
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System Miaobige Novel Network (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Gu Huang Young Martial Nephew, it is useless to say more, let me see your method.”

The sword light of Xihuang Xiyue is full of void and death, but his heart trembles unconsciously. He really understands the method of breaking the road. If it is true, then what is this unrivalled innate talent.

Young Martial Nephew, let me see your Fa, can you change my original intention!

“Little Master, your sword is dead, cold, evil, dark, filthy… Adhering to all living things, all things, World, stars, reincarnation, Heaven and Earth, time, destiny is all negative.”

“Your self-burial place is sinking, absolutely epoch-enlightened Tao, and even your own, but a pity… pity ah!”

“Little Master, your way is deviated, really deviated, and deviated by 108,000 li, it is not difficult to break your way, the difficult thing is how to cut your heart.”

“But luckily you still have a trace of human nature, you have never really fallen, and there is still some salvation.”

“This time I will forgive my teacher and nephew, because I want to cross you back, really for the sake of my little aunt.”

“My teacher and nephew, I just realized a method, please give me an enlightenment.”

Gu Huang stands with his hands down, his expression is calm and calm, the pupil light is filled with a ray of fairy light, and the whole body is surrounded by a mysterious unpredictable aura. , Imprisoned the void.

“His! Old man, no, absolutely not, do you want to show mythical immortal strength?”

“This system advises you to think clearly. Once the mythical immortal strength is revealed, the entire Primal Chaos Heaven and Earth and hundreds of millions of all living things will come to kill you.”

“Especially the Hongmeng Forbidden Zone will kill you at all costs.”

“Guye, there are no more immortals in the world. Even if the lord of Thirty Three Heavens, Sect Lord, those who rely on it are not immortal strength…”

“Xian, it is really not possible to expose ah before the time of birth!”

The system was shocked to the extreme. Looking at Gu Huang’s posture, it was to display the mythical immortal strength. Why is the uncle of the host so fierce that he can kill the Dao Jun like a dog, and kill the Dao Dao Xuan in the state of ten Rank 1 , Also with no difficulty.

Tsing Yi has no shortage!

Have Heavenly Dao first!

Martial God!

Eternal Desolation!

Emperor Position, true immortal dao, Martial God position, True Demon position…

Countless different types of strength bonuses have created such terrifying existence, but it seems that it has not reached the limit. The unimaginable myth immortal strength has exploded…

“Who said I want to use the power of Immortal Spirit, and you are optimistic about it, now that I come to this step, Heaven and Earth All Living Things, all living things origin, nothing can hide me.”

“I not only cut the sword emperor’s way, but also her heart.”

Gu Huang secretly responded to the system. How could the power of Immortal Spirit be easily used. The sword emperor’s way has been reversed, breaking her way without sword, cutting her heart.

How to cut the heart, only the knife of the soul!

However, the power of the soul cannot be exposed, and the power of the soul that disappears naturally is used.

Soul Blade!

“Guye, don’t hang ah!”

“Ok, it’s up to you.”

“Knife Emperor is no different, don’t pretend to be impossible, but hit your face ah!”

For the first time in his life, system was full of doubts about Gu Huang, because he was facing the Eighteenth Heavenly Dao realm, terrifying existence than the main god Zi Qianliu, and stepped out of his own way.

It can be said that today’s sword emperor can be equal to the truth, and can be compared with one of the six heavens.

Destroy the heart!

It is equivalent to cutting Heavenly Dao ah!

“Young Martial Nephew, haven’t you shot yet?”

“I really want to see how you can break my heart.”


Blade Emperor’s facial expression grave, full head fine black hair, no wind and dance, endless dark particles entangled in it, one after another, full of unknown and weird black clothes, mist floating, dead light At the same time, there is the shadow of the unparalleled sword. An unparalleled sword gathers in the sky, which seems to be able to split the Star Sea and annihilate Eternal Immortal.

“Young Master, a group of ants who are so greedy for life and fear of death that they dare not rise up to rebel against the civilized sacrifice, what qualifications are called Tao.”

“Where is the road?”

“Tao starts with one step!”

“I am the Tao, and the Tao is my own!”

“Once there was a small world, in the myths of countless races and civilizations, a flood flooded the world and wiped out everything, some races panic and escaped, some races built Noah’s Ark, and some civilizations prayed God, there are also civilized sacrifice gods.”

“Unfortunately, God did not respond, and the gods could not communicate, only a civilization fought to fight, a group of weak mortals, after decades of prosperity, the efforts of several generations, finally led the flood into the sea, and completely defeated this scene. Catastrophe of catastrophe.”

“Since thousands of years, this civilization has encountered countless difficulties, tempered it, and several times it will be annihilated, but they have stubbornly survived. Natural disasters and human disasters have never yielded.”

“This civilization pursues a sentence, heaven is healthy, gentlemen should be self-improving, the terrain is kun, and gentlemen carry goods with virtue…”

“But they have one more sentence, which has already penetrated into the depth of one’s soul, and completely formed the brand.”

“This sentence is called…”

“People will win the sky!”

“This method calls for defeat.”

Gu Huang stepped out in one step, and the long hair like a waterfall danced into the void, and the body gathered the general trend of Huang Huang Human Dao, and behind it was intertwined a picture like a wild Ancient…

Antiquity sacrifice sound!

There was ancestor farming!

Education by Sage!

There are natural and man-made disasters!

There are thousands of corpses!

There is a flood of sky!


Sparks are said to be endless, and there have been Supreme shining and prosperous, and some homes are ruined.

Heaven and Earth spread out one scene after another, but no matter how many natural disasters, human disasters, never bowed down, no matter how many years, this civilization will always stand Heaven and Earth, and shine a unique light of civilization.

There is no civilization, no race, just like this civilization!

At this moment, Gu Huang pierced into the void with one finger, and the Huang Dao Human Dao swept through. It seemed that hundreds of millions of bright lights had flowed into it. The scroll behind him projected tens of millions of Spiritual Imprint.

One finger crosses the sky, resembling an ancient celestial pillar, and explodes into a terrifying power. There is no law, origin, mystery blessing.

Only the tens of millions of Human Dao wills, spirits, beliefs, and indestructible beliefs are introduced into the soul pressure of blessing Supreme, which is enough to penetrate into the ultimate method.

People will win the sky!

That’s all, not at all what is bells and whistles, simple, intuitive, rude, and has the courage to be united, to work together, to return to nothing.

“Lying… Lying!”

“Guye, what the hell are you, the prestige of Human Dao…the shadow of all living things…”

“Ten Thousand Million Spirit Imprint… This fuck is… the soul side… the soul side that has disappeared…”

“Extinct Eternal…the soul side, even if there is no real world…the eighth side…”

“A good old man… It’s a monster… No wonder it’s getting out of this system… It’s a lot more… This system is really rubbish…”

“Version 3.1 is definitely not going to work, just update to version 3.3! Don’t take out the housekeeping stuff…after…”

In the depths of System Space, a gold light and shadow man sat cross-legged, and when he witnessed the convergence of Human Dao’s fingers, it was completely shocked like a sand sculpture…

By the way, ask for the monthly pass of next month!

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