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The dazzling and dazzling column of stars penetrates Heaven and Earth, instantly destroying the family of time and destiny.

The column of stars spreads from the river of time, wherever it goes, smashed, annihilated, and reduced to vanity …

I do n’t know how many Heaven and Earth traverses along the way, how many powerhouses are destroyed, but also annihilate several latitudes, and finally break the world, time, and fate.

The pillar of stars descended on the vast Nine Provinces Heaven and Earth void.

“Impossible … you … have you already died early?”

“Impossible is you … Absolutely impossible is you …”

“Li Li, you are self-defeating.”

Above the ancient void, a bright column of stars refracted down, and instantly covered the bloody giant eye. I saw the bloody eyes blocked by the light column, and issued a strong spirit fluctuation, but it was also difficult to prevent the decomposed end.

“Lying trough! Ha ha ha! Li Palong, welcome Li Palong to return.”

“King 8 calves, widen your dog’s eyes and see clearly, this is my other brothers.”

“Paragon, the Master of the Law, the Lord of Infinite Star Power, the eternal Number One Under the Starry Sky man.”

“Brother Li, let them die!”

The old shameless Wang Lun was excited to dance with hands and feet, laughing like a frustrated maniac. It was completely didn’t expect that Paragon was back, and it was at such a critical juncture.

“Li Pa Pao, it really is not dead!”

“Fortunately for Heaven and Earth, fortunate for Human Race!”

The incarnation of Tianhuangding sighed softly, even if he did not expect Lilu Paragon to return at this time, with the power contained in this column of stars, except for Lilu Paragon, there were no 2nd people.

“It finally started, it finally started ah!”

“It seems that the laid-out board has been successfully launched.”

“I have endured endless years, and it is time to fulfill my destiny.”

The first Emperor Tianhuang looked up at endless void and sighed softly. The means that had been arranged before the fall had finally come into effect.

All layout, all plot against!

All are the great festivals of civilization, and all are the return of Great Qin.

The day when the column of stars appeared, it proves that the strongest device under the eternal starry sky has been launched, and I do not know how many people and things have been destroyed, and it has become the source power of stars.

The name of fiend in human form is far from enough to return Great Qin.

“Li Li … Mania … Li Li … You’re crazy …”

“All of you crazy on horseback … a group of lunatics outright …”

“The Great Qin Empire is back … you won’t win …”

“Lilu, Tianhuang, Luo Qingchen, Lituo, Mozun, 7 dye … you all wait for me …”

“Civilization … irreconcilable!”

The huge bloody eyes were forcibly decomposed by the column of starlight, leaving only a spirit willpower full of resentment, and it is obvious that the column of starlight has grown a lot.

But in an instant, a pair of unhindered giant hands stretching for a few thousand 1000 li appeared in the column of stars, seeming to reflect the entire void, the power of terrifying permeated unhindered, contaminated with the endless stars, and brought the city of miracles together and palms The center is dragged directly into the column of stars.

Heaven and Earth shocked, the void was shattered, and the vast starlight column came out unhindered, instantly covering the dusty body.

I saw the black clothes Buddha’s radiance unhindered, and the countless tentacles were filled. I wanted to break the ban on the column of stars, but all the columns of stars were suppressed.

The energy channels gathered by countless starlight penetrated into the body of dust, one after another black clothes, strange, the power of the unknown source was sucked away by the energy channel.

I saw the cultivation base of the dust fell from the eternal quickly …

Ten rank 8, ten Rank 7, ten rank 6, ten fifth, ten fourth … All the way down to ten fourth, the dust of the star beam was lifted.

As soon as I walked out of the column of stars, the gold divine light was shining and the endless and magnificent Buddhism swastika was converged into a cascade. Behind the circle of purple gold was filled with light. The whole person was full of vast, divine, bright, Supreme aura , As if is a from the ancient great monk.

solemn appearance, divine extraordinary, full of Buddha nature and nature!


“The young monk thanked Paragon, and the young monk knew his sins were serious. Even if he died at 100, it would be difficult to resolve the sins of the young monk.”

“Since then, the young monk wishes to Yongzheng beast Road.”

The palms were folded together, and the Buddha’s number was highlighted. The joyless and sadness in the eyes, only the deep nature of Buddha, was obviously a big enlightenment.

Everything in the past is a dream.

Everything looks like just a passing scene, either grace or blame, all are red dust 6 desires.

Perseverance becomes a demon!

It’s time to let go.

“Oh, I’m going! Sister Monster, is this you?”

“Something wrong, really something wrong, didn’t you just want to eat us?”

“Sudden enlightenment is now too unreliable and unscientific.”

7 Ran to go forward, full of ridicule and contempt, it turned out so, it is really unscientific …

It ’s not as reliable as the old monk who withered the wood to eat bats!

If something goes wrong, monster must be born!


“Various things, no longer have any ties with the little monk!”

“Monster monster donor, this is Primordial One Qi Profound Yellow Pagoda. The previous merits and monks of the monk are condensed and will be given to you from today!”

“Cause and effect are over, and the little monk will go too!”

The dust has been truly enlightened, and it is a big enlightenment, enchanted because of obsession, not put down because of the name, crazy because of hatred, and full of sin because of hatred.

Even if Paragon deprived him of strength and karma, he could not deprive him of sin.

Beast Road, Yongzhen!

Pay back the endless sins!

“Dust, you stop me, who wants your Primordial One Qi Profound Yellow Pagoda, I want you only!”

Xu monster monster burst into rage, tears flowed between the charming eyes, his body was full of anger, shaking violently, full of endless sorrow.

“Amitabha! Donor, the monk has already let go, don’t you let it go? Everything is false, dreamy, bubble!”

“Since then, the little monk has nothing to ask for, only Buddha in his heart!”

“The donor, there will be no time in the future!”

He turned his back on the monster monster of Xu, barely kept his body calm, and closed his eyes deeply. The last light of the pupil light was obviously helpless and bitter!

monster monster, sorry!

“I finally found the courage and put on the women’s dress for you. I only hope that one day you will wear a wedding dress for me!”

“Don’t wait until the wedding dress, but wait for you to put on the cassock!”

“Dust, you mistake my life!”

Xu monster monster’s voice is full of despair, can feel the pain in his voice, it is absolutely heartbreaking …

Bald donkey, bald donkey!

You mistake my life!

“Sorry, the monk quit you!”

“Mercy, my Buddha! Donor, cherish!”

The dust opened his eyes, and the last trace of obsession had been put down. Only the voice full of Buddha’s nature, no more nostalgia stepped into the depths of the void …


Xu monster monster vomited blood, and the pupil light was full of despair and sorrow, moved towards the void and knelt slowly, using almost the last trace of power to speak.

“Li Paragon, I would like to use life, soul, blood, name, and everything …”

“Seek a life!”

“Paragon, please have mercy and give me a way of life for the Clan of Xia, all kinds of causes and consequences, all the blame will be borne by me alone!”

Xu monster monster has been born in love, faced with the desperation of the dust, the last hint of hope also disappeared …

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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