
You can search “Unparalleled Villain System Miaobige Novel Network (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Spicy chicken system, before I look back at your question, I will ask a question first.”

“There are fairy, demon, buddha, god, witch, monster, ghost, Foreign Domain angel, Spiritual God, demon, devil, Evil God, void monster, and fallen man among myths.”

“The vast dead market, Buddha, demon, god, monster, ghost, and witch, although they have been destroyed, after all, there are inheritances alive, and even their inheritance tools.”

“Even Foreign Domain Spiritual God, Evil God, Demon, Angel… all exist in the world…”

“Why are there no immortals, and even the Great Qin’s hundreds of schools, there is no Taoism at all, but above Thirty Three Heavens, there are indeed legends of God of Haotian and Sanqing.”

“But they never manifested in the world. Sometimes I am curious. Does Supreme Celestial Court above Thirty Three Heavens still exist?”

“And all creatures related to Earth myth fairy, True Dragon, Phoenix, Qilin, I have never seen one…”

“Spicy chicken system, Sanqing and Haotian God, are they still alive?”

Gu Huang’s pupil light seems to be able to penetrate the ancient and modern future, full of unmatched oppression aura, this side of the vast dead ruins buried too many things.

But there are traces of any existence, at least Kṣitigarbha in Earth mythology, now sitting in Eighteen Levels of Hell, it is a mythical Bodhisattva, and its battle strength is no less than that of Buddha.

But the fairy has no trace, even the species in the Earth mythology, even the ghost shadow child is not seen.

This is incredible!

Cultivation base was low before, and the realm was not reached. Although in doubt, I didn’t think too much about it.

“Guye, in fact, you already know the answer in your heart, why bother to ask again?”

“This system does know, but this system does not dare to say, nor can it.”

“You are too weak and you are not qualified to carry this secret. You will be qualified to touch this secret when you reach eternity.”

“This system has not allowed you to expose the original Taoist body, but also to protect you. Xian has become a taboo, a real taboo.”

“That is the most perfect evolutionary level and the most impeccable lifeform, but compared to the immortals in your Earth myth, there is still a gap.”

“Your original Taoist body is the existence of a truly perfect Supreme, Gu Ye, work hard to cultivate!”

“The waters of the Dead Market are very deep and deep, and the fighting within the rules allows, but those beyond the rules will be bombarded by some existence.”

“This question jumps over, let’s talk about it, can you really cast Immortal Grade, refining Immortal Pill?”

The system has been silent for a long time, and the most feared and most worried problem is still coming, but he dare not reveal a little bit, because it was a dark and tragic past, and the dust was not known for how many eras…

“That’s all, spicy chicken system, I don’t embarrass you anymore.”

“Let’s go! We are running out of time, and be as strong as possible in the shortest possible time.”

“I hope everything will come, and this battle must be fully prepared.”

“Immortal Grade and Immortal Pill are essential, so prepare materials for me!”

“I will cut out the source Taoist body first!”

Gu Huang sits in the void, the pupil light is slightly closed, the system is full of gold divine light, and there are countless mysterious symbols and circulation voids. The time ratio is more than 30 million, which is completely crazy and ridiculous. Almost really did everything to help Gu Huang.




Gu Huang’s Yangshen came out of the shell, and twelve lights and shadows overlapped. Numerous mysterious symbols were intertwined. With a series of three sounds, the void condense the three swords of the soul.

Three swords cut, one gold, one silver, one black and three Yangshen were cut down with their source…

The body flew to the three origins of light, which led all the three Yangshen into it. The blood essence was condensed and radiant, and countless ancient symbols filled it, forming three light cocoons.

The void system evolved a gold giant hand. It can be seen that the piles of crystals of the original source tilted out, but no matter how much they fell, they will be completely swallowed by the three light cocoons and the body of Gu Huang.

The bottomless pit is completely unsatisfactory, especially at least half of the power of the original source of the source Tao body is swallowed.

one after another The lines and symbols filled with mysterious radiance, the power of Immortal Spirit interweaves on the surface of the light cocoon, and the human form gradually condenses inside.

“oh! It’s really too chaotic, no matter how long it has passed, how many hours have passed, it’s still so savage, reckless…if I don’t guard you… I’m afraid I have to…”

“But…this is exactly what attracts you…”

“Fade away from the ultimate glory and return from the endless ruin and silence.”

“Boss, your people are back, but when will your memory recover?”

At this time, a golden light is shining and full of Supreme divine’s figure emerges. It is a Space-Time spirit that is quiet in the depths of the soul. It refers to the light that gently crosses Gu Huang’s face. The person shook his head slightly, and there was a touch of helplessness in his gold eyes, five fingers dancing in the void, and four drops of gold’s spiritual liquid emerged, instantly blending into the body of Gu Huang and the three cocoons of light.

It’s really a savage guy, but also a piece of wood…

You were for us…

Just die out in utter splendor, and use your own life and everything to summon the spirit of all of us.

Countless eras rotate, countless Heaven and Earth, World, we pass by.

I remember you, but you don’t remember me anymore…

Finally… finally we met again… that was a countless pass by before we made our meeting today…

But you are a Great Demon, but let my body sleep forever…

“It’s you…Nine Provinces Space-Time Spirit…No…You are not a simple Space-Time Spirit…Who are you?”

The mighty, deep, full of Wei An’s voice resounded, I saw a gold light and shadow people emerged, full of mysterious and coercive, seemingly from the eternal supremacy, the endless king.

“Let my body sleep forever…… Now you come to ask who I am?”

“Before the ancient times…I seem to remember an identity…”

“Meeting! I remember…I am the empress of the Dayu dynasty…”

The spirit of Space-Time turned his body gently, his face showed a trace of dullness, and he was silent for a quarter of an hour, only to make a soft voice.

“pu tong!”

“The Queen of the Great…Dayu Dynasty…then you…you…”

“Isn’t it…”

“I suddenly remembered that there are important things that have not been dealt with, please let me say goodbye first.”

Gold light and shadow person hearing this, on the spot is sitting on the ground, the whole person is trembling in the depth of one’s soul, can’t help saying that it disappeared immediately…

“Look at you!” The spirit of Space-Time smiled lightly and turned towards Gu Huang. The pupil light was full of fascination…

In the depths of the System Space, in the endless darkness, the gold light and shadow people emerged, which is the trembling of the impossible to bear…

“It turned out to be her… didn’t it mean…”

“Gu Ye… really came from…thinking about it!”

“Forget it, forget it, don’t think about it, anyway, there is an ancient master to bear all the cause and effect.”

gold light and shadow people shook their heads helplessly, really terrifying ah! The woman next to Gu Ye, one is bigger than the other…

Beginning monthly pass!

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