
You can search “Unparalleled Villain System (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Moan, be careful to drive the Wannian ship, the spicy chicken system, and are you looking at it?”

In a state of spiritualization, Gu Huang under the protection of Eternal Destruction can hardly be seen by anyone. At this moment, it is natural to be in no hurry, because it is useless to be anxious.

As a mode for Lao Yinbi to open correctly, the first thing is to have patience, Fu Huang can set an endless time for a game, and even get out of the game.

If you want to make it happen, you must give its head!

This Young Master can’t do the burn both jade and stone so much, but walking in the rivers and lakes in the previous life, there is really no lack of patience.

A full 70 times, this time is 70 times the cycle, just like a swimming fish from the time light source, and finally reached the end.

But in the process of the parade, whether someone was replaced, killed, or changed, everything in the process was mist.

Is there anyone who is not afraid of death?


But under the Space-Time Secret Realm, there is a full 70 cycles, and every time you know the result, no matter how you try, you will eventually die.

In this way, not have the will to live, impossible to ask for death, under the infinite loop, few people between Heaven and Earth can bear it, and few people can realize it like dead wood.

If you want to rewrite the future under this unrestricted cycle, the first thing you need to do is to connect the Space-Time breakpoint, but the word intent of the heaven and earth brother can’t do it.

While wanting to connect time and rewrite the future, the only tampering power you possess is precisely the key of the key?

Don’t come early, and don’t come late, just before everything starts.

And if you make a move, save the ancient invincible, and if this is part of their layout?

So ah!

Currently Gouzhu is the best…

“Ancient madman, this is your last chance. Surrender is your only way to survive.”

“The last big cycle, whether it is your life or death, time breakpoints will inevitably be connected and will be rewritten in the future.”

“The three irreversible laws also put acknowledgement allegiance at our feet, don’t you always want to know the existence behind us?”

“Also, the existence behind us comes from the Hongmeng Forbidden Zone, and it is one of the three eternal Paragons.”

“As long as you surrender, we can intercede in front of the High Lord and will not replace your soul. Let you guarantee the human race body and witness the next era with your own eyes.”

The Tongtian White Ape took a step forward, and the pair of eyes were full of wise eyes, looking at the ancient invincible with regret.

After all, there are 70 second cycles, and there is no surrender. I would rather die than compromise.

It is worthy to be the descendant of the strongest clans of Zhuxia civilization, but unfortunately…

Human Race is destined to die!

Because the ancestral ground of Human Race has been found, this is already a fact that cannot be changed.

“Ancient invincible, Brother Gu, when will you still stubborn?”

“My Lord appreciates you very much. After all, like you, devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, the Human Sovereign that sets life and death is extinct.”

“My Lord’s request to you is very simple, hand over Zhu Xia Jiuding’s real burial place, you can not only die, but also go to the strange land to become the only king of Zhu Xia.”

“It’s already treated you very well, why put up a desperate struggle, I don’t deny that the former Zhu Xia was extremely brilliant, and it was so gorgeous, even before the Xia Xia, there was a more brilliant Dayu dynasty… …”

“Before the dazzling Dayu dynasty, it was vast and unparalleled. It commanded Supreme Supreme, with its multiple pressures, and the only Mythological Era throughout time.”

“Your Human Race has established a very powerful ancient Tang Dynasty. It is really a congratulation from all nations. It is on par with Heaven and Earth and is known as the Kingdom of Heaven.”

“But what about that?”

“It is as strong as the origin of your Human Race, the ancient Tang Dynasty, the bright day, the vast summers, haven’t all been destroyed?”

“As well as the vast Heaven and Earth empire, all of them fell apart.”

“Heaven and Earth, the strongest myths, have fallen. What do you fight against us, not to mention the multiple Heaven and Earth? Only the Hongmeng forbidden area controlled by our Lord will suppress the recovery of the Human Race forever.”

“Loop for 70 times, and I let you see the final result more than once. The Heaven, Earth and Human war, the ancestral land collapsed, the evolution of Thirty Three Heavens, the other side Heavenly Realm.”

“When the last cycle of this taboo Space-Time ends, the past and future Space-Time will be reconnected. The Space-Time Thirty Three Heavens, 99 places, Heavenly Realm on the other side will replace the other Space-Time. Everything.”

“In the future above heaven under earth, we will all be in charge.”

“The words are all here, you choose!”

Starry Sky Great Sage stands hand-in-hand, and its pupil light is filled with deep helplessness. It is already an established event, even if they can’t change it.

Can’t change it, then replace it, even take Thirty Three Heavens, 99 places, and replace him all.


“My ancient invincible is incompetent, ashamed of the Zhuxia clan, ashamed of everyone.”

“But at least I can die!”


Ancient invincible lifted the head slightly, looked towards the starry sky opposite the Great Sage and the sky-white ape, deep in his eyes revealed the bitter cold of the bitter cold, and finally the body swelled violently. Circulation, countless symbols entwined, and even the five-color altar turned into the most brilliant brilliance.

Ancient Road shattered, the altar disappeared, the body and soul of ancient invincible turned into a blood mist, and a splash of water splashed on the other end of the long river of time.

The white ape in the sky and the starry sky Great Sage are shrouded in brilliance. The ancient invincible Self-destruction has no effect on them, but they are watching everything very calmly, without any movement at all.

“ah! Old master, when you have become so cold-blooded, then is a Human Sovereign, even if you have no real relationship with you, can you just watch him get cold?”

“shut up! Spicy chicken system, keep watching!”

“Guye, look at a hammer. With such an extremely rare opportunity, you can’t find it with a lantern. You can tamper with everything, but you are indifferent. Don’t you hate Old Yinbi the most? It’s getting better and better.”

“Spicy chicken system, I am repeating it one last time, let me see it.”

“Well, this system is ready to see, can there be any flowers below?”


In a spiritual state, Gu Huang under the protection of Eternal Destruction has long been calm and natural. He will not easily believe everything he sees in this taboo Space-Time.

It’s like parallel Nine Provinces. I took on the 21st of Masked Void and was thrown into Nine Provinces Parallel Space-Time. Is it really an accident?

I’m afraid not at all!

At this time, the long river at both ends is silent, and the dark zone in the center is full of quiet aura. I don’t know how long it has passed, or there is no time passing.

The Great Sage in the starry sky and the white ape in the sky are still entrenched in the long river of time. One person and one ape are silent, seeming to be waiting for something?

“hua la!”

At this moment, from the end of the long river of time where they were based, a group of gold splashes splashed out, and a wet silhouette came out from inside, which is impressively ancient invincible……

Beginning monthly pass!

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