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The vast sky, one after another Power of Star, the evolving beam of light comes from the void, and each beam of light is filled with countless star patterns, full of endless mysterious will.

The six-star pillars of light have descended from the sky, and countless radiances have penetrated through them. From top to bottom, a star mark composed of six-pointed stars is outlined.

The sound of the Great Sage of the starry sky seems to have all kinds of mysterious. The ray of time and Power of Space permeate, as if it is the power of an infinite spell, all of which are integrated into the starlight prison, almost everyone is suppressed.

Mysterious side, great mantra!

One word comes true, and commands Heaven and Earth, which implies endless mysterious.

Among the seven sides, the mysterious side is the sequence 3rd. If it is in a specific environment or a specific scene, it is almost the existence of invincible.

The Great Mantra has almost some characteristics of causality. It takes the stars as a sacrifice to attract time and space. No matter what side or occupation, it can be sealed.

But not permanently!

But the real powerhouse decisive battle, in fact, only a moment is enough.

“Mysterious side, the Great Mantra, this old bastard’s method is more and more weird. At that time, Brat should not be soft-hearted.”

“Qianlong old brat, you are the king of the void, belong to the branch of strange side, the mysterious side of the Great Mantra, when it cannot suppress you.”

“Break it apart, this sword will send him to Yellow Springs.”

The prison of stars, time, and space fusion, even though he has inheritance from the Sect Lord, he is still sealed with a cultivation base. Although it is not permanent, it is a mortal.

The seven sides, countless professions, and weird abilities are really countless.

Speech spirit technique, great mantra, these skills are really weird to the extreme, it is really difficult to really see through.

“Shut up! Old shameless, look at Dirty Brat, it is too calm.”

“It is rare to get together with her daughter-in-law, how can the elders grab his limelight.”

“If he needs help, he will naturally speak, and see how he can break the mysterious side of the Great Mantra.”

Emperor Qianlong is extremely calm and calm. After all, Gu Huang hasn’t asked for this brat yet. He just wanted to put a wave in front of her daughter-in-law. Isn’t the old man an elder who can still grab a junior? If the limelight doesn’t work, if it spreads, old man how to save face.

Furthermore, old man is the King of the Nether, how could he not make such a shot?

If you really want to pretend, how can you not play the piano?

“Mysterious side, is the Great Mantra?”

“old fart, this Young Master has a little peek at you, didn’t expect are you really not simple?”

“Aren’t you an astrologer? Then you can predict what will happen below…”

Gu Huang held Meng Qingcheng in one hand and let it go, shaking the folding fan in one hand, with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth, which was completely inexplicable, making people wonder.

Great truth words, spirit technique, prayer techniques.

All are top-level mysterious techniques, and they all have the characteristics of causality.

Special environments and specific scenes will show extraordinary effects.

If it is used to deal with others, it is naturally impeccable, but it is used to deal with him, really still not enough.

“Fiend in human form, old man does not speak to you, because your death is over.”

“Friends of Dark Heaven, don’t shoot yet!”

“This technique will not last long, you must hurry up.”

Starry Sky’s Great Sage’s eyes are full of contempt. He naturally controls the Great Mantra very hard. After all, the activation of the mysterious side requires a price, unlike the cultivation side and the magic side, it is Weili who belongs to himself. The road of the barbarians.

The mysterious technique is definitely not something you can cast. Some Taboo Technique can only be cast once in a lifetime.

Some techniques may be at the expense of life and soul.

The seven sides have nothing common with each other, and each has its own advantages. The mysterious side has never been good at attacking, only at assisting and controlling, especially on a large-scale battlefield.

The Great Mantra is cast once, and if the fiend in human form is replaced with a child’s head, it can be used as a ladder to the Great Ecuadorian Empire.

This wave of trading is not losing money!

“I’m sorry, Great Sage Sire. I forgot to tell you something. Just after the headquarters issued the order, Etu has already given up the investigation, and my task is no longer necessary.”

“Goddess Sire, under fiend in human form, has his previous duties in his body, and he has offended many words. Hope two Haihan.”

“Great Sage Sire, please do whatever you want, I will do it first.”

The silhouette of the mask cloak, without saying anything, moved towards Gu Huang and Meng Qingcheng are salutes, while silhouette is the disappearance of the void.

Paralysis, Etu is not investigated anymore. Unless my dark paradise is a sand sculpture, will I continue to follow you all the way to black?

It’s too long!

Although I don’t know why Etu gave up, it must be because of this fiend in human form.

Don’t run at this time, but when to stay!

“You…you…dark heaven…you shameless ah!”

“How can it be so shameless…without you…you can kill fiend in human form…”

“It’s not too late to liquidate with you.”

Starry sky Great Sage trembles, completely out of breath, but that doesn’t matter anymore, there is always a killing heart, the traitor of the Star Clan, and this Gu Huang child, that must die.

“ha ha ha! I laughed to death my old cow, is the dark paradise funny on horses? It just went like this.”

“Cow Boss, do you still need to say? Under the crown this is…the soldier who succumbs to the war…”

“Powerful under the crown, Great Qin is powerful!”

“A group of rats crossing the street dare to provoke Great Qin heavenly might, act recklessly.”

Niu Dazhuang, Lao Jin, Old Rock, and Old Yuan laughed, filled with endless confidence and pride. Looking at Gu Huang’s eyes, it was full of worship.


Outside thehundred zhang, the silhouette of the mask cloak appeared suddenly, and I saw the body was blocked by an invisible barrier in the void, just like the picture scroll sliding down against the wall, hiding under the stealth, I didn’t notice that there was a barrier in front He is dizzy and dizzy.

“I really let you go like this, this Young Master how to save face, where is Great Qin heavenly might.”

“Starry Sky Great Sage, right! I have also learned some mysterious techniques, so please enlighten me.”

“I said that cause and effect are not established, your technique is invalid!”

Gu Huang is in the void, the palm folding fan slowly closes, his hands are carried behind his back, the pupil light is full of endless mysterious radiance, accompanied by the sound of Heaven and Earth, full of mystery, vastness, strange power, as if The king, who dominates the heavens, speaks the law and commands Heaven and Earth.

“hong long long!”

Gu Huang said, Heaven and Earth vibrated, the starlight of all directions shattered apart, and a column of starlight filled the six-pointed star seal that began to crack. It’s just a matter of time, it’s like a mountain collapsed, and it has become a glorious sky…

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