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In the mothership laboratory.

A three-dimensional Human Body holographic projection came out, with the indicators listed above, but the data of a standard Divine Race Rank 3 elite arm.

That is the mathematical model parsed from Divine Race Guidance. At first Gu Huang thought how divine Race Divine Guidance would be, but the guidance parsed by Primal Chaos Goddess, on the contrary, was extremely simple.

There is only a simple set of actions that cannot be performed, but it must be synchronized with an unknown fluid of an energy fluid to achieve a higher level of body evolution.

According to the Divine Race corpse brought back, through the slice study of Primal Chaos Goddess, it is analyzed that the Divine Race is very different from the Human Race in terms of body structure and lifeform signs. It is completely two completely different species.

It is from within the body of Divine Race that some residual energy fluids have been resolved. The so-called energy fluids are the unique energy crystals produced on this resource star.

Divine Race warriors, technology, and guidance techniques all rely on these energy stones.

Guidance is not surprising in itself, but it is obviously not applicable to Human Race, especially Human Race from Earth. Based on 9,527, the life gene itself has power.

What is lacking now is the method of unlocking the genetic lock. It must not be done by routine. At least Divine Race’s guidance technique cannot bring a decisive effect at all. Otherwise, the native Human Race on this planet has long been relying on guidance technique to become stronger. Too.

“Boss, after 100 to 100000000 million calculations, I want to advance on this planet, hope is too slim.”

“In the future, even though I have built a huge starry empire, I have done countless experiments and still haven’t found an extraordinary way on the technology side.

“We are the only Earth Human Race in our origin, and there is a huge power in the genes. What is missing is the way to unlock the gene lock.”

“The opening method is no less than Pandora’s Box!”

Primal Chaos Goddess holographic projection stands beside Gu Huang. The guidance technique that he will analyze in the future has no effect on Earth Human Race.

Boss knows nothing about technology, although it is extraordinary on other sides, but the technology side is destined to put an end to extraordinary.

In the future, the self-established starry empire will be countless times higher than Earth’s federal technology, but it still hasn’t found the extraordinary, and Eldest Young Lady still takes the cultivation side.

“not necessarily!”

“Primal Chaos Goddess, there is no absolute in everything. Since 9,527 can awaken, then there must be a way to open the genetic lock.”

“Give me some time to think about it carefully.”

“Divine Race guidance technique doesn’t work, then I created a method to open the genetic lock.”

“Don’t let anyone disturb me during this time, no matter what, you can execute yourself.”

Gu Huang’s nature will not easily concede, because once he concedes, he will lose his life. Yunxi’s start is extremely perfect, and for the moment it is impossible to compete.

Regardless of technology, individual battle strength is the part to be beaten.

Nowadays, only Gouqi is so strong that he can unlock the genetic lock and awaken the powerful forces.

Do something extraordinary, who wants to be a mortal.

Since the future Primal Chaos Goddess has cost such a large chapter, it is said that Divine Race guidance is the only sequence of promotion on the technology side. With his understanding of the future Primal Chaos Goddess, it will not be so aimless.

Is there anything that you don’t understand in the guidance technique?

The data terminal is activated, a light screen is displayed in front of you, Divine Race guidance appears on the screen, Gu Huang concentrate attention completely stares at each action, and each action is automatically connected to each other in the mind.

Although his power has been suppressed by the power of miracles, he has, after all, cultivated the supreme existence of Yangshen, using the technical side to say that the brain is beyond extreme development.

Divine Race guided surgery was simulated by him in consciousness, 1000 times, 10000 times, 100,000 times of various simulations, combinations, attempts, I do n’t know when his body also moved.

Every movement is very simple, but when combined together, it is very similar to the oldest yoga in Earth, but it is fundamentally different.

neglect sleep and forget about food, tirelessly, directly into the realm of forgetting.


Gu Huang only feels that the darkness in the heart is broken, and there is an extremely brilliant light that penetrates into it. It seems that the spirit has entered a brand new Heaven and Earth.

He didn’t know what state he had become, or what he was, he just felt that he was insignificantly small, and what he could perceive was boundless length, width, and hugeness.

Yu’er, like a pond, jumped out of the pond and entered the sea.

There is only multi colored light in front of his eyes, and the only thing that can be sensed is two double helixes of unknown length, size, and size.

And his tiny perception can clearly perceive that this pair of huge double helix has 23 pairs in total, each of which hides huge information and unknown power.

Above each pair of double helixes, you can clearly perceive the seeming shackles. The higher the double helix implies, the more terrifying it is.

And his sense body is at the very end, and the 23 pairs of double spirals intertwined, and he feels faintly as two intertwined dragons.


But as soon as there was a thought, Gu Huang felt that the double helix really turned into two giant dragons, and he could even clearly perceive the horrifying look at the top.

It seemed that electric current stimulated the mind and penetrated the heart, making him conscious of dizziness, almost fainting, and there seemed to be a barrier broken in the deep brain, and countless information like a torrent of shock.

The extremely intense pain caused Gu Huang to open his eyes, but found that his body had been fed into the nutrient solution, and he also had an oxygen breathing mask on his face.


“Thank goodness, Boss, you finally woke up, it really scared us.”

“You have been in a coma for a year! Ah”

“If it wasn’t Eldest Young Lady’s discovery in time, I’m afraid you would become a skeleton.”

“The nutritional fluid alone has lost 100 tons. What did you do, Boss?”

In front of the huge transparent nutrient trough device, accompanied by Gu Huang’s awakening, bursts of bubbles were generated, and Biao Ye, who was in charge of the guard, woke up instantly, and even the sound was full of excitement and joy.

A year, a whole year, is like a vegetative.

No one knows what happened?

The nice Boss, when discovered by Eldest Young Lady, left a thin piece of human skin. If he still had breathing, he thought he had encountered fox spirits.

The 100 tons of nutrient solution is enough for the 7th Fleet of 100,000 soldiers to recover from a serious injury, and it is only enough to consume the Boss.

I really don’t know what monster Boss is.

“hua la !”

Master Biao turned off the nutrient solution system and emptied the sink in an instant, and Gu Huang took off his mask, but inadvertently masked all split up and in pieces caught by him, trying to move the body, the nutrient slot of the special glass device Directly cracked, the ground broken glass slag flew, and had more invisible strength. He directly drove Biao ’s body with a length of 2 meters and a weight of more than 220 pounds, and directly fell a dozen meters. Fiercely hit the battleship. On the alloy wall …

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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