
You can search “Unparalleled Villain System Miaobige Novel Network (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Lying trough! Gu Ye…you…you flicker again…is it possible that you are still going to let the time priest cut off his head and send you?”

“Spicy chicken system, of course!”

“what? Nine-headed sacks, ancient masters, open mouths, and arrogance should also have a degree ah! This system has to remind you that now the three laws of acquiescence to your existence, and you are the only one with the power to tamper , Your words and deeds will have a huge impact on the future, and may even become real history.”

“Spicy chicken system, you seem to have forgotten a little, this Young Master is now twenty-one, fiend in human form Gu Huang has gone to taboo Space-Time, even if there are any consequences, it is also twenty-one. Bear.”

“Guye, what you said make sense, this system is speechless, but you call the Mabao 2nd real body, are you sure to die?”

“Spicy chicken system, you have forgotten a little bit, here is the long time ah! I am the only variable acquiesced in the three laws, my words and deeds will change the future direction, then I do some harmless and elegant actions, I believe that the three laws will not be considered unknown.”

“Lying trough! Grandpa, what small actions did you do, and still don’t say anything to this system.”

“Spicy chicken system, do you remember the gold dragon crown evolved by the tenth emperor Xu Hao for the Emperor’s Position in Parallel Nine Provinces?”

“Guye, remember, but hasn’t that been sacrificed by you? And the tenth emperor of the parallel Nine Provinces voluntarily sacrificed for the continuation of the Xia, otherwise the Xia clan can still live, and Xu Hao can still be ranked in the Position of the Great Qin Four Country, isn’t it because of the great power?”

“Spicy chicken system, you are only one, not only two, splitting heaven and earth apart The tenth emperor’s personality is not as simple as you think, the tenth emperor left me with the gold dragon crown There is one more item that I didn’t say, that is, I can summon him once, summon with his own power.”

“What? Gu Ye, this…summon Xu Hao’s real body… Damn! Isn’t that the tenth emperor splitting heaven and earth apart, the emperor of all legends beginning and ending? This is the system now. I don’t hide it from you. In fact, Xu Hao is the last emperor of the Zhuxia clan and the defeated emperor in the first civilized sacrifice. He is also called the final emperor…”

“Spicy chicken system, in fact, you don’t say, this Young Master has already guessed it, otherwise he will sacrifice on his own, and Paragon’s show mercy, but he can work with Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Chi You. The tenth emperor coexisting with the emperor.”

“Guye, are you sure to use this kind of killing move? After all, it is the real body of the Tenth Emperor…this system feels a pity ah!”

“Spicy chicken system, as the saying goes, good steel is used on the blade, Zhu Xia was defeated at that time, these rogue priests are one of the culprits, Xu Hao’s hatred for them, naturally I don’t need to say it, this is The opportunity to make Xu Hao truly ashamed is worth it. Naturally, don’t be too plot against anything, this wave of trading is not a loss.”

“Guye, but the goods of Mabao are here. How do you summon the tenth emperor’s true body, or will this system help you a wave, and you will naturally struggle to understand.”

“Oh! The garbage system, when I exploded the body of No. 21, I already used the power of personality. At this time, it should be… Xu Hao has blocked…”


system It was completely silent, completely irritated, really didn’t expect host uncle since turning on the old Yinyin mode…

It’s getting more and more drifting, and it’s actually one step, ten steps.

It seems that every ring is carried out in the script he has set.

Liars, naked liars, the deceptive routines on Earth are completely clear.

It’s really shady, it’s even shady than this system.

It’s a little bit floating, it’s really too floating, and you don’t use the System Interface anymore, or the pressing force is not enough ah!

Undesirable, too undesirable. If this goes on, what effect does this system have?

It seems that I really need some housekeeping skills, although the ancient master created the first Heavenly Dao collection, the Martial God scripture, this system is a big suit, but the various housekeeping skills of mythological fairy…

With the host’s realm today, even if the Immortal Grade is born, it should be controlled.


On the long river of time, the top of the dark and endless void, an ancient and unknown place.

This is a piece of more than eleven dimensions, and the old lines of Yi Eternal are interlaced. It seems that each line represents a different space, World, Heaven and Earth, the timeline and fate line of the plane.

On top of this ancient line, stands a huge palace, its overall shape is full of cultivation wind, like the Supreme palace of Antiquity, giving a majestic, solemn, inviolable divine power.

This place belongs to the old nest of one of the nine main priests, the time priest itself is a high-dimensional life, a powerhouse that has disappeared Heaven and Earth, not one of the seven sides, but it was once outstanding.

The system collapsed, and the former side also perished in the more ancient civilization festival.

“The Terminator of Civilization… The Retrograde of Time… The Wave of Time… The Fog of Fate… Produced by Him…”

“The three irreversible laws are all fearful…to conceal the future…to cover the heavens…”

“What the future is…I need to spend a real life to buy…”

“It’s okay… so I went on a walk… I hope the future information will not be disappointed…”

A young blond whispering like the sun is dazzling. It is the time priest Mabao, his 2nd real body. He sits in the eleventh dimension all year round and monitors the timeline of countless dimensions.

Go for a while and ask for information to buy…

The value is infinite!

Also tell the body…

The thoughts got to this point, 2nd Mabao of the True Body reached into a timeline, put a gold leaf in it, and the silhouette disappeared instantly.

Latitudes, countless planes, countless World layers, vast and boundless voids disappeared behind Mabao, when passing through the 7th and 6th dimensional division points, the 2nd real life body Mabao stopped to stop, and the pair of azure-like endless Starry Sky’s pupil light filled a deep alert.

“Sire, haven’t you shown up after following me for so long?”

Mabao penetrates the world, sweeping the eight dimensions, one after another time ancient rune and mysterious lines entangle the whole body, instinctively feeling a sense of fatal crisis.

“Time Lord, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

The intersection of the 6th and 7th dimensions immediately oscillated, and an immortal voice like ancient gods permeated, as if coming from the endless dimension, time, destiny, and the supremacy of reincarnation.

“Hidden head and tail, get out!”

Mabao’s pupil light is cold, killing intent is revealing, giving people an extreme sense of sharpness. The dimensional delivery point is broken instantly, as if it was forcibly torn by someone…

“Why do I need to hide!”

The magnificent, vast, mysterious, unpredictable sound came out brilliantly, a trace of ancient, sad, dead, supremacy’s prestige entrenched, I saw a whole body wrapped in countless purple gold light flame, 81 ancient symbols wrapped around, a head hanging over The Gold Little Pagoda by Profound Yellow Qi is like an aimmortal.

“Primordial One Qi Profound Yellow Pagoda…you…you are…this is impossible…”

“You have already fallen…they have fallen for countless years…”

“Are you a human being or a ghost?”

Mabao recognized Primordial One Qi Profound Yellow Pagoda at a glance. The pupil light was full of horror. The whole body shuddered unconsciously. The silhouette couldn’t help but retreat and left…

Beginning monthly pass!

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