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Quiet, deadly still!

An old lunatic said, Meng Qingcheng was stunned, and even Gu Huang was stunned.

Originally, Gu Huang just wanted to ask about the relationship between Old Ancestor, Gu Family and Zhu Xia, Nine Provinces, but absolutely didn’t expect Old Ancestor to be completely wrong.

Thinking that he has clearly understood his origins, he will tell the future calendar and secrets without omission and in detail.

The first sacrificial spirit of the Barbarian Desolate Era Human Race tribe.

Artifact Spirit of Nine Provinces!

The guardian spirit of Zhuxia civilization.

Although Jiuding is broken, it still exists all the time, and it is hidden in Zhu Xia’s ancestral home with Xiong Yuan.

Antiquity, the secret, the secret!

And the real ancient maniac has fallen. Today’s Old Ancestor is transformed by the spirits of the ancient maniac.

“Lying a big Fuck… What an ancient maniac, hiding so deep, this system just didn’t see it at all.”

“This identity, heels, background, even the original Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, should call him Old Ancestor.”

“There is Kumahara…the ancestral land of the Zhuxia clan, isn’t it the Earth who rides horses?”

“Sure enough, you Earth people are a group of big foolish, this system is really considered a service, you ethnic group, born with a sense of worry, how powerful the Zhu Xia civilization to think at that time, but even so, you The ancestors of the ethnic group have left the Ancestral Item in their ancestral land.”

“ha ha ha! Co-authored Heaven and Earth Myriad Races, the Zhu Xia Jiuding that I have been looking for is actually just a fake ah!”

“Flicker is really a group of big flicker, even if it is your Dharma End Era, there is still no change, co-authored this is the ancestral innate talent.”

“Ask who can think that Zhu Xia civilization will hide Nine Provinces in their ancestral land, and have never brought it out, even the emperor of Supreme Heaven, did not expect it!”

“I admire, really admire, this system greatly admires.”

The sound of the system laughed wildly in Gu Huang’s in the depth of one’s soul. I wonder who could think of such an important thing as the Nine Provinces in this World, which has been left in Earth.

Where Earth is, even if the system is looking for it now, it may not be able to find the only Earth where the source is.

When it first came to Earth, it was purely a matter of chance, and besides the original Earth, there were countless parallel Earth, which was blocked by high-dimensional Earth.

“so that’s how it is, then Lord Old Ancestor, how to get Kumahara.”

Gu Huang forbeared the inner shock, but looked at the ancient maniac with great calmness. This Old Ancestor is really Old Ancestor. That’s nothing wrong, his seniority is scary.

Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are probably small dolls in front of him.

“Abandoned brat, don’t think about it, you can’t find it, not only I can’t find it, no one can find this piece of dead market.”

“That’s the birthplace of our civilization, that is, our own nest. Everyone who walks out of the bear bears will erase the memory of the bear bear.”

“Since you already know my origin, I will tell you something!”

“Huang brat, I know you hate the Zhuxia clan very much, and they wish to kill them clean, but the Zhuxia clan is not as evil as you think, the first civilized sacrifice is defeated, the Origin Qi of the Zhuxia clan fight Severe injuries, but the Zhuxia clan still sheltered countless World Human Races.”

“Forget it, don’t mention these, you know that we are not the only one to walk out of the civilization with Kumahara, and now Great Qin Empire also comes from Kumahara, and there are three generals, Sumei, Biaoye, Langge, They are also from Kumahara.”

“There is another civilization, also from Xiongyuan, which also belongs to our ethnic group, but that’s all… I will not mention it, you will know it in the future.”

“We have the weapon of civilization born by Kumahara. In fact, it is not only the Nine Provinces tripod, the emperor seal of the Great Qin Empire, but also the silence of Kumahara. The former general Sumei went out of the Kumahara and left the civilization. The tool, of course, is a top-notch technological creation. What it really is, old man is not quite clear.”

“Since the first defeat of the Civilization Festival, I have been observing the civilization on Kumahara, 2nd defeat, 3rd defeat. Although the first three defeats, but at least we also let Heaven and Earth Myriad Races, countless civilizations, understood the horror of our ethnic group, and played our majesty.”

“Only the 4th Civilization Festival, we take it for granted… everything is taken for granted…but it is taken for granted…”

“We lost miserably, really miserably, miserably… It was so miserable that the Nine Provinces were broken, the Ancestral Dragon was asleep, the power of technological creation was completely lost… Even our ethnic destiny and the fire of civilization were poor A little off.”

“Abandoned brat, there are traitors in our ethnic group, and there are not more than one. As you know, we are almost there. Our ethnic ancestral land has been found. We almost died of the clan and the civilization is cut off.”

“Finally, a giant hand was born from our ancestral land, annihilating all the enemies who had committed crimes. It was a giant hand composed of twelve symbols that had never been seen…”

“I don’t know what that exists, sheltered our ethnic groups and civilization, and left the last bit of fire…”

“Before the 5th Civilization Festival, Heaven and Earth Myriad Races, countless powerhouses, hundreds of millions of civilizations are all staring at the Great Qin… But the old man knows that the real enemies are not these enemies of the bright side… It’s the traitor from the 4th big sacrifice…”

“There is also the civilization that came out of the bear bear, which has been separated from our ethnic group and has been staring at us. As long as there is a little recovery, it will annihilate us at all costs.”

“Their hands hold a civilization device that is a hundred times stronger than the Nine Provinces tripod, the Ancestral Dragon seal, and the three Ancestral Item, the technological creation. It is to suppress our ethnic group and civilization.”

“The Heaven and Earth empire was also annihilated by them from the inside, and they had a clear agent, Eternal’s first planner, Famine Young Master, and the lost Human Sovereign of Heaven and Earth, who had helped the summer. One of the creators of civilization, Jiutou Famine.”

“Behind him is the Hongmeng Forbidden Zone. Although the Emperor Tianhuang has been cut down, the Emperor Tianhuang has recalled all the war dead, and these traitors have also been resurrected…”

“Hongmeng Forbidden Zone is very strong and strong, far stronger than our imagination, barren brat, Great Qin Empire strong enemies, I do not know how many races and civilizations will annihilate the Great Qin Empire.”

“He is the last hope of our civilization and ethnic group. This time the big sacrifice has already bet everything, either detached or buried forever.”

The ancient maniac sighed heavily and told all the secrets. It was really too long, too long, no matter what his grandson origin, heels, background, but he would never be an ethnic group. Scourge, but the hope of the ethnic group.

“Sir Old Ancestor, since you are in the heart with me, then I will tell you a secret.”

“Actually, I am also from Kumahara…but we call it Earth…”

Gu Huang looked very calm. He lifted the wine jar calmly, took a sip gently, and at the same time his voice resounded inside the ancient maniac.

“pu tong!”

“Hard brat, you…you…even…”

The ancient lunatic looks startled, his expression is full of horror and death, and he sits on the ground with his ass, and he has no idea how to describe it.

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