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endless void, the vast river of time at both ends, this moment seems to be caught in eternal prohibition, the entire void is only the Great Dao, the truth, the light of the world, and the seal of the emperor fist converging on all living things.

Extremely brilliant and dazzling, deep in the infinite dazzling light source, like a punch through the Supreme dimension, breaking through the heavens, tearing the ultimate realm.

Huanghuang coercion runs through origin and eternal extinction, shattering countless times and reincarnations, and from one end, Immortal is the ultimate.

The vast Primal Chaos, 3000 Great World, the universe, the top of the other shore.

Like an Immortal, the immortal, immortal, and imperishable Supreme, stepping on the light of the world, develops from the source of creation and the depths of the ruins.

Eternal Emperor Fist!

Ba Pro Ultimate!

It seems that Supreme will come to this world, and the return of Eternal Existence will make people tremble to the extreme in the depth of one’s soul…

“Eternal… Emperor Fist…”

“It turned out to be the eternal emperor fist… how could he still exist… the trace should have been erased…”

“Impossible…the female emperor…how could his fist technique…”

“This is unscientific! Damn, damn, what is wrong with that link… Eternal Emperor Fist shouldn’t be born… At least it shouldn’t be in the extreme Gu…”

The almost transparent white light and shadow man roared, completely unable to believe it was true, but had to believe that it was true. The female emperor used the eternal emperor fist that had disappeared.

Don’t say it is in the dead market, even in the multi-dimensional Heaven and Earth, it is impossible to have reappears eternal emperor fist.

That was already completely buried in the past…

Eternal Emperor Fist, represents the ultimate, Supreme, Supreme……

There is also another imperial boxing, Immortal King Zhen Shiquan.

“Eternal Emperor Fist…”

“This door-to-door taboo method…so-called Supreme Ultimate Punch.”

“From the ancient fairy…”

Blue Light and Shadow, the lord of the time chaos, trembled all over, as if an inexplicable crisis was coming, just mentioning an Immortal (仙)’ character, there was a great horror of collapse and collapse.

Eternal Emperor Fist!

The background is too big and too scary to say.

Ultimately, Supreme, Supreme!

The female emperor has actually cultivated this amazing technique. Where did she get it? Everything about the eternal emperor fist has already been buried.

“The eternal emperor fist, unrivalled Supreme Art, represents the taboo past, but the law is created by people, not the older the better.”

“Different times and different rules, ancient law may not be able to strengthen current law.”

“Emperor, everything in that era has returned to the market, why should you go after it, even if you find the eternal emperor fist, what can you do?”

“The former Supreme, the ultimate, Supreme, is it still annihilated?”

“If we were in the same era, I might not be inferior to him.”

“Green Sovereign Fist!”

The gold imperial robe old man white hair rolls the void, and the whole person erupts with endless horror and biting cold will, as if a king descending from the heaven, the pupil light penetrates the top of the 3,000 shore, peeking at Endless Samsara The ultimate.

The Green Emperor who was once an ancient one of the Three Sovereigns!

It is also the ancestor emperor of the extremely ancient Human Race, one of the emperors who came from the remaining civilizations of the Xia Dynasty.

At the beginning of the ancient era, he also led the ancient Human Race from humble to powerful, and to dominate the world.

Once the ancestor of Human Race, now the mortal enemy of Human Race.

The merits and demerits, it has been too long, too long, and the truth has long since disappeared in the long river of history.

Grandiose, bright and radiant, contains the majestic vitality of Supreme, like the light of the origin of life that created all things, and like the scorching sun, moisturizing all souls.

Green Sovereign Fist!

In the very ancient times, one of the fist techniques of side-to-side cultivation.

The void of the entire dark Primal Chaos, a group of azure fist seals interlaced like a big sun, reflects the Profound Truth of Immortal life, and develops the pattern of Primal Chaos Great Dao, which seems to come from the realm of the ruins of all things, full of magnificence, penetrates 100,000 The terror aura of Primal Chaos.

Eternal Emperor Fist!

Green Sovereign Fist!

One represents the past, the ultimate, Supreme, Supreme!

The second represents the present, origin, founding, stalwart!

Primal Chaos is emptiness, darkness is endless, and two ancient fist seals are competing. It seems that the brilliance from the past and the brilliance of the present are different, and the reincarnation is competing.

The glorious 3000 world, reflecting the reincarnation of Heaven and Earth.

“Traitor! Punish!”

Above the dark void, the biting cold and solemn voice of the empress reverberates, and her hair like ink rolls the void, a look of darkness seems to be an eternal abyss, and a look of blood light seems to have thousands of purgatory, extremely exhausting Destroy, domineering, bloody, and the will to kill erupted, as if it were a blood sea killing god, the king of the abyss, shining with Supreme power.

“Xilihua la!”

In the depths of the Primal Chaos gate under the foot of the Empress, twelve blood-colored chains were instantly extended. Each chain was forged with Primal Chaos iron, with the seal of Supreme truth on it, the obscure Great Dao pattern, and densely packed The talisman of order is intertwined and weighs tens of millions.

The twelve blood-colored chains were seized by the female emperor. The gate of Primal Chaos was nine thousand nine hundred zhang high and three hundred and thirty feet wide. It instantly turned into a giant 99 10,000 li, 3000 300 li wide, and ancient Deep in the gate of Primal Chaos is filled with endless horror of will, and it seems that there is endless great terror.

The blood-colored brilliance, the endless dazzling blood-colored brilliance, is full of blood, cold, death, the origin of killing, aura, a heavy bloody Heaven and Earth is dragged out by the Empress from the door of Primal Chaos.

“That’s… repair… Asura Path… Asura Path, one of the six major paths…”

“The Empress… was crazy… really crazy…”

“Hongmeng Forbidden Zone 3rd Paragon, I announced that I will withdraw from this battle. In the future, I will bear all kinds of causes and effects, even if the sky is born.”

“I would rather be eaten clean by the blue sky than go crazy with you.”

When the blue light and shadow man saw the appearance of the bloody Heaven and Earth, he felt trembling from in the depth of one’s soul. He would rather be eaten by the blue sky than go crazy with them.

You are crazy, but the Empress is even more crazy.

Who can imagine, who dare to imagine, the female emperor has given one of the six Asura Paths to refining, directly entangling with the power of Great Dao, truth, and order.

Although Ming Sect has been around for a long time… But the Six Paths are not something anyone can get involved… The cause and effect in it is too deep…

Wrap the Asura Path and drag it out directly. What is the concept? It is not a question of what can be done or not, but who can bear the cause and effect, and who dares to bear it.

“The Empress…what are you doing?”

“If you don’t stop your stupid behavior, do you know the cost of this action?”

“Emperor, we are fighting here, that is within the scope allowed by the rules, you have broken the rules by doing this, you dare to drag Asura Path out.”

“You will repay this cause and effect from the ancient times, and it will affect the entire ancient Human Race.”

“Lunatic… Empress… You are really crazy… Even if you kill us all… What we wear is also a mark…”

“The worst ending is that Space-Time maintains the status quo, which will not cause us any loss at all. At most the battle of civilization, we are shooting that’s all.”

“But the cause and effect of your Human Race, you will never end forever.”

The gold emperor robe old man, the blue emperor made a sound, his cheek twitched violently. He was really taken aback by the female emperor. She was a lunatic. He twisted Asura Path refining with a chain and was dragged out. , The taboo Space-Time will be broken, and the causal force generated at that time will be enough to completely annihilate the long river of time.

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