The huge body instantly lay on the ground. It was shuddering. Did not howl on the spot.

Miscellaneous…fiend in human form!

He… Why is he here? Hell, Si Ye, why I am so bad luck.

As soon as I was born, I ran into such a murderous man.

Yes, it will be eaten.

The greatest pain of Human World is not death, but the struggle that you can’t die if you want to die.

“Deadly pounce on the street, go to that road, dare to pretend Big Tailed Wolf in front of Beige, believing or not, Beige will kill you.”

Abei shook his pink suit lightly, holding a big cigar between his two fingers, and took a fiercely sip, which was completely arrogant and despotic to the extreme.

The death-punching street from there is such a big style, it can be more pretentious than Brother Shui.

In this world, apart from Lord Buddha and Brother Shui, who would dare to pretend in front of Brother Bei.

Death to the street, courting death?


“Little chicken, don’t talk, Brother Bei, I’m very ethical about the world. Brother Shui said that he must persuade people with virtue.”

“It’s not…Beige…he…”

“Little chicken, don’t talk, Brother Bei understands what you mean! Don’t worry, Brother Bei promises nothing!”


“Little chicken, do you understand the rules ah! Brother told you not to talk, you can’t understand what people say, Buddha and Shui are not there, North brother, I am the best, I understand…”


“Just understand, there is no that many, but Beige is flat.”

The four chickens are shiver coldly, touching Abei’s body constantly, wanting to tell Abei who the silhouette is? It’s a pity that Abe has fallen into extreme inflation, and simply can’t listen to half a sentence.

North brother ah! Brother Bei, it’s not that brothers don’t remind you, but you really don’t give me a chance to speak.

He is not only fiend in human form, but also the lord of the last order ah!

Father and Brother Shui repeatedly confessed that they absolutely must not engage in evil with fiend in human form, let alone fight the god-killer Wuhuang.

Yes…but a horseman…fiend in human form Gu Huang and Killing God Jun Wuhuang are simply one person ah!

North brother ah! You are unfair, I am afraid that even if the Buddha came, it would be unfair.

“You…who are you?”

The destiny priest Huang Wei pupil light is extremely dignified, and the silver giant sickle in his hand is unconsciously clenched. The more I look at this person, the more familiar it becomes. It is not only similar to fiend in human form Gu Huang 670%, but also more similar. Killing God King Wuhuang has several points of similar, as if it is a combination of gods and demons.

Unlimited Space-Time, multiple Heaven and Earth, each person is not a single individual.

I used to parallel Heaven and Earth in Nine Provinces. Another Huang Wei is Arbitrator, but she has witnessed fiend in human form and even the last ruler of the order.

In this vast and endless dead market, there is a legend of killing the godless king, but the ruler of order has never appeared at all, still a long time ago.

Now this person… is he fiend in human form, or is he killing the gods?

“Death to the street, what do you want to say? Did you hear that, Believing or not, Believing or not sending you to hell.”

Abei gently took off his sunglasses, and instantly drew out the revolver around his waist. Although he is arrogant and arrogant, he is not a fool. Even the destiny chief priest Huang Wei, the big gangster, has such a posture. It shows that this person is not small.

It’s not right ah!

This person is a bit familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere.

Treading…horse…wasn’t he the one who destroyed the first Death State with a single person dozens of days ago, blasting the fiend in human form deep in the soul river all the way?

No… you didn’t recite like that!

Beige, I just came out and ran into such a murderous man.

“I have many names, the only dawn of the Era of Disaster, the Divine King who walks in the Human World, the Demon King who is the most coquettish in Primal Chaos Heaven and Earth, the last lord of order, the king of murder and…fiend in human form …”

“Heaven and Earth Twelfth Alliance Leader, one of the twenty-four kings of heaven and earth…”

“Of course…I personally prefer to be called fiend in human form.”

Gu Huang stood with his hands behind his hands, pupil light was extremely deep, his expression was full of serene, and a faintly discernible smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

“fiend in human form, it really is you…”

“I am the destiny priest Huang Wei, one of the arbiter of the Two Great Empires team battle.”

“The team battle has not started, what do you want to do today?”

The destiny chief priest Huang Wei tried hard to keep her calm, but her palms unconsciously broke out in a cold sweat, the team battle has not yet begun, and the civilization ceremony has not yet arrived. It is not suitable for fiend in human form to engage in evil, let alone find a shot for him Excuses.

He is a rascal, madman, villain, regardless of the law and of natural morality, absolutely unrestrained, don’t expect him to speak to you.

I was not afraid of him, as one of the nine chief priests, that didn’t have the means to save his life and kill the enemy.

“What did you say?”

Gu Huang had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a beautiful girl appeared in the palm of his hand. She waved it gently. No one could guess what he was thinking.


Unconsciously, is this Young Master so strong?

Relying on the name, Huang Wei, one of the nine gangsters, was shocked.

It seems that today’s wave of trading, there is no need for black hands.

“Under the Crown of Killing God, the people you are looking for are there, they are the remnants of the chaotic camp.”

“I have important things, so I won’t be with me.”


Huang Wei, the destiny priest, is not calm, because he too knows what fiend in human form is. The rank and level are in front of him. Simply is the decoration, to think at that time, the miraculous Lingyunxi , Occupying the right time, the right place, and the right people, but still being killed by fiend in human form.

“No, no, the person I am looking for today is really not a chaotic camp.”

“I am not looking for you. The person I am looking for is the little dragon behind you.”

“Leave that little female dragon, you all get out, I don’t think I have seen it, all grievances will be resolved in team battle.”

Gu Huang’s palm folding fan was closed, and he pointed at Little Yi Ling on the ground instantly, with an extremely peaceful smile at the corner of his mouth, but under this calm, no one knew how many life-killing tactics were involved.

“ah! Find…find me…”

“Priest Sir, save me!”

Little Yi was hearing this startled, and the whole person almost cried in fright, and immediately called for help to Huang Wei.

Miscellaneous…fiend in human form…he…he shouldn’t…

Fancy the body of this Young Lady…Want to turn me into a slave girl!

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