
You can search “Unparalleled Villain System Miaobige Novel Network (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Guye, this system has a big business to do with you. As long as you agree, you will be promoted to VIP14 immediately and give you an exclusive VIPlottery opportunity.”

“Oh! Spicy chicken system, you will be so kind, this Young Master doesn’t believe it.”

“che, old man, heart ah! This system is fair and honest, eating neither young or old, how can you not believe it? In fact, the matter is very simple, instead of killing the Xun Kun Race, it is better to capture all the sacrifices. .”

“Sacrifice, spicy chicken system, to whom to sacrifice, what benefits can this Young Master get?”

“Hey! Guye, the 3rd core function of this system is the summon altar, Heaven and Earth All Living Things, all living things, all can offer sacrifices, and this system will communicate those legendary sleepy existences. , You have to know that those existences have lived endless years, but because of various restrictions, they cannot go out, either sleep or pay attention, of course, these existences have their own preferences…”

“For example?”

“Guye, let’s just say nothing else, let’s just say that the Great Nothing exists, besides sleeping or sleeping, it’s really boring. If you sacrifice some good wine and good food, that one will be very happy and give back There will definitely be no less, for example, there is a person who claims to be the original sacrificial dance, and the name is not mentioned in the system. She likes all kinds of beautiful cute girls to play games with her, so I will catch a few elders in the future. Sister sacrifice, that existence must be a great benefit.”

“Ah! You are a spicy chicken system, this Young Master knows that you are not well-intentioned, and co-operating with you, you have also worked with two vendors to earn the difference. I believe you are a ghost.”

“Guye, what I said is really heart-wrenching. What does it mean for two vendors to make a difference? The communication of these big shots in this system also requires energy consumption and charges a small fee.”

“One point, you will only accept one point. This Young Master doesn’t know what you are virtue, believing or not after the sacrifice, you can leave me 5%, it is considered that you have a conscience.”

“Guye, this system doesn’t play with you, let’s say you don’t do it! Give a happy word!”

“Don’t do it!”

“Guye, really don’t do it, don’t regret it!”

“Relax, this Young Master has a word, and if he says no, he will not do it.”

“Well, the system will now wake up the Celestial Maiden ontology, and let your few daughters-in-law get back in place.”

“Spicy chicken system, threaten me! Yes, you dare to awaken the seven unique Celestial Maiden, believing or not I immediately go to save the World, to be a great hero of the heroes.”

“Guye, you are a wolf, and there are three more points than fierce person. This system is a Buddha, and the sacrifice is divided into five and five.”



The system and Gu Huang secretly competed in a round, seemingly Gu Huang gained the upper hand, but they were put together by the system and thought he earned it, but the system never lost.

The uncle of the host, actually got angry, in the end there is confidence in it.

Not right ah! Something is wrong, the little pony trained by this system dare to challenge this system.

Floating, not only is it floating, but it is also quite swelled.

If you can’t be soft-hearted, you have to increase the pressure.

“Betrayal… Xukun… who gives you self-confidence and who gives you the courage to say such things.”

“old man is a good fortune tripod, Primal Chaos Heaven and Earth is also a famous name. Compared to Wu Zuding, it’s almost the same. What is your virtual Race, dare to install Big Tailed Wolf in front of me.”

“His Majesty the Nine Heads passed on to His Majesty Cangli. Old man and good fortune Heavenly Sword were witnesses. Even if His Majesty is still there, we should call Senior man on the old man.”

“What’s the matter, do you think that Xu’s Race got on with the four ancient king tribes of the Monster Nine in the Ancient Nine Heavens, Nine-tailed Sky Fox lineage, you can really act wilfully.”

“brat, all living things good fortune Secret Art of your cultivation is just a volume of foreign code, the core inheritance is half in the hands of the old man and half in the good fortune Heavenly Sword.”

“The birth of the old man is endless in the morning than your Xu Race. Do you know what the instrument of inheritance is?”

“You think that you have exerted the power of the old man, and you have not exhibited the power of 1/10000th of your billion. The old man is by your side, it is for the sake of Princess Your Majesty.”

“Otherwise you are an old couple, what kind of stuff are you, also with summon old man.”

“Also boast shamelessly, dare to yell that your clan will not let go of the crown, old man doubts whether your clan can see the sun of tomorrow.”

“Under the crown of respect, Xu Kun’s personal speech only represents its Race, not the Heavenly Realm on the other side. The old man begs under the crown, don’t move the innocent.”

“old man is willing to suppress the Xu Family Race and send it to be handled by the crown.”

The old man of good fortune incarnation is very dignified in heart, and now he can only give up the Void Race, otherwise the means under this crown will surely anger the entire other side of Heavenly Realm.

He is a descendant of His Majesty Cangli, and he is also a descendant of Jiutou, and Jiutou has another origin, he and good fortune Heavenly Sword also have a origin, not only a race, but also represents a kingdom, even a Once a powerful cultivation civilization.

Civilization has long been lost and has to be integrated into the Jiutou lineage, but the kind of civilization inheritance is still there, and the fire of civilization has not been extinguished.

Myriad Races Fight for hegemony, the ultimate sacrifice of civilization!

This is the last chance.

Heavenly Realm on the other side needs an emperor, and his civilization needs Guardian.

“Show me a compromise, hoping that I can spare you Heavenly Realm?”

“Do you think you have a big face, or do you think you are an instrument of inheritance.”

“I can’t destroy you, or I can’t destroy the civilization you guard.”

Gu Huang pupil light gazes, seems to be interwoven with cold and electricity, silhouette stepped to the old man of good fortune tripod incarnation, the last sentence echoed directly in his depth of one’s soul.




good fortune’s old man complexion greatly changed in incarnation, the silhouette has taken three steps backwards in a row, and the pupil light is full of uneasiness and horror. I just feel that in the depth of one’s soul is very cold.

This… what is this means?

Silently and silently, you can go straight into old man in the depth of one’s soul sound transmission. This is not a simple Soul Secret Technique, nor a soul-side means that has disappeared.

He…he actually knew civilization…and knew the civilization guarded by the old man.

Myriad Races Fight for hegemony, the ultimate sacrifice of civilization.

Ancestral Dragon this stage is at least qualified to know.

And even if you know it, you know at most the race for hegemony, the civilization sacrifice… is the top secret among top secrets.

Even His Majesty did not know the true origin of the old man. He even knew that he was the guardian of civilization.

“Under the crown, under the honorable crown, old man has no intention to offend under the crown!”

“Today’s collision with the crown, I really don’t know. The old man is not an enemy under the crown.”

“Under the crown, give the old man a chance to redeem the merits.”

The old man of good fortune Ding Incarnation was terrified in his heart, but he could only move towards Gu Huang cup one fist in the other hand to salute, lowering his posture to the extreme.

“My person was hurt by you, do you want to expose it so simply?”

“Take me without a punch, let it go!”

“If it cannot be received, it will be liquidated ten times.”

Gu Huang stands with his hands down, the pupil light is filled with a bit of fierceness, and the horrible aura is like an emperor of is a Immortal.

First come four shifts! Looking back, afternoon time is not allowed! !

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