
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

boundless void, in the depths of endless darkness, a long river of gold that did not know its origin, is now divided into two, forming two completely different existences.

The long river of time in the Dead Ruins is not a circle, but a real linear shape.

In the future, all the memories of all living things will end at the end of Emperor Tianhuang’s Eternal break in the last era. In the future, everything will be changed in its true sense.

All people, things, things, memories, and reincarnation have been cut off from the past, and all living things of the Dead Ruins will usher in a new future.

No one will remember that the invincible empress of several times was suppressed, and there will be no more peaceful Ancient times. Luo Qingchen is still fighting.

Never remember to seal the Nine Nether to fight against the chaos, let alone the Great Myriad Transformations against the Doomsday Scourge, and no one knows that King Jinghong once gave up his life as a Human Race.

The past has become a disappearing chapter of ancient history!

Those each and everyone weeping blood for Heaven and Earth, fighting for all living things, everything will remain in the previous chapter, belonging to the female emperor, the ancient human race such as the emperor, the story seems to be completely marked period.

The only weak spot, the only hope, the only beginning of decline, was also completely interrupted by Gu Huang, new reincarnation, new chapters, new legends, waiting for him to describe.

On the top of boundless void, Gu Huang stared at the ancient river of time that was fading away and disappearing, only to bow down!

“Guye, everything is over, you don’t need to remember time, destiny, cause and effect, all living things, Heaven and Earth, reincarnation, there will be a dead Heaven Ah!”

“A piece of ancient history, a piece of Legendary, a piece of chapter, but also a piece of pride.”

“Youdao is the feast of the world without dispersal. Although the past of the Emperor Tianhuang and the empress have been cut off, they have also broken free from the fate of the future.”

“A brand-new Tianhuang, a brand-new empress, Myriad Transformations, sealed Nine Nether, Jinghong…”

“These are the results they want ah!”

“One cannot live in the past forever, live in the present, look to the future, because just remember the past.”

The voice of system echoed in Gu Huang’s ears. After all, this is already related to how Gu Ye composes Legendary next. Fiend in human form will really recast Legendary. I really look forward to it.

Only when the ancient master is involved, can this system reap the benefits and continue to squeeze the ancient master.

People don’t get rich if they don’t have a windfall. You can’t squeeze them.

The original ancestral land is completely returned, and this system has also saved a lot of energy. In the future, the real ten thousand immortals will be born, recasting the pinnacle of mythology.

After waiting for the endless era, endless years, this day has finally come.

The center of multiple Heaven and Earth, above the eternal Supreme.

God finally, the fairy is coming back, really coming back.

It is a mythical fairy from Earth.

Not only are there immortals, there are also demons…

“Nonsense, spicy chicken system, sooner or later, I will go back retrograde.”

“A strong enemy will never be let go!”

“From the downstream of time all the way back to the upstream, I want absolutely era, endless Space-Time, Immortal future, Human Dao Yongchang, ancient and modern future, Eternal unfailing.”

“Elder sister, Tianhuang brother, one day, the Great Qin cavalry will go to help you, and I will restore the lost time.”

“You support and live!”

Gu Huang looked at the long river of time going away. At this moment, he seemed to be able to understand the female emperor, Tianhuang, and the mentality of the Emperor Human Race who had no regrets.

Don’t ask for a name in history, just ask for the continuation of Human Dao.

For the original ancestral land, for the existence of the seed of life, they paid too much, but besides him, I am afraid that no one will remember.

But that’s not important, it’s really not important.

The important thing is that you must go back, and must go back to the previous history.

Return to the ancient world in person, and create a golden era of Immortal, Human Dao and Yongchang.

“Guye, you are a man, he has not humiliated the reputation of fiend in human form, but this system has to remind you that someone is already waiting for you.”

“Simply speaking, it means that you let time, destiny, and cause and effect divided into two, now we have to kill and hang back from that time node, and the three irreversible laws have already manifested incarnation, which is in the long river of time. Waiting for you.”

“Of course not to kill you, but the three irreversible laws, to give you a name.”

“With this name, in the future, you will travel through any Heaven and Earth timeline, destiny, and cause and effect. It will be an unobstructed passage and will not be blocked in any way.”

“Some races that live in the two long rivers of time and destiny will also help you, but if the three relatively irreversible laws encounter an irreversible crisis, you must also come forward in fiend in human form.”

“It is equivalent to an equivalent exchange, and the three irreversible laws themselves will cover everything you have in the long river of time. Everything you experience will be solidified into real history.”

“So, Lord Gu, this is an unobstructed transaction. In the countless days of Heaven and Earth, you will be an unobstructed passage, and time, destiny, cause and effect, all related arts, tools, and methods will be Will be automatically immune to you.”

The voice of system is still full of enchantment. After all, these are the three irreversible laws that personally manifest incarnation, which has never been recorded in countless epochs and ancient history.

Even Liyang Paragon was only awarded the title, and she naturally saved Space-Time and fate.

It’s really not simple to get the help of time and destiny.

However, the Manifest of the Three Grand Laws did not appear. One can imagine how mighty Gu Ye is.

“Oh! If that’s the case, then go and meet! The three irreversible laws are manifested in themselves, which is completely a grand event that has never been seen in the past.”

Gu Huang pupil light stared out, looking at the three fuzzy illusory shadows on the top of the long river of time in the future, the silhouette stepped out, and instantly stepped on the river of time, bringing countless ripples.

“Thank you for saving Space-Time again!”

“Under the crown of Magnum’s generosity, thank you again for saving your destiny.”

“Mianxia, ​​thank you again for correcting the cause and effect!”

“The three Grand Laws of Guwu will give the title the next title. I hope you will not reject the title, and there is also an image from seven chapters of ancient history.”

“But the conditions for the announcement of the image, only if you are willing to accept the name under Mianxia, ​​can the three Grand Laws merge the secrets they hold and truly hand them over to Mianxia.”

“So, your opinion is…”

The three illusory shadows have issued a strong spirit fluctuation, giving people a tremor from in the depth of one’s soul, and looking at Gu Huang with anticipation. After all, he can only announce if he accepts the name. This image.

Seeking monthly pass!

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