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“Oh! Undercover, what proof do you take?”

Gu Huang pretends to be an astonishment, closing the palm fan lightly, stepping forward in front of Qian Jue, revealing a hint of curiosity.

Naturally, I have seen the real body of Qian Jue, and indeed the brothers of Qianlong Martial Uncle, according to their seniority, they should call the uncle.

But he is undercover!

Then Yunxi ’s little girl can convert to my Buddha!

The dispute between Qianju and Qianlong is no longer reconcilable, and was once one of the two dragon sages in the dead world.

And the dead world is another undead, inextricably linked to Soul River.

It is highly probable that the Death Realm is the outpost of the Soul River Death State, which is used to invade the transit stations of Heaven and Earth.

After the sacrifice, everything has changed!

It seems that Thousand Decisions itself comes from Death State.

“This … Qianlong is not here, this seat can’t prove it.”

“However, when you first arrived, you are unfamiliar and need a guide.”

“Please give me a chance to prove myself.”

Thousand Decisions raised the pupil light looked towards Gu Huang, and I could n’t help but be surprised, thinking that Ivrea was the principal, and it seemed that she wanted to be bad. Was the real principal the Qin person?

Ten Rank 1’s realm only, how dare to kill alone into the Soul River, threatened to level the first Death State.

The courage that came from there, and who gave him the courage.

The first Death State, dominating ten Rank 7 professionals, Dao Severing Realm on the cultivation side.

There are seven Great Commanders under you!

and countless dead Legion can dominate.

Everyone knows that there are seven death states in the soul river, but I am afraid that not many people know that the seven death states are just appearances.

The Lord of Death State is not qualified to go deep into the soul river.

And the first Death State, with a vast territory, is based on three people who want to tie it down.

Idiots say dreams!

“Really? How do I think you will take us into the pit?”

“I think it’s better to kill it!”

Gu Huang’s palm fan unfolded, waving gently, and slowly looking at the thousands of decisions. For the speculator’s cheap teacher, it was really too clear.

It’s just a wall of grass. Even after the sacrifice, it’s still a natural expression.

“You… Hugh wants to taint innocence…”

“This seat is the Underwater Soul River of Great Qin, no credit but hard work!”

“Dare you dare to be so right in this seat, don’t you fear the coldness of World people?”

Qian Jue’s gray vertical pupil is full of consternation. He almost spurted out a bit of old blood. I haven’t seen it before.

The two countries are fighting, and they are not going to cut them.

Isn’t Great Qin Empire a so-called etiquette gang?

Whose brat is this child, so reckless, he doesn’t say anything at all.

“The eloquence is good, it seems that you can get into the position of Legion commander, and it is not virtual.”

“Indeed, what you said makes sense. If you really want to cut you down like this, it will be wrong in the future. It is really cold.”

“This Young Master will give you a chance to prove that you are our ally.”

“Is there not a few Legion leaders besides you?”

“You go and flick them all over, and this Young Master each and everyone you saved has found it.”


Gu Huang closed the folding fan, his hands were gently carried behind his back, and faint smile looked at Qian Jue. Isn’t it?

Flicking together, all hunted clean!

Each and everyone in the province went to find it (mainly afraid that readers Old Masters said water ah!)

“Okay, no problem, one day long, half day short, this seat will definitely bring people.”

“How can I believe that you will not regret it afterwards, and I will turn back and wipe this ka ka.”

“I want you to be a guarantee, at least you must create a document.”

Thousand Decisions without the slightest hesitation’s promise, but in a moment, new requirements were raised. After all, it has been out of the mix for so many years. The cultivation base is a scum compared to Qianlong.

Everything is not afraid of 10,000.

In the unlikely event that those idiots can’t suppress it, let this brat fight back.

But now it is assimilated by unknown and strange.

It is completely a depraved.

“Evelia, how does it feel?”

Gu Huang slightly smiled, closed the folding fan, and walked to Evreya.

“Under the crown, is there any wine?”

Evreya’s expression is very cold, and the whole person is full of strong death intentions. Although she has been assimilated with strangeness, she has never felt good, at least her will is clear.


“I will sit down and watch the next battle!”

Gu Huang frightened out a bottle of wine from the Void Ring, and instantly fell in front of Ivrea, turning to stare towards the gloomy Vault of Heaven.

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