
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The vast void, mysterious and endless.

Just as soon as Huang Old Demon’s words fell, the imposing manner of Swallowing Heaven Beast was slack, and the powerful suppression had disappeared, but at almost the same time, Yunxi and Scarlet eyes moved their hands.

“The Lock of Miracles!”

“The abyss is forever!”

Darkness and emptiness, a mysterious light of silver white permeates, gathering into countless ancient amulets, clues, seal marks, chains, like clouds hanging through the sky, reflecting the Primal Chaos Heaven and Earth, showing eternity The domain of Supreme.

Densely packed, endless chains erupt, almost like a tide, traveling through endless darkness, seeming to ban the entire taboo Space-Time, and go straight to the bloody eyes.

Countless blood flowed from the blood-colored eyes, and each path was like a torrent of destroying Heaven and Earth. There were as many as tens of millions of Dao in a single instant. It seems that there are thousands of Dao that are blessed, and endless truths emerge, full of darkness. Death and death.

Upper can annihilate Primal Chaos, and down can destroy Heaven and Earth. It is like terrifying the apocalyptic flood originally recorded by major civilizations, which is almost impossible to vent.

The lock of miracle, the abyss is forever!

The Scarlet Eyes and Yunxi didn’t have a hand, and almost all used the strongest control technique of the other body, just to be able to win 3 breaths time, and even bet on the probability.

Both, there is no accident, and there is no sign. The two can be called Supreme techniques, which almost simultaneously sealed the bodies of the two.

One is entangled by thousands of silver chains, and the other is submerged in endless blood. The spirit, will, belief, and body are all caught in a temporary freeze.

One is the disappearing miracle side, and the other is the power from the eternal abyss.


“Although I don’t know what happened? But it is a great opportunity for the poor monk.”

“Under the crown, anyone can live, but Yunxi must die!”

“The poor monk wanted to tell you the secrets of chaos and order, but now I am afraid that there is no chance. The poor monk is fortunate to be able to fight with Mianxia today.”

“Poor monks have no regrets in this life!”

“Mianxia, ​​this is a spiritual Relic condensed by the poor monk, which contains the knowledge of the poor monk I, and many secrets. I hope that Mianxia can change everything in the future and don’t let Great Qin fall.”

“Mercy, my Buddha, burst!”

The Withered Wood Master saw Yunxi and his eyeballs being banned, and seized the extremely rare opportunity, and transformed into a fist-sized spirit. Relic flew to Gu Huang’s side, turning his body Buddha’s radiance bright and violently inflated When he got up, it was like an inflated skin, which instantly floated into the center of Yunxi and bloody eyes.

A Buddha’s horn full of compassion resounded through the void, accompanied by the monstrous twinkling Buddha’s radiance, like the most shining fireworks in the dark void, giving people a kind of sadness to the extreme aura.

“Withered Wood Master, farewell, this King has taken over your wishes.”

“I am fiend in human form for a day, and Great Qin for a day.”

“All the enemies of Great Qin, don’t leave one, kill them to the dead.”

“Ultimate Fist—Eternal Destruction!”

Gu Huang photographed the mental Relic of the Withered Wood Master with his bare hands, and put it into the system Item Column. An extremely terrifying coercion instantly permeated, like the ancient Heavenly Dao of incarnation Immortal, and like the legend that the truth descends, eternal The sleeping Gaia resurrects…

Strongs of black clothes emerge from the power of the mist, entangled on Gu Huang’s body, like one after another black clothes, a little snake, as if to swallow everything that is endless, and as if from the most ancient Immortal The beginning of the era.

God, the Six Paths, the natural phenomenon of the vast original ancestral land disappeared, replaced by a touch of terrifying power, the black mist appeared like a tide, the entire taboo Space-Time seemed to be covered, and the depths of the black mist appeared faintly A dust-covered Ancient Road came out, leading to the entrance of the unknown domain.

“ka cha!”

The bloody eyes and Yunxi’s body technique faintly produced a trace of cracks, and it was about to break free from the control of the technique, while the Self-destruction of the Withered Wood Master formed two Buddha’s radiances, directly showing the big eyeballs. The weakest part of Yunxi’s body.

