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“Wind and Thunder Fight!”

Evreya blue white skirt dances with the wind, a pair of wind wings emerge from the back, directly suppressing the power of the professional in the fourteenth level, the grudge is born to protect the body, and the mysterious inscription is circulated faintly The sword gleamed out the gold’s brilliance, and the qi was just like the source qi was all transformed.

On the sword of oath is the invisible and invisible wind, and the power of thunderbolt that bursts terror. The power of qi is surging in the void, like an endless ocean tide, full of turbulence.

The wind, thunder and fighting spirit merged, and the vast mysterious lines melted. Among them, the extremely terrible sword light broke out between Heaven and Earth. Qianlong rolled away.

“Is King Arthur’s signature sword skill?”

“You do have innate talent that surpasses the original King Arthur, but you are not qualified yet.”

“This seat is not waste like Shi Sheng and Shen Mian Demon Dragon!”

“Forgot to tell you that this is a death dragon wizard …”

“My body is a dragon of death!”

“Knight is just my disguise, this seat will open your eyes, what is a death dragon master.”

The vast wind and thunder, tearing the sword light unhindered from the sky, but unfortunately the strange mists of the sky drifted, the silhouette of the headless Knight Qianlong disappeared, and only the voice full of the will of death was still back.

The dark and dead Vault of Heaven, the desolate and bleak earth, is full of dead and silent will.

In the next moment, the mist of strange particles appeared behind Evria, the terrifying Knight ’s gun hole pierced the void, and extremely quickly moved towards Evrea ’s body puncture.

Without heaven shaking earth shattering, there is no simple sense of speed …

The wing behind Evria swept through, mixed with the endless terrifying sky-splitting sound. It was now 3000 miles away, and it had not yet stabilized its shape. The mist of strange and dead particles appeared first, decaying The knight’s gun seemed to shuttling through the void, and it appeared again.

Ivrea ’s heart startled, instinctively sensed that the Knight ’s gun had a big crisis, and there was also a sense of lethality that could not be avoided or stopped.

“Useless, the descendant of King Arthur, you can’t hide it.”

“This is the Arcane Gun of Death!”

“It was a long time ago that a dead Grand Arcanist forged it in person, smelted into the strange and unknown materials, and was the master of backlash.”

“The Arcanist before he died cast a curse at the expense of his soul!”

“Everything that is living must die!”

In the depths of the mist of endless details and weird particles, the silhouette of the headless Knight Qianlong shrouded in it. The knight’s gun in his hand had already disappeared, only the gesture full of aloof and remote.

“Mortal Gun!”

“I don’t believe it!”

“Sword of oath, bright verdict!”

No matter how he evades, Ivreya is finally locked by the Knight ’s gun, and finally is retreat irrevocably. The whole body shines with the power of the source of light. Twenty seven seals of truth are interwoven, and the wings behind the wind, It is also transformed into a snow-white bright feather, innumerable mysterious inscriptions are intertwined, and the Sword Explosion of the oath has issued an extremely terrifying bright fighting spirit.

The Vault of Heaven, the earth, the snow-white glory condenses, twenty-seven. The seal of truth frame, the power of divine ’s unmatched source of light intersects the void, and it is hidden in the depth of the sword light. Winged angel’s illusory shadow …

“What a disgusting aura ah!”

“Under the Soul River, Death State, dare to show the source of light.”

“Descendants of King Arthur, you are so arrogant ah!”

“Death Arcane Gun, solve seal!”

“Descendants of King Arthur ah! Your soul seat is accepted!”

Thousand dragons in the mist above the void made an aria-like voice, and there was a kind of aura in the second form, but they could not deny that they really had the qualification for the second form.

I saw its mysterious misty intertwined, Knight’s gun condenses endless terrifying death aura, full of cold and evil, a set of extremely strange symbols flashed out, as if the Knight’s gun was activated.

Vast, horrible, unknown, filthy, power recovery like a weird source, gray and decayed mist shrouded, one after another particle is like materialization.



It’s cold!

Knight ’s gun hole pierced through the terrifying Ray of Death of ten thousand thousand zhang, reflecting a scene of the fall of all living things, the death of all methods, and the endless corpse of purgatory.


One black one white, one divine, one death!

It is like a map of artillery-like terrorist forces to vent, death and glory are intertwined.

The sword of oath, the gun of Knight!

One sword and one shot!

It is a fierce battle of meet force with force, a sword infused with Ivrea ’s creed as Knight, to pull out evil and protect the sacrifice will of all living things.

Knight’s guns are only cold and evil, death and bloody instinct, and they are derived from unknown and strange.

“ka cha!”

The sword of the oath in Evrea ’s hands produced a ray of cracks, as if Death Power had penetrated into it, even the sword of the oath had faded black, one after another dark particles appeared.

“Evelia, old man will help you!”

“Master, come back!”

“Under the crown, Ivrea can’t stop it. In addition to the mortal attribute, the most terrifying gun will assimilate the soul …”

“Master, just look at it!”

Gu Huang pressed Merlin Master’s shoulder with a palm, and the folding fan of the palm gently waved, showing a faintly discernible smile in the corner of his mouth.

The blackened Evréia is about to be born!

Knight creed, too much burden, and too tired!

It has already reached a limit, and Ivelya may not even find out.

Always live for others, but once lived for yourself.

Being king is enough!

Everyone is equal before death!

This Young Master, I don’t want a decent Evryah.

The blackened king is what this young master needs.

“I … vow to remove evil …”

“I… vow to be fair and free…”

“I … vow to sacrifice … guard …”

“I… oath… honest faith…”

The sword of Evreya ’s oath shattered, the gun of Knight pierced her body, the endless black clothes were filled with mist, invaded by unknown and strange particles, and began to spread from Evreya ’s wound The texture like a cobweb invades flesh, bones, and soul…

“jié jié!”

“Gun of Death Arcane, all living things are not visible…what…”

“This impossible…”

“How could this be…”

The headless Knight in the mist was still a proud gesture at first, but the voice was full of panic, the Knight’s gun was not controlled by it, and Evryia also changed strangely…


Heaven and Earth concussion, void roaring, strange and unknown material condensed into a vast mist, all directions The endless Force of Death was swallowed into it, and Ivereya’s skirt armor in the mist was faintly visible, The pupil light becomes gray and decayed, full of coldness and evil.

The gun of death Arcane who pierced her body was slowly pulled out by him …

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