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System Space.

“Since fall…”

“The lord of the chaos, unexpectedly died…”

“Such a sinner, such a traitor, would even sacrifice himself for Human Race. It is really a conscience condemnation, or a pretense.”

“It seems that the lord of the chaos can still be saved, not completely rotten to the root, ancient master, what do you think of this person.”

The sound of the spicy chicken system seems a little complicated. It completely didn’t expect the ultimate cycle of 70. The lord of the chaos would be willing to die, abandoning an imprint of incarnation, and let the original ancestors from virtual became real .

Know the lord of the chaos, but the powerhouse of Heaven and Earth resounded in the ancient times. How can it be a scum that can make up for the sky.

It is the power of mastering the taboo time, and it is many times stronger than the time lord Race, even the 3rd Paragon of the Hongmeng Forbidden Zone is treated in every way.

The lord of the time chaos is willing to fall for himself, in order to return the original ancestral land to its place, thereby transforming the reality from illusion, and permanent existence, without causing damage to the mainstream of time.

What a master of chaos!

I am so proud to be a human being, I am very proud!

This system really underestimated you before.

“Some debts cannot be repaid once you die. There are also some favors, which should be remembered forever!”

“There is no right or wrong in this world, only different positions and different choices.”

“The lord of the time chaos, humanity has not been lost. It is not only the help of the dead river, but he really has Human Race in his heart.”

“Some things, some people, some pasts, not everyone is willing to face it, and not everyone has the courage to fight.”

“The lord of chaos chose a correct path, but it is also a dead end.”

“If there are difficulties in the future, we cannot stand by and watch.”

Gu Huang let out a long sigh. Even he didn’t expect the Lord of Chaos to be so determined. At first he thought it was just a remorse, but he really had his own self.

The lord of chaos, if you die today, I will protect you from chaos in Star Sea in the future.

At this moment, Huang Old Demon and system still chose to watch. After all, according to their speculation, at least there is still a final Lao Yin ratio that has not appeared.

The Fifth Senior Brother appeared as the eighth Alliance Leader of the Heaven and Earth League, in order to attract the last old yin ratio.

Naturally continue to let him pretend, how can a Junior Brother steal the limelight from Senior Brother.

“Brother, farewell, I have nothing to do with you!”

“See you outside Space-Time!”

“Empress, this Human Race traitor is handed over to you.”

Dark Void, a white clothed Yu Xue Xue moved towards the self-destructive master of the time chaos, completely inherited his favor.

The lord of chaos!

Really a man of temperament.

gratitude and grudges are clear, there is persistence and choice!

The vast dark void is filled with the endless cold and terrifying aura, the huge gate of Primal Chaos hangs high in it, and the endless light source seeps out.

On the top of the throne of blood and bones, twelve blood-colored chains are unhindered intertwined, filled with endless terrifying aura.

The cold, bloody, murderous, bloodthirsty, and violent Asura Path sword permeates a trembling will.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine miles long, nine hundred and ninety-nine major Heaven and Earth refining, one of the Great Six Roads of Samsara.

Dare to ask the world, except for the empress, who can have such great generosity, who can be so arrogant.

Icy, darkness, and silence, full of extreme coercion, the female emperor who started with the Asura Path sword, no one can guess how strong her battle strength is.

Just like Li Yang, starting with the Star Warhammer, the battle strength spanned hundreds of times, and it was simply a plug-in.

“Qinghuang, die!”

The sound of the gods runs through the 3000th century, the ten-era coercion is permeated, the dark long hair dances all over the sky, it seems that there are endless bones and blood intertwined, and a broken road is paved, making people tremble and uneasy in the depth of one’s soul .

The mighty coercion, the brilliant sword intent, the blood light blooming, there seems to be hundreds of millions of Asura roars, and it seems that the entire Asura Road will appear.

