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“Guye, the wind is squeezing! This system strongly recommends that you prepare to spread the girl.”

“Spicy chicken system, run a hammer ah! If you don’t run, it’s ok, little sister, nothing.”

“Guye, don’t sprinkle the girl, is it possible that you want to try the taste of the hammer? Or do you want to be opened like a watermelon, and the brain spit blood pool hula squirted out.”

“Spicy chicken system, this Young Master has tricks to ensure that the young master can be calmed down. If she does not go to the road, believing or not, I don’t want to dance Primal Chaos.”

“Guye, this system is full of words, you can do it yourself! Out of Human Daoism, this system has to remind you that the violent mood of today is 99% ninety-nine, and it is about to explode. .”


The communication between the system and Gu Huang is nothing more than a thought, but Gu Huang is very clear that he can run away, but after the first day of running, he can’t run for fifteen.

An old friend!

Having joined forces to lay out hundreds of epochs, only to fight the dead for their first battle.

Sitting all life things for life.

In order to wait for Paragon to fall, but one after another.

endless void and dark, invisible places, there are always silhouettes of their siblings.

The king of the eternal stars!

From the beginning to the present, one era after another…

This golden prosperous age, Human Dao era, may be the world expected by Paragon in mind, which is the result of their secret efforts.

It is the result of four times of the civilized sacrifice, the outbreak of Human Race’s failed destiny.

During prosperity and prosperity, darkness has already bred.

Time will witness everything!

“I am fiend in human form, who are you?”

In the silent Heaven and Earth, the heat and the light are intertwined. Gu Huang stands up with his hand and walks slowly to the front, looking at the cold expression, but it is already bursting to the edge.

It is still a burst as always, don’t want to be fierce.

Lift the hammer if you don’t agree.

This Young Master hadn’t counseled that time, can he still counsel it now?

Impossible, even if you want to run, you have to fight for your face.

In a word, all directions are silent, and everyone falls.

Old Shameless Wang Yun shook his body, and only felt his brain humming, almost fell directly to the ground.

Master Merlin was stunned, and Evréia froze.

The old man of good fortune ding incarnation was stunned, and Fuhuang shook his head helplessly…

Emperor Qianlong started, and fiercely patted his forehead. It could only be a bitter and helpless smile. It was completely beyond description.

In short, a group of people were forced together, each and everyone looked towards Gu Huang were full of shock, even a little admiration.

The name fiend in human form is really right. It really has enough of the law and of natural morality, absolutely unrestrained.

The Renowned Lilong Paragon is still unknown in this world. Even if you don’t know the hammer, you should guess it!

You may not know the Ancestral Dragon or the emperor of the Great Evil Empire.

Endless Primal Chaos, hundreds of millions of Heaven and Earth, with the names of two people, has been spread every corner of Primal Chaos.

Li Li!


The two big Paragons, abandoning that big section of the name and not to mention, in today’s era, Limal and Lilu are the two of the most powerful Primal Chaos Heaven and Earth.

Of course not because of their great achievements, but because they are too poor.

Speaking of which is a little bit of a calf. The two famous Eternal Paragons are almost the source of the enlightenment, not because the past terrifying names are still remembered, but because they are really too poor.

It should be reasonable not to be poor, but to be rich in oil!

But who let Li Tuo have a big brother with a professional pit sister? All day without doing business, it is called Primal Chaos, monitoring Myriad Realms, and maintaining peace.

In fact, spending money everywhere, picking up girls to gamble money, and tasting food, Primal Chaos Heaven and Earth All famous forces, Paragon owe a foreign debt, but of course every time they go to the account, and they are eventually influenced by Great Influence Of course, if someone seizes them, they will naturally bring money to redeem them.

Some people may ask, why Paragon is not a strong law, why is it still being detained, and is a big hero that everyone respects.

Naturally, because Paragon is a moral and principled person.

Although posting accounts everywhere, but never renege on a debt, nor strength to bully the weak, otherwise that many forces, knowing that he owes innumerable debts, how could he be willing to let him account.

Every time Li Tao redeems people, every time he promises to never go into debt again, and then within three days, the people will be gone again, and Li Tao waits for one by one from Primal Chaos Great Influence bill.

No matter how much wealth, you can’t stand such a splurge. Even if you still owe many of Primal Chaos Heaven and Earth’s accounts, Primal Chaos Chamber of Commerce alone has almost 1 billion Primal. Chaos coins.

That is the Primal Chaos Chamber of Commerce Lady Boss’ justice, no interest is charged.

Li Tuo will not do business, and he will not be able to hold the face because of robbery, so he can only choose to write novels at Primal Chaos Skynet.

In the face of the huge debt collection, the two siblings had to shut down the shelter of all living things, and no one could enter.

It’s really too poor. The poor almost makes Li Jin always in a state of irritability. In addition, the system deliberately exploded the light brain, and the 100,000 words of the manuscript are gone, which represents the cost of living in the next month.

It’s gone if you say no, can you not burst it?

Everyone who touches Qian will be red-eyed in minutes if he is heard by Li Dao.

“I think you are bored!”

LiTing was originally on the verge of bursting, the terrifying pressure swept Heaven and Earth, the nine sun Ancestral Star hammer heads burst into a blazing glow, and the sky of Golden Crow’s horror shrouded in hopes of covering Heaven and Earth Earth is completely smelted.

“Li Li Paragon, anger!”

“I don’t know where old man Martial Nephew collided with Paragon, I hope Paragon will say it.”

“The old man will be strictly disciplined and will never let him commit another crime.”

“Invite Paragon to read him to sing the soul river, and swear to protect the Great Qin territory and Guowei, and give him a chance.”

Under the help of Emperor Qianlong, it can only be explained by brace oneself. When the Great Qin was first established, it was not under the secret care of the two big Paragons. Now Great Qin is squatting the World, and the two big Paragons are also Often driving to Great Qin, and the relationship between the Emperor and the Emperor is very good, but I really don’t know where Martial Nephew offended this irritable Paragon.

“Martial Uncle, don’t bother asking if you’re sitting there.”

“Disciple is going to see, what is this famous World Paragon, exactly?”

“The next move is witnessed by World powerhouse.”

“Lilong Paragon, if you want to kill me, there must be a reason!”

“Is it because you must be in order to Soul River, or you are colluding with unknown and strange sources.”

“Or say that you are Paragon, you can be beyond sight, you can kill whoever you want to kill?”

“believing or not I will sue you in front of Shi Huang.”

Gu Huang stood with his hands down, facing the void, slowly pulling out the folding fan around his waist, waving it gently, completely calm and composed, relaxed and complacent.

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