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“Live … live … stop …”

“Under the crown … Under the crown … Under the great crown …”

“Please be magnanimous … Small Wu came out on my own … Dare not to bother you …”

Just as Gu Huang was going to pull out the last inch of the sword in the stone, I saw a false light and shadow emerge from the sword. This is an old man dressed up as a mage, and it is the same as the former Dafa god Merlin of the Celtic Empire. None 2.


Evréia was completely stunned, and even a handful of golden hairs standing on the hair tips dropped completely, which surpassed his cognition and understanding.

If the name speaks for itself, it really is a fiend in human form.

It’s too brutal to force Sword Spirit out.

“You are Merlin, the Celtic empire.”

When Gu Huang saw the old man silhouette, he recognized his identity at a glance, as the Dafa God Merlin, the promoter of the magical civilization of the Celtic Empire.

The future is closest to the existence of Arcanist!

You have to know that when you entered Nine Provinces and created Tsing Yi No Famine, the magical note of this dharma god gave him too much inspiration.

Gu Huang had reason to believe that if he was born in the age of Arcanist, Merlin ’s achievements would never be lower than those of the seven Arcanists who wrote the volume of truth.

But how did such a dharma god get into the sword in stone.

“Under the crown … you … do you know me?”

“Celtic Empire … you … how would you know the Celtic Empire …”

“That’s not already … dare to ask the crown … your honor …”

The soul of Merlin, the god of law, shuddered, and watching Gu Huang’s panic gradually became uneasy, he even knew the Celtic Empire, to know the Celtic Empire …

Unspeakable, unspoken, that’s a taboo secret.

But why would he know!

Hasn’t everything come back?

He only remembered that he was confused, and when he recovered, he had returned to the sword in stone.

It seemed like a dream, but everything was too real.

“The realm of the soul!”

“Even if it’s Paragon, there will be omissions.”

“Merlin Master, please take a good look at me. What might you remember?”

“You can talk freely, no one can peep.”

Gu Huang has expanded the realm of the soul, and has blocked all of it, no one can peep, even if Supreme exists, after all, there is the spirit of Space-Time.

Paragon, the omnipotent omnipotent, the king of eternal stars!

It is a pity that there are times when they are left out.

Merlin Dharma, surely still know something?

“You… you are…”

“I have seen you … I have seen you in a dream …”

“you are……”

“Fiend in human form Gu Huang ……”

For a long time, the soul of Master Merlin shivered violently, and finally the name of Gu Huang was very anxious, but the expected backlash did not come …

He is the unspeakable taboo name!

In other words, that dream is not unreal.

But it does exist. Although I only saw him on one side, and used Wang Lun ’s name, the final sacrifice was …

He sacrificed many, many, and almost abandoned everything.

“Merlin Master, it’s been a long time since we last met!”

“Finally, I still remember my old friends, even though we only have one side.”

“But Master, the cause and effect between you and me is very deep.”

“I once discovered the Profound Truth of magic. I learned it from your magic notes. One of your descendants is also my discipline.”

“Fate turns, after all, it is so wonderful!”

“The biggest regret you ever had was the failure to take the Arcanist road. Now I can satisfy your regret and take the real Arcanist road.”

Gu Huang closed the pupil light slightly, although the face was extremely calm, but his heart was very excited. Today, he is like a lonely wandering soul.

He remembers everyone and knows everyone’s past!

But the familiar old friend and friend all forgot him.

If you are not lonely, then that is a lie. How could you not be lonely.

In a certain sense, Master Merlin is his magical guide.

“Arcanist … under the great crown … are you still an Arcanist …”

“Under the crown … I don’t know what price I have to pay?”

Merlin Master is not calm, and excited to the point of irreplaceable promotion to the ancient Arcanist road, the pursuit of Supreme truth, that is the ultimate road for every mage.

But knowledge and intelligence are priceless, which is the most precious.

Although his magic notes lead the other party’s magical path, what can be compared to Arcanist?

“Master, there is no cost. The people on our cultivation side pay attention to a cause and effect.”

“If the Master doesn’t dislike it, let’s mix with me in the future!”

“You and I are the same. It is the lonely existence of Heaven and Earth. What do you think about and what does the sword in stone represent?”

“You should know better than I …”

Gu Huang smiled. On the spot, he recruited Merlin Master. This was a supreme existence. When the sword in stone appeared, he knew that it represented a civilization.

This is a weapon of civilization!

Race hegemony, the ultimate sacrifice of civilization!

Weak civilizations will eventually be swallowed up by powerful civilizations.

Master Merlin is the Guardian of civilization, and Ivrea is the inheritor of civilization.

“Under the great crown, dare to ask you, what is your goal?”

Merlin Master sighed inwardly, after all this matter reached this step, although he did not want to admit it, but had to admit that the final big sacrifice has already begun.

The Europa civilization is very weak, and it is really not worth mentioning compared to the powerful cultivation civilization.

For the time being under the leadership of Great Qin, but Great Qin Empire is too strong.

The sword in the stone is just a tool for weak civilizations. Weak civilizations want to be detached, only to follow the most powerful civilization.

Great Qin Empire is the first choice!

But the one in front of him seemed to be a better follower.

“Not for detachment, not for promotion, not for promotion to Supreme!”

“Just to be fair!”

“The process is very difficult and the future is even slimmer, but I will do it.”

“Take those aloof and remote and look down on the existence of Heaven and Earth, each and everyone will be pulled down!”

“We are not solitary souls, unbound ghosts are not as good as ruins, we are flesh and blood, people with feelings, thoughts, and will!”

“Merlin Master, are you still bloody, proud, and bold?”

Gu Huang stands down, and the pupil light is full of coldness. This time, the return is not for detachment, not for promotion, just to get a fair return.

Born to be human, how can one be harassed by others!

fiend in human form!

“Don’t be afraid under the crown, what is the fear of the old man!”

“Not for detachment, not for promotion, just for a fair return.”

“Under the crown, the old man is confusing with you!”

Merlin Master ’s soul has become fiery, because he has really seen what fiend in human form has done, and he knows the word fiend in human form better than anyone else.

What does it stand for.

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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