The Asura Path sword with a length of nine hundred and ninety-nine miles swept through the great terror aura that suppressed the endless Heaven and Earth and tore through the universe.

boundless void, at both ends of the river of time, filled with bloodthirsty and violent oppression, it is a heavy collapse, even the river of time is splashed with a huge wave of ten thousand zhang, countless time nodes are also annihilated .

The remaining years, destiny, cause and effect, and the three irreversible laws are also shattered under the Asura Path sword.

The ancient invincible in the long river at one end of the past, the Great Sage in the starry sky, and the white ape across the sky, they were crushed by the sword intent without even screaming.

“Empress, you lunatic, 70 second ultimate cycle, you are still so crazy, have you born a heart to death?”

“No matter how you struggle, there is no chance. Why do you resist?”

“All your struggles are futile and meaningless. Even if you refining the entire Asura Road into an Asura Path sword, it will have no effect.”

“The 3rd Paragon of Hongmeng Forbidden Zone, the sacred priest of Wang Jian of Mayan civilization, the lord of chaos, including me, are not the organizers.”

“We are the participants at most. We are just three imprints of incarnation, and you are the real body, we have fallen, and we are half of our lives.”

“But if you die, you are really dead. Even if the Ancestral Dragon of the Great Qin Empire outside is your real body, it will die too.”

“Heaven and Earth has seven sides. The cultivation is the first and recognized as the strongest. However, Heaven and Earth used to have twelve sides, one of which is the miracle-calling side.”

“Under the miracle, everything is vain.”

At this moment, the Qinghuang seemed extremely calm, even facing the unmatched coercion of the Empress, he was still calm to the extreme.

It’s time to use that card, and it’s time to summon.

Everything should end!

Space-Time connection, rewriting everything in the future, the beginning of the decline of the Great Qin Empire, the Myriad Races battle will begin…until the death of Human Race…

Regret it?

Is there any regret? It’s not that Human Race was ruined.

What kind of racial justice, life and death benefits.

That’s all, and only one’s own Eternal Immortal is truly eternal.

the thoughts got to this point, Qinghuang’s pupil light is filled with the cold and merciless aura, watching the horrible sword light that has crushed the long river of time sweeping by, spreading out the palm flat…

Awesomely, a dazzling silver light flashes Heaven and Earth, and countless ancient mysterious patterns are intertwined, showing a mysterious endless luster.

The mystery is endless, and in the depths of the mysterious intertwined silver light, a palm-size silver card about a finger-wide blooms out, and the mysterious is filled with it.

“Using the ancient medium of contract, the only miracle card throughout time, my extremely ancient Human Race, Qinghuang summon, wake up from eternal sleep!”

“From far away, come to the top of this world!”

“Lord of miracles, come!”

An incomparably obscure old saying came out of Qinghuang’s mouth, which seemed to possess incomparable mysterious power, but the last syllable stopped, and the silver card in the palm of his palm spurred an extremely dazzling brilliance, and the palm-size miracle card instantly It has become a giant of nine thousand nine hundred miles, like an ancient gateway to an unknown domain, an unnamed place.

silver light is brilliant and dazzling, full of unpredictable mysterious and stalwart, as if from the other side of eternity, with a touch of majesty and majesty, divine like Immortal dominates the general aura extending from the miracle card.


At the same time, the Empress dragged the scarlet Asura Path sword from 999 Miles to crush it, fierce, primitive, violent, and full of Prestige of Extreme Dao.

Asura roars, bloodthirsty rage, 3000 Heaven and Earth shakes, and the vast Primal Chaos collapses.

For a moment, it seems that through time, destiny, cause and effect, piercing through the eternal Heaven and Earth, the endless bloody fog opens, a broken bloody ancient faintly discernible, completely paved by blood and bones…


“Primal Chaos, between life and death, Yunxi is the sky with me!”

“City of Miracles, the locks of the abyss of sin, all Sovereigns are bound to all!”

In the depths of the miracle card, a silver light was suddenly reflected, and the Asura Path sword was instantly suppressed, and a voice full of majesty and domineering permeated it…

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