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Arcane space array transmission, Heaven and Earth upside down, Void disillusionment, Star River flying away …

In an instant, the shuttle traverses 7 dimensions, tearing through 100 layers of the world, spanning 100 large Heaven and Earth, the endless Star River, and the World layer disappears.

A piece of endless darkness, death, and the dark sky, permeated by a filthy river of unknown origin, icy, cold, thorny cold from the depth of one’s soul struck, as if it could freeze the soul.

“Boss, there is a great horror under the Soul River, and the 7 death states are also unusual.”

“The first Death State dominates, at least ten Rank 7 professionals!”

“Boss, how to fight this battle, do you need my help?”

Deep in the realm of the soul, the Spirit of Space-Time under the Spirit Tree opens the pupil light, and secretly communicates with Gu Huang. She really didn’t expect Boss to be so radical.

One went deep into the Soul River and wanted to beat the first Death State.

Soul River has great horror!

The 7 Death State is just the power of appearance.

The source of Soul River comes from there, no one knows so far.

Boss Extreme Energy Ten Rank 6 Daojun …

“Space-Time Spirit, when I need you, I will summon myself.”

“The first Death State is settled today.”

“If you don’t find it, you won’t be able to mix ah in the future!”

Gu Huang stood up and secretly communicated with the spirit of Space-Time. When the pupil light was turned on for a moment, the whole body was hot and hot, just like the materialized Human Sovereign blood burst out, the vigorous black gold blood qi, the ancient symbols diffuse, direct It evolved a Human Sovereign image.

The head can be broken, the blood can bleed, but the face cannot be lost!

Life and death are bearish, do not accept it!

Destroy the first Death State.

“Under the crown, I will open the way!”

“Sword of Oath!”

The silhouette of Evrya slowly came out, the horrible grudge of pure gold pervaded the body, one after another The seal of truth flowed out, the blue white skirt flying, the sword of the oath clasped in both hands, and the gold sword light of the battle shot the void There is a faint flow of death, whether there is invincible belief.

The vast sword light, the ultimate eruption, is like the daylight reflected in the dark void.

In an instant!

Substantial sword light across Breaking Soul River, cut straight and incomparably, ten Rank 6 extreme cuts of monarch level, what a terrible pressure.


Dead, peaceful Soul River, made a soaring explosion, as if it was Divine Thunder strikes Heaven and Earth, a sword sank into the Soul River, and somehow cut a few 1000 10,000 li, only to see the river surface was divided, 2 sides Rolled up the huge wave of 100000000 ten thousand zhang.

“Survivor! Wait for impudent, dare to come to the soul river.”

“Qin people … you are Qin people …”

“The soul of a cultivator is the most delicious, but it is the first peerless grade among the 7 major sides.”

“Dare to soul river, then don’t go back!”

In the depths of the Soul River, a dark and dead vortex emerged, from which a vast will of death pervaded, and I saw a Knight who was wrapped in the dark mist. Knight came without a head, hanging on a rotten iron armor, carrying a black battle axe, and a strong body The burly, full of Force of Death, and the crotch is a huge skeleton horse.

It’s full of life, full of enthusiasm, full of breathtaking aura.

The headless Knight, the tenth and fourth-rank Peak professional, the Profound Truth of comprehended death, is one of the high rank arms of Soul River.

“Under the crown, old man asks for battle!” Master Merlin rolled up his sleeves and took his staff to look towards Gu Huang. As a legal master of the legal lineage, Melee was the Way of the King.

“There is a Master!”

Gu Huang stood with his hands down, slightly nodded, and the palm fan fluttered gently, and the pupil light was filled with coldness.

Do it!

Famous in World War I, full of Primal Chaos!

Do you want to connect to Supreme Void Heavenly Realm and start live streaming directly?

That’s all, still low-key.

Low-key pretend to be Way of the King.

“A crispy mage, even dared to invite the battle, rolled over and died!”

“Slash of Death!”

The headless Knight made an unmatched contempt, the crotch of the skeleton horse sizzled, and the countless moments of darkness and mist, the skeleton horse disappeared almost like a displacement.

But in the blink of an eye, it was already approaching the front of Merlin Master. The decaying battle axe was circling Force of Death, and countless ancient symbols were interlaced among them, as if thunder and lightning moved towards the body of Merlin Master.


Master Merlin spread out in different steps, raised the staff with both hands, and formed a block. The instant sound is like thunder, the terrifying air burst, and the vast mist of death shrouded.

I saw that the headless Knight was shocked by a huge force, and even the horse was knocked out of the full 100 miles, and the void was torn to a huge gap of 100 miles.

The Merlin Master didn’t step back, but the magic robe on his body was shredded by power, and his upper body was naked, revealing bronze’s skin, and the bulging muscles of the fast block, like steel pouring, full of horror power.

“Who said that the master is crispy, I am the master of legitimate lineage!”

“Melee is the Way of the King, only remote mage is rubbish.”

“Little child, old man, let me see you today, what a legitimate lineage mage.”

“Come on!”

At the end of the day, Merlin Master ’s blue body broke out, and the whole person was like a super Saiyan transformation. The majestic and overbearing power swept Heaven and Earth. One after another, the pattern of truth was interwoven, just like a terrifying demonic beast. , Full of extreme primitive brutality and fierceness, moved towards the headless Knight and ran into it.

The speed of incomparable, the power of wild and overbearing, seems to collapse in 1000 mountains, and sweep in 10000 waves.

“impossible ……”


Headless Knight felt the falling of stars, the impact of 10000 mountain collapses, violent, rough, arrogant, sweeping the most primitive power like a demonic beast.

The skeleton horse cracked on the spot, forming pieces of bone, and the headless Knight’s body was forcibly rushed out of Merlin Master for a full 30,000 miles. It was the ten thousand zhang giant wave.

30,000 miles away, the decayed body of the headless Knight suddenly showed cracks, a ray of fighting spirit 4 overflowed out, the whole body cracked, and instantly turned into a pile of mist of black clothes.

“Little child, impossible is that you have too little knowledge, old man but legitimate lineage mage.”

“A mage who won’t be in close combat is not a qualified mage.”

“The old man used to be the teacher of King Arthur, the invincible sword skill of King Arthur who is famous in Europa, how could the old man not be in close combat.”

“That group of nobles like the Old Master Masters has never been a Master of Legitimate Lineage.”

Merlin Master took the staff and gently stroked the white beard, calm and elegant …

“Impudent! A group of living people, dare to invade the soul river, who will give you the courage.”

“I am the first Death State ruler, 7th Legion leads Shi Sheng.”

“By the order of my Lord, send the living to heaven.”

Dark, the other end of the door of the dead vortex, there was a very thick and heavy voice, the vast will of death intertwined, full of trembling cold …

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