
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System Miaobige Novel Network (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“My Lord, it’s been too long, I can’t remember clearly.”

“It’s ah! My lord, I will accompany you to fight for too long, I really can’t remember.”

“My Lord, the time of pluralistic Heaven and Earth and the ruins of the dead market are fundamentally different, and we have no way to calculate.”

The three swords responded aloud, all of them were confused. They didn’t know what it meant when Fazu came out coldly, is it possible that High Lord is going to remember it again.

The entire civilization was destroyed, even if it was one of the all Sovereigns that used to diversify Heaven and Earth.

But that is all a thing of the past.

It’s been too long in the past, we are not really Heaven, Earth and Human 3 Swords, how to remember everything.

Not to mention the more distant past.

“I will tell you!”

“Heavenly Sword you from birth to present in the past 866,140,000,75,43 ancient epoch.”

“Earth Sword you were born 540,120,000, 9631 ancient epochs.”

“Human Sword, you also gave birth to 3.591 million six hundred and eighty-one ancient era.”

“It’s really been too long, an Eternal era is a robbery, even if you are in Human Sword, there are more than three hundred robbery…”

“But I have spent two hundred robbery time to achieve all Sovereigns of multiple Heaven and Earth.”

“Multiple Heaven and Earth there is a person taboo Legendary’s name, do you remember?”

Fazu Chang sighed slightly, and the pupil light gradually became majestic, slowly sweeping through Heaven, Earth and Human 3 Swords, giving a terrifying will from the depth of one’s soul.

One Gu Huang, one fiend in human form, one taboo Legendary ah!

I can now be sure that 30,000 percent is not inheriting the name, but it is you.

If you don’t say anything, don’t do anything.

It reminds me in such a subtle way that the sleep has been too long, and the soul will decay when it is too long, and the basic judgment will almost be lost.

I almost forgot one of the most important messages. If the three swords I forged by my hand followed my hundreds of years, how could I not know what the four words fiend in human form stand for?

Even I dare not mention it, and even a taboo that I dare not think of exists, Human Sword keep on saying to kill him.

Dying from the brilliance of brilliance, recovering from the endless ruin.

Multiple Heaven and Earth, countless powerhouse comprehend since the meaning of the two sentences, but nothing.

I should understand!

fiend in human form, I owe you another Sir.

I have known for a long time that the waters of the dead market are deep, but I have never wanted to be so deep that even the fiend in human form of the multiple Heaven and Earth has given me too much to express.

A big taboo means a big horror…

Fiend in human form all help Great Qin Empire, then Great Qin can never be destroyed…

Because I was born, something should change.

I am afraid that the real three swords have already fallen. It is a good game!

“Gu Huang, thanks to your favor, take these three swords away with you!”

“To kill is to blame, you will deal with it!”

“Wait a moment and wait for my own suppression.”

On the boundless void, Gu Huang’s silhouette stopped and stopped, but the voice of Fa Zuchang came in the blink of an eye, as if coming from a distant barren end.


“What happened, how did Fazu suddenly change his mind, is it possible that the brain is drawing wind?”

“Let the three swords be left to me, is it true, or try this Young Master.”

On the endless void, Gu Huang’s silhouette was staggered, and he almost didn’t fall from the void. The whole person was ashamed, and didn’t know what happened?

Previously, Fa Zu would rather have cause and effect, and he would not give up the three swords.

How can I just change my mind suddenly because of this big fart?

Moreover, it’s also human, who………

“Boss, what Fazu should have understood? But Fazu should have been wrong…”

“If I expected it to be good, you were sent out in the end, Fazu thought you were calling him.”

“However, most of them can be regarded as crooked, and the ancestors of Efa should be able to see the signs of the three swords. I have been observing just now, and now I can finally be sure.”

“The three swords under the ruins are also fakes, simply not true.”

In the depths of the realm of the soul, the voice of Space-Time Spirit diffuses out, full of mysterious taste.

“Fake goods, how to say?”

At this time, it was Gu Huang’s turn to be stunned. It was originally a mist, now it is full of mist, simply does not know what happened?

The three swords of Heavenly Void Palace are fakes. How come the three swords below are still fakes, where are the real Heaven, Earth and Human 3 Swords?

Both fakes…

Who is behind the layout and what do you want to plot?

“Boss, leave it to Fazu to explain it!”

“After all, with your Boss IQ, just like Miao Xiaoxi, you are always in arrears.”

“I really have a hard time explaining to you illiterate.”

In the depths of the realm of the soul, the beautiful face of Space-Time’s spirit reveals a smile. Sure enough, no matter how long it has been in the past, it is still extremely stupid, a Great Demon who will only be reckless.

Dare to sacrifice to let me be the body…Forget it…

I will pick you up in the future…after all, you have not recovered from your true self…

“The spirit of Space-Time, hitting people without hitting faces, cursing people without revealing short, even if it is the truth, you can’t say it directly, it will hurt your self-esteem.”

“And I can tell you, I’m not illiterate anymore, after all, I’m able to fight frontally with Fuhuang, the first layoutr of Eternal, okay.”

“Don’t compare me with that idiot…no…the spirit of Space-Time…how do you know Miao Xiaoxi’s idiot…”

Gu Huang suddenly woke up, and the whole person was repressed again, how could it be that the spirit of Space-Time was omnipotent, knowing everything, even the rebel of Miao Xiaoxi knew.

“Boss, I know more than Miao Xiaoxi, I also know everything about your discipline.”

“I sincerely advise Boss that you will be better at your discipline in the future, otherwise your discipline will return to the future.”

“If you are beaten, don’t blame me for not reminding you!”

In the depths of the realm of the soul, the spirit body of Space-Time hangs under the Spirit Tree, and the whole body is surrounded by countless auras, a pair of flame-like gold eyes faintly with a trace of abuse.

“…” Gu Huang is completely speechless, because he already knows that the traitor is the strongest place in myth, that is, the legendary second child. If that day returns, maybe… it seems… maybe ……Really going to be beaten ah!

His! This Young Master is a little flustered, it really has to be changed, and I will ask the traitors in the future…

One hundred times squeeze, one thousand times punishment, ten thousand times beating.

Just do it? A psychological shadow must be cast, even if it is returned, as soon as he hears the name of this Young Master, he is trembling immediately.

“Gu Huang, the three swords are yours…”

“This is the first method I created in the past, and it is called Taishi Zhenfa…”

“I expect you to comprehend to break the law. I can’t intervene or intervene in the battles over time. If I want to defeat the Terminator of Civilization, I can only rely on yourself.”

“I’m going to sleep again, and Myriad Races is in a period of hegemony, you come again.”

Void broke through a gap, Fazu’s voice echoed, Heaven, Earth and Human 3 Swords and a jade talisman were sent to Gu Huang, and the sound was silent…

fiend in human form, I will civilize the future, destiny, all bet on you and Great Qin Empire.

Beginning monthly pass!

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