
You can search “Unparalleled Villain System Miaobige Novel Network (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Facing the starry sky Great Sage, the white ape through the sky, the ancient invincible trio’s insidious tricks, spiritual state, and Old Demon, under the protection of eternal destruction, also smiled, silently retreating into the System Space. Place.

Now System Space, the World once composed of the seven treasure realms and the unnamed ancient realm is still there, but the last sacrifice has exhausted its power, so everything seems extremely barren.

But in the depths of this barren World, there is 7 terrifying aura permeated, although it is falling into endless sleep.

The leaked aura is not as good as 1/10000th in the past, but it is enough to make Dao Severing Realm powerhouse shudder.

Human Sovereign Canglishi!

Da Wu Hou Yi!

And the monster family Great Crown Prince, two Crown Prince, four Crown Prince, seven Crown Prince, eight Crown Prince five.

The two tribes of witch and monster have failed to compete for hegemony, and they have escaped from the ancient Nine Heavens. It is not known how many years have not been born. At the time, the ten Crown Prince Lu Shang and the macho Xingtian were irreconcilable.

It is Huang Old Demon who revives the True Spirit of Lu Shang’s nine brothers from the sunset bow, and also awakens the arrow god Hou Yi.

Di Hongkong awakens, ten Crown Prince Lishang and Xingtian, and the remaining four Crown Princes of the monster clan return to the ancient Nine Heavens.

But the arrow god Hou Yi, as well as the other five Crown Princes of the monster clan, Human Sovereign Cangli, have been sleeping in this world.

The Three Eternal Era has passed!

The Human Sovereign Cangli, the five Crown Princes of the monster clan, and Hou Yi, the former ancestor of Japan, have all recovered to the point of extreme terrifying.

“Human Sovereign Cangli, the fifth Great Crown Prince of the Ancient monster clan, Hou Yi…how it is possible…have they all fallen already?”

“The Great Witch Hou Yi and several Crown Princes of the monster clan, they are from Mythological Era…”

“The eighteenth rank…all are the eighteenth rank…Boss…you still have such a back hand…”

“Why do you summon them in parallel Nine Provinces?”

The face of the Space-Time Spirit in the depths of the soul is full of endless horror. He knows that Human Sovereign Cangli…

The great witch Hou Yi, the Great Crown Prince of the monster clan, really don’t know.

All the eighteenth-order Heavenly Dao realm, this is not a professional of the eighteenth order, but from Mythological Era.

The real great wizard Hou Yi!

It’s not the arrow god Da Yi of the ancient Human Race, although it is also the reincarnation of the great witch Hou Yi, including the hero Xing Tian, ​​who have been reincarnated to the ancient Human Race.

But in front of me are the real Mythological Era witch and the five Crown Princes of the monster clan.

The incomparably brilliant, magnificent Mythological Era, how many invincible powerhouses were born, and the Heavenly Dao powerhouse of Mythological Era, are enough to hang the eternal with bare hands.

No wonder, no wonder the illiterate Boss wants to lift the table, he really has the capital to lift the table.

“The Spirit of Space-Time, this is a long story, and it can’t be said in a few words.”

“Xingtian and several monster Crown Princes, before they are born, I will awaken Cangli old thief first.”

“It’s time for old thief to come out of the mountain and give atonement to the ancestors of my original ancestors.”

“Cangli old thief, wake up!”

Gu Huang silhouette stepped into the sleeping place of Human Sovereign Cangli, and the sound resembling Divine Thunder resounded, and Heaven and Earth shook violently.

“Who…is in summon I…”

“I… how long have I slept…what is this place?”

“Bold child… dare to call my name directly… the crime should be destroyed nine…”


The earth cracked, and a cocoon of countless gold runes filled with light. Human Sovereign Cangli’s eyes opened, full of confusion and confusion. When you look at the person who awakened him, he is full of terrifying power Erupting out, the majesty of Huanghuang Human Dao came out, full of Prestige of Extreme Dao, like the will of God descending.

But in the next moment, the Big Black Brick appeared in Gu Huang’s palm, and he threw it directly at the Human Sovereign Cangli, immediately smashing the cocoon, and hitting the Cangli’s forehead.

