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“If you don’t come out, then I will go in and fight you.”

“Trifling Yellow Springs Ancient Road, why not be afraid.”

“Purple robe, Old Ancestor, don’t counsel me.”

Gu Huang walks in the void, sounds like Divine Thunder, shocking Heaven and Earth, and the dazzling light shrouds, just like is a universal venerable, stepping into the entrance of Yellow Springs Ancient Road.

Faint yellow mist shrouded, broken, Shaoxing Ancient Road extended, leading to the unknown Heaven and Earth, giving a kind of sinking from the depth of one’s soul.

Death is shrouded, decay is coming, like a shadow, and it is full of endless coldness.

Before Yellow Springs Ancient Road, Gu Huang was only one step away from Zi An Old Ancestor, but this step is indeed the dividing point between life and death, and the distance between so close, yet worlds apart.

Lower Yellow Springs at Shangqiangbi.

Once in Yellow Springs, no regrets!

Yellow Springs Ancient Road is to lead Heaven and Earth all living things into Reincarnation Road. It is also a road to the dead and a restricted area for the living.

Life and death, entirely different!

This has been the case since ancient times. The power of the Yellow Springs Master is just like the Death God of the Soul River.

Even though the master of the 6 roads was 7 dyed and fell, the 6 roads were occupied by 3 roads, but the Yellow Springs Ancient Road was never lost, and the purple robe Old Ancestor shrunk in the Yellow Springs Ancient Road for countless years, but it was incompetent. .

It is enough to prove the horror of Yellow Springs Ancient Road!

Six Roads of Samsara, Kulai mysterious!

Since ancient times, it is possible to set foot in the body of the living body for 6 times, and the Ming Sect, except the treasurer of Perpetual Temple Hall, has never been there.

“Come on ah! Brat, don’t just talk or practice, have the ability to step in.”

“Dare to come in, Ben Old Ancestor will let you know what the rules of life are.”

“The boundary between life and death, comes in is death! Do you dare to come?”

One step away, so close, yet worlds apart, Purple Robe Old Ancestor stands hand-in-hand, obviously very proud, completely unconcerned, on the contrary, it is constantly provocative.

Outside Yellow Springs Road, Ben Old Ancestor dare not say invincible World, but inside Yellow Springs Ancient Road, Ben Old Ancestor does not advise.

Dao Severing Realm big shot is coming, this Old Ancestor is still not advocating, just with you a trifling ten Rank 1 real law real child, it is indeed quite weird.

It is a pity that life is life, death is death, and it has always been totally different.

I want to cross the Yellow Springs Ancient Road with the body of the living …


Purple robe Old Ancestor just fell, suddenly heard a violent explosion of Yellow Springs Ancient Road, as if it was Nine Heavens Divine Thunder unhindered, all around the faint yellow layer of fog emerged, the entire Yellow Springs Ancient Road was in violent Jitter, it seems that Supreme Terrifying Paragon is coming.


In just one step, Gu Huang has set foot on the Yellow Springs Ancient Road, and obviously can sense the repulsion of the Yellow Springs Ancient Road or even the Yellow Springs Road, just like a red hot iron put into ice-cold water, and immediately have a chain reaction.

Desolate, cold, ruined, the Yellow Springs Ancient Road and Gu Huang’s silhouette set foot in it, the whole person is like the big day that reflects All Heavens, the horrible fire burning Heaven and Earth …

The aura of the living, the dead air of the deceased, sent out the most terrifying collision, just like a thunderstorm, the endless mist emerged from the depths, layer upon layer, terrifying anomaly.

The deepest part resembles an ancient recovery, and it also vaguely connects the unknown Space-Time with Heaven and Earth, or the will of Six Roads of Samsara itself.

“Ge Laozi, you brat really dare to set foot on Yellow Springs Ancient Road, don’t you really take this Old Ancestor in your eyes?”

“Since you have come in, don’t even think about going out.”

“Ben Old Ancestor will personally put you under Eighteen Levels of Hell, forever unable to reincarnate.”

