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A silhouette walked out from the gate of mist, and the sky gave out a violent rumbling sound. Deep in the Vault of Heaven, there was a black and endless source of mystery of death blessings.

Bleak, dead, barren, full of Primal Chaos’s sense of bleakness, it seems that the divine mansion from the end of the original came, patrolling all living things on behalf of the sky.

This is a 10 feet tall black skull, with a bone like Primal Chaos iron, full of cold death, each bone is engraved with strange symbols, like a natural Great Dao mark, giving one This kind of extreme weirdness, the two groups of scarlet burning flames in the deep eyes, added 30% more mystery out of thin air.

A black clothes rotted in the palm of his bones, extremely spattered, cracked spear, stood above the void, like the existence of death itself.

Kay Auwitt Douglas!

Before a long period of time, Heaven and Earth used to be the deity of death.

In a war that was not remembered for all living things, this ancient god mansion, Death God, which was originally born, also invested in the unknown and strange embrace.

Become a fallen deity!

Mysterious side ten Rank 7 Peak’s fallen god mansion is also a terrifying existence in charge of death, even one of the powerhouses deep in the soul river.

“Kay Auwitt Douglas, Heaven and Earth depraved god mansion, let alone you become a skeleton, even if you become ashes, this seat can recognize you.”

“Qianlong old brat, be more careful, he has the spear of doom in his hand, and his ability is not unusual.”

“Able to annihilate the destiny merits, you can’t resist it, call this big brother, this one immediately help.”

“Don’t die ah!”

Old Shameless Wang Lun warned, seeming to sway diagonally, without a formal look, but he was squeezing cold sweat for Qianlong.

Spear of Doom!

It is very strange, but it is made of unknown and horrible materials. It is simply the natural enemy of destiny merit.

If Dao Severing Realm is stabbed, there will be great terror.

That is a price that is more unbearable than death. No one wants to be stabbed by the spear of doom…

“This Emperor Master killed him, one finger is enough!”

On top of the Vault of Heaven, a dragon with a white cloud mark robe stood up, his expression was indifferent, his words were full of unmatched slowness, and simply did not look at Kai in his eyes.

Even if it used to be the Heaven and Earth God’s Mansion, it is now a horror that has fallen into the Soul River and is in charge of the spear of doom.

The previous Qianlong still had some concerns, but when he really saw his Kai’s body, the slightest worries had disappeared.

Only from absolute power, detached self-confidence, and a little expansion.

The strongest Void Lord, the only king of Eternal!

Ask how can it not float, and how can it not be arrogant.

Because there are enough capitalists, absolute confidence and pride…

Great Qin, the pressure on All Heavens!

It should have been arrogant!

“The arrogant, really arrogant Qin people, dying to death, dare to be so arrogant!”

“Qin people, you want to die?”

“Dare to spread wild in the soul river, it is really impudent. If it is not our birth time, it will definitely kill all others.”

“Qin people, today’s cause and effect, the future will be liquidated, you will not be crazy for a few days.”

Black clothes Deep inside the misty door behind the skull, three sounds of unmatched death came, full of powerful unmatched oppressive will, giving people an extreme repression and death.

The strange mists of the void are tumbling, reflecting the scary faces, as if the ancient doomsday is coming, it seems to annihilate everything in Human World.

The great horror from under the Soul River, each of the auras displayed is enough to crush the Heaven and Earth, which is in the half-step Heavenly Dao level, even in the Heavenly Dao realm.

Primal Chaos Heaven and Earth unwritten rules!

In the Heavenly Dao environment, shots are absolutely forbidden, and no one dares to break this rule.

Even if it’s the horror under the Soul River.

“Why nonsense! Fight against it!”

Emperor Master Qianlong black hair flurry dance, white cloud mark robe rang without wind hunting, sound like the mad thunder in the depths of Nine Heavens, the eyes refracted like two divine lights like cold electricity, giving people a sitting look The king of the cloud top is full of aloof and remote, a sense of arrogance that is incomparable.

Open up!

Anyway, it’s already installed.

All Heavens powerhouse testimony is more calm, calm and arrogant.

The sky is falling and Martial Nephew is leaning against it.

For Martial Uncle, as long as you hold the pitch well, you can just pretend to force it.

“Qianlong, let’s go down the soul river!”

“Spear of Doom!”

The intense and violent Force of Death eruption of the black skeleton, the ancient weird symbols on the bones flash, forming a horrible mist that swept along the bone palm and spread to the spear of doom.

The next moment, the spear of doom pierces the void, mixed with endless and mysterious death sweeping, moved towards the body of Qianlong.

Heaven and Earth is dead, everything is silent, only the powerful sense of depression brought by the spear of doom.

“Dare to show doom in front of this emperor, who gave you the courage, and who gave you the confidence.”

“I sequenced the top three in Primal Chaos Daojun, it’s really like my thousand dragons can’t make a paper.”

“Doom, weakness, curse, all unreasonable existences are collectively referred to as the strange side, and the strongest cultivation side of the seven sides is also don’t dare provoke strange side.”

“The true power of my Qianlong, let you see today, it is also an honor for you to annihilate such power.”

The spear of doom traverses the Vault of Heaven, getting closer and closer to Qianlong’s body, but Qianlong seems to be unconscious, standing still with his hand in hand, facing the aura of infinite death and oppression, Qianlong appears calm. And calm, there was no confusion at all.


The spear of doom pierces through and instantly pierces Qianlong’s body, directly piercing it through a pair…

“ha ha ha!”

“Install, continue to install, you are installing ah!”

“Emperor Qianlong, the Emperor’s Master, is nothing but a Xibei.”

“True ability does not have several points of, it is really enough to fit.”

“Emperor Great Qin, this is the end that provoked our soul river, deserve your death!”

Dark Skeleton Kay made an absolutely unrestrained laugh, and the flame of the soul in his eyes exploded, burning the entire skull instantly, as if from the depth of one’s soul.

Emperor Qianlong, merely this, a scum that poses that’s all.

Provoking the end of Soul River!

Since then, the Great Qin still dares to be overbearing, and the Qin people dare to be arrogant.

“Oh! Is it really so funny? Who is Xibei who is posing?”

“Why don’t you look behind you?”

Gu Huang stood with his hands down and a calm smile on the corner of his mouth, giving a sense of unpredictable profoundness.

It’s a joke, the strongest Void Lord, if the only King of Void is killed by your second move.

So the thirteen Void Lords, are the prestige of these countless years all confusing?

Pretending, not everyone can.


“Fire of the Void!”

The black skeleton Kai hearing this, I feel that the soul and fire are all cold, and I unconsciously turned the skull, but I saw Qianlong standing intact behind him, wanting to escape in embarrassment, but unfortunately it is too late.

Emperor Qianlong smiled with his face, his palm stretched out, a touch of silver brilliance, the flames of the Ancient Seal, and the flames blooming, instantly moved towards black clothes The skull swept through…

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