Next moment, Gu Huang, who was briefly promoted to the eighteenth Heavenly Dao realm, punched through with a punch. There is no power of heaven shaking earth shattering, no gorgeous fist glow, and no annihilation of Heaven and Earth, making Primal Chaos shudder The power of terror.

Only the fist seal evolving from the dark fog that permeated the entire taboo Space-Time was shrouded in it, and the long river of time on the other side of the two ends instantly ceased to exist.


The disintegration and disappeared without sound and without warning, as if it had never appeared before, as if it was due to eternal death.

I don’t know how much time has been sealed, and the taboo Space-Time barrier that has conspired hundreds of millions of dollars in the overall situation emerges, and the fist seal of the ultimate fist evolution bombards it, like ripples rippling on a calm water surface, in silence. Obliterated.

Under the ultimate punch penetration, the bloody eyes showed no signs, and disappeared in silence on the spot, seeming to be attributed to the depths of Primal Chaos.

Only a blood-colored crystal the size of a millstone emerged, and a spiritual thought that seemed to be imprinted but not imprinted, and that terrifying force was enough to coerce the Eternal Vault of Heaven.

It seems that I want to break free, but in the next second, Gu Huang’s body is filled with dazzling gold divine light and the giant palm that has evolved from countless ancient charms, which seems to be able to crush the forbidden Heaven and Earth of Immortal, straight to The Scarlet Crystal was instantly suppressed and dragged directly into the unknown.

No one noticed it, in the gold giant palm, there was also another force mixed in, and it swept away the mark on the crystal without any accident. It came from the part of the body of the great will of the eternal abyss. Such an aggrieved annihilation unexpectedly.

The vast ultimate fist broke out, and the force of eternal destruction swept through, holding the city with one hand, Yunxi, who was in an abyss, the city in the palm of his hand, and the body of the abyss were blown up. There was no accident or the slightest sign. .



Yinhui is bleak, with countless cracks in his body, Yunxi coughs up blood. Looking at Gu Huang in his silver eyes, he is full of deep resentment, hatred, anger, and even to the extreme unwillingness, full of strong hatred spirit fluctuations. If it is possible, I really want to eat Gu Huang alive.


We have made an oath with you and have turned enemies into friends.

I already believe you, why plot against me!

fiend in human form, you a complete liar…

One day, my body will come to death at the ruins, killing you Great Qin absolutely billion Human Race.

“Yunxi, I’m sorry, you have to believe me. I really made a mistake just now. If you want to blame it, you can blame Wither Wood for his Self-destruction. This King never cheats his friends.”

“Don’t worry, although your body is injured, this King has countless methods and will definitely restore you.”

“Okay, dignified miracle lord, don’t be so careful, at worst wait for you to recover, this King is at your disposal.”

Gu Huang silhouette descended from the Vault of Heaven, and immediately embraced the dying Yunxi in his arms. His face was full of guilt and deep self-blame. I really made a mistake.


Yunxi looked at Huang Old Demon’s face full of guilt and self-blame, and the anger and unwillingness in his heart were relieved for most of the time, but he still couldn’t believe him. He always felt that there was something wrong, but it couldn’t tell. .

“Of course, although I am not a good person, Gu Huang, I absolutely keep my promise.”

“Yunxi, don’t resist, I will heal you first, so that you can stabilize the injury, but when I return to Great Qin, I will pill refining for you. This King’s Pill Dao inheritance is from Thirty Three Heavens The one above.”

“There is a lost Eternal thaumaturgy in this world, don’t you know if you have heard it?”

Gu Huang embraced Yunxi and stopped in the void, with an unparalleled sincere smile on his entire face, full of harmless to human and animals.

“What… technique…”

Yunxi is already dying frequently. Nowadays, there seems to be no other choice besides believing in Huang Old Demon. There can be nothing wrong with this projection body, or the body will fall into eternal sleep.

“This technique is called “Holding a Girl in the Arms”!”

Gu Huang’s face was full of smiles. As soon as the voice fell, a monstrous gray mist appeared all over his body, which poured into Yunxi’s body like a tarsal maggot, with a weird gray mist symbol in his palm. A heavy blow hit Yunxi’s eyebrows and directly dragged her spirit out, but this time did not leave her spirit, but completely swallowed it…

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