“Brat, Yellow Springs Ancient Road, Ben Old Ancestor has the final say!”


Purple Robe Old Ancestor silhouette Extremely fast escape, the vast faint yellow power of the mist emerges, one after another The ancient seal mark formed by the mist is diffuse, full of extreme coldness and death, directly evolved into 13 faint yellow mist chain, rolling The will of death pervades it, and Gu Huang’s body is twinkled in an instant.

Endless faint yellow invaded by the power of the mist, the terrifying chains entangled into the body, seeming to penetrate into the soul, Gu Huang was directly wrapped into a big dumpling.

Death is unhindered, decay is pervasive, bleak and murderous, it seems to be able to hold the soul forever.

Gu Huang seems to be unconscious, letting the faint yellow misty force suppress the blockade, the expression is still indifferent, only one pair of eyes is deep, it seems that one after another unknown ancient symbol emerges, if you peep carefully, You will find that each ancient symbol is filled with Supreme’s deep meaning, like the intuitive embodiment of the ancient Boss Tao.

“Purple robe, good job, it is worthy of this Highness’s best horse.”

“Great Demon King, continue to be arrogant, aren’t you quite tolerant?”

“Bashing the incarnation of the sky, fisting for 3 days, suppressing the Dragon Lord, ignoring the law, and daring to threaten to smash this Highness’s ass.

“What’s wrong now, if you have the ability, you continue to be arrogant ah!”

The 7 outside the Yellow Springs Ancient Road laughed, and I felt completely transparent and very comfortable. This kind of feeling was like holding the fragrant little elder sister lingering, not to mention how carefree it was.

Great Demon King, make you arrogant, make you supercilious, and now you know how powerful this Highness is!

36 Continents, the territory of this Highness, has your turn to spread.

Six Roads of Samsara is the place of this Highness, and dare to enter the Yellow Springs Ancient Road. I really don’t know life and death.

Dare to smash the place of this Highness, is it true that this Highness has no temper?

“My Lord, what I said is trifling a brat, and I dare to challenge you, I really don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth.”

“Brat, Ben Old Ancestor has to admit that you are crazy enough and wild enough!”

“But what about that?”

“There is Celestial Emperor on the top, there is a monarch underneath, there is Human Sovereign in it, and the order of Heaven, Earth and Human is fixed, just by your scum, dare to call it fiend in human form.”

“The emperor of Human World has the final say, Six Roads of Samsara, that is my lord’s site.”

“Go to Hell for Old Ancestor!”

Purple robe Old Ancestor stands hand in hand, the whole person is proud of the extreme, and his face is filled with an extremely frivolous and grinning smile, which is completely cool in the bones.

Ben Old Ancestor hasn’t been born for a long time.

Tsk tsk !

The world has said that Old Ancestor despicable and shameless to have no shame, the most favorite thing in the life of Old Ancestor, that is playing the pig to eat the tiger, bully the weak.

In front of the powerhouse, Ben Old Ancestor counseled.

Who made Ben Old Ancestor like this?


Just when the 7 dyeing and the purple robe Old Ancestor were very proud, and the whole person had to float Heaven, there was another explosion in the Yellow Springs Ancient Road, and I saw Gu Huang ’s faint yellow chain wrapped around his body cracked and turned into a sky of glory. , As if the bound beast giant beast suddenly broke out.

A vigorous, vigorous, domineering, like All Heavens day, the blazing sun of blood qi unhindered, grandiose, magnificent and magnificent, evolved a horrible blood qi sky, showing black gold, 100000000 Eternal old symbols intertwined, 1000-like wonder development, 10000 natural phenomena entrenched.

Unparalleled in the world, it seems to be able to suppress eternity, just like a sleepy and permanent king recovery.

“Yes, it’s Yellow Springs Ancient Road. This Young Master has despised it. In order to express my apology, I will do my best!”

“I have a punch, called Human Sovereign!”

Black gold blood qi unhindered, Gu Huang’s eyes divine light 10000, full of black clothes, hairless and windless dance, the whole person is full of the unrivalled capital of suppressing eternity, disdain invincible.

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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