One brick went down, Cangli face door bones cracked, blood was flowing like a fountain, the whole person was confused, dazed, consciousness was blank, and he just fell down.

It hurts!


Human Sovereign Cang Li felt that the soul was twitching. It was an unspeakable pain. It was almost a shock of Divine Soul, three souls coming out of their bodies, and seven souls leaving their bodies.

One hour, after lying down for one hour, Human Sovereign Cang Li felt the pain of Divine Soul disappear. When he saw the Big Black Brick suspended in the sky clearly, he immediately jumped up conditionedly.

“Black…Black Boss…misunderstanding…misunderstanding…really misunderstanding!”

“I…no…I have fallen asleep…it’s been too long, too long…”

“Huang brat…please beg! Even if it doesn’t matter to my face, you should at least look at Huang’er’s face!”

“I’m really lost in sleep!”

Human Sovereign Cang Li was sweating coldly, and the whole person was a dead soul. I remembered the bastard words I just said, actually boast shamelessly wanted to destroy the wilderness brat nine races……

If you destroy the nine races, you are the father-in-law of the wild brat, and you are also within the nine races!

If Little Demon cares about it, my brain will be gone!

How long have I slept since the final sacrifice.

“Cang Li old thief, just watching you sleep too long, this Young Master didn’t care about your mouth, or it’s not a cracked brain.”

“Okay, I have something for you!”


Gu Huang pierced through the void with one finger, the light of the soul diffused out, and instantly merged into Cang Li’s eyebrows, and directly reflected all the things that happened in his birth, all in his deep in one’s heart.

“Three Eternal epochs, I slept for so long, the Great Qin Empire returned, Human Dao recovered, the bright golden era…”

“Good, good, good ah! It’s really good, and it’s worthy of being the extremely ancient Human Race emperor, and the Great Qin Empire is no less than the most glorious extremely ancient era.”

“Abandoned brat, what do I need to do?”

Human Sovereign has mixed feelings from his heart, and various emotions are coming one after another. He really owes too much to Human Race in his life…

Ashamed of the descendants of the extremely ancient Human Race!

Even ashamed of the word Human Sovereign!

Now Little Demon King has set foot in a Space-Time Secret Realm, and there are also descendants of extremely ancient Human Race and descendants of civilizations of the Xia Dynasty, which are also the life seeds of the Human Race of the Dead Market.

My opportunity for atonement is here!

“old thief, I will give you a chance to do Human Sovereign again.”

“True body to the original ancestral land, I will seal your cultivation base, memory, you will also birth, aging, sickness and death, will be like a weak mortal.”

“Every time you die, you will wake up a memory and cultivation base until your moral character is truly matched with the words Human Sovereign, then the Human Sovereign seal will automatically recover.”

“I will be responsible for dragging the Empress, and the existence of all the plot against behind. I am waiting for you to rescue me from the origin of the origin.”

“This is your chance of self-salvation, and I will wait for the day when you become the eternal.”

Gu Huang emerged the Human Sovereign seal in his palm, and immediately deprived him of all the power of the Human Dao. The entire Human Sovereign seal became full of obscurity, and even filled with cracks. In the soul.


“Abandoned brat, you seal my memory and cultivation base, and put me into the original ancestral land…”

“Aren’t you afraid that I will once again be the no good faint tyrant?”

Human Sovereign Cang Li’s sucked in a cold breath, he just doesn’t know what Gu Huang wants to do? But there is a kind of expectation in his heart…

“No doubt, no doubt!”

“old thief, in a word, this Young Master believes in you.”

“So, I entrust my life to your hands, if I die, Huang’er will resent you all my life…”

“Whether it is redemption, or for my life, and Huang’er’s happiness, you must become the eternal, and you must make the original ancestral land strong.”

“system, seal the memory and cultivation base of old thief, and put it in the original ancestral land.”

After saying this, a bright and endless golden brilliance flowed, countless strange symbols intertwined, and instantaneously poured into Cangli’s body, sealing him from a Heavenly Dao realm to a weak mortal…

In the next moment, a gate of gold vortex fills up, and the dazed Cangli old thief silhouette is kicked into it by Gu Huang…

Beginning monthly pass!

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