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Primal Chaos Goddess projection, after a superb calculation, has detected the situation of 9,527 today. It is a evolution at the genetic level, but this only exists in theory. Countless scientists in the Earth Federation do not know how many experiments have been studied. Find a path of extraordinary evolution of Human Race.

But the Earth Human Race gene is unique and unmatched. It seems to have an invisible yoke. If you want to open it by external force, it is simply impossible.

However, there was a case of self-awakening that opened its own genetic lock.

It’s a pity that only one minute existed, the body collapsed completely, and the spirit was broken.

“Primal Chaos Goddess, good, not just the evolution in your understanding, but your own awakening, not only in the body, but also in the mind, and even the soul level.”

“Only the inner strength is the real strength. The universe is as big as the heart.”

“The soul is the source of all power, whether it is materialism or idealism.”

“Rather than being evolutionary, I prefer to call it tearing my shackles, which can be called a genetic lock.”

“Look at it! Surprise to us is far more than that.”

Gu Huang stands hand in hand. Although he is just a scum today, if he doesn’t understand science, 2 can’t play Mecha, 3 is a burden, but his knowledge is very profound.

Materialistic, idealistic!

It has always been two extremes, and it has always been a place of Supreme spirits.

Cultivation, Magic, Mysterious, Strange, Cards, Destiny 6 are all suppressed, but nothing is impossible.

Also depends on who is facing?

Earth people, but also from the only Earth Human Race of the origin.

Earth people, but known as the 4th natural disaster.

In particular, this lineage group itself is amazingly tough. The more it suppresses, the more amazing power it can explode.

Now is a good example. Since idealism cannot work, it has embarked on the evolutionary path of materialism.

Yunxi little girls, even if you started ten years earlier than me and occupied Divine Race, you have Heaven and Earth asylum, but unfortunately you do n’t understand Human Race, nor do we understand Earth people.

This Young Master’s blood collapse started, and now it has reversed ah!

Gene lock!

This is the original power of our Earth people.

“Human Race, die!”

Shadow God No. 9 The moment when he stood up, 9,527, who was already dying in the cockpit, slowly opened his eyes. There was no trace of emotion, and only absolute sanity and calmness.

The giant blade warrior’s horrible and terrible psychic energy broke out again. It can be seen that invisible ripples are emitted from the air, the air barrier is torn open, countless dust is rolled, and the area with a radius of 3000 6 meters is all shrouded, gravel, brick, All the dirt was twisted into pieces.

The shock wave of terrifying moved towards the shadow god No. 9 in a straight line, the huge body was rushing fast, and even the grinning on the ugly face could be seen.


In the next moment, the Shadow God No. 9 body moved, and its dark wings spread. Twelve energy-powered engines erupted with blue and white light flame. The entire body seemed to be wrapped with invisible energy. The location is wrapped like a black cocoon.

At the same time, the horror essence of the Blade Warrior divine wind burst through, like a volcano eruption, like a huge wave tide, until the straight line with a radius of 3000 six hundred meters was completely annihilated into a vacuum.

The huge psychic energy impact, Shadow God No. 9 Mecha resisted with difficulty, one step, two steps, three steps, backed and glide for three steps, a huge gully appeared on the ground.

But at this moment, Shadow God No. 9 is not going backwards, facing the impact of huge psychic energy, as if incarnation has become a mountain, a transparent human-shaped illusory shadow stands behind the faint Mecha.

“this is……”

The dust dissipated and the smoke disappeared. The shadow god No. 9 Mecha reappeared like an ancient Sovereign, with horrifying rays of light flashing in the electronic eyes.

In the distance, Lang Brother exclaimed, unable to believe his eyes. The lifeform sign has disappeared, and the shadow god No. 9 is also in a state of total loss of power. Not only can he stand up, even blocking the spiritual impact of the Blade Warrior .

Could it be that the evolution in Primal Chaos Goddess ’mouth, the extreme evolution in the legendary theory, came from the power deep within the ancient Earth Human Race gene.

Even if it is evolution, the fleshy body and spirit tear the shackles, but it is also impossible to recharge Mecha with it!

Online novels before the Federal Era did not dare to write that.

“Boss, what happened?”

Primal Chaos Goddess is also a bit ignorant. No matter how it is calculated, it can’t parse any desired result, because the result in front of it is no longer explained by science.

“Heaven and Earth All Living Things have their spirits.”

“Mecha was originally a dead object, but it has been in contact with 9,527 for a long time. It has been a battle for 100 years. Mecha is also contaminated with 9,527 Spirit Imprint.”

“Simply speaking, it’s the birth spirit. To explain it on the technology side, the program inside Mecha accompanies 9,527 awakenings, and at the same time, self-awareness is born, not one set after another.”

“The current Shadow God No. 9 is not just a technological creation, it should be a psychic tool. Look at the illusory shadow behind it, which is where its spirit is.”

“Just just born, it can’t be realized yet.”

“It’s really interesting. The genetic lock awakening can produce such power, not for the spirit, soul, but the psychic ability.”

“Primal Chaos Goddess, based on 9,527, built a digital model to analyze Divine Race guidance.”

Gu Huang is still standing with a negative hand, with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth. I thought it was the beginning of a blood collapse, but I did not expect a huge harvest. With the ready-made blue model, the analysis of the deduction of the guidance technique must be able to twist the results for half the effort.

“What? It didn’t die …”

“Trifling Human Race, weak Human Race, how is this possible?”

The horrible and ugly face of the Blade Warrior is full of horror, and the huge spirit fluctuation flashes out, and it is completely unbelievable what I saw.

“Insect, go to hell!”

“Death is like a wind, invisible!”


Shadow God No. 9 The wings of the machine spread out, and 9,527 in the cockpit spit out a cold and ruthless voice. The mighty will and the sound of killing came as if is a Death God.

The alloy dagger in the robot hand shimmered with an invisible energy, and the blue and white light flame swallowed a horrible rumbling sound.

Shadow God No. 9 Mecha came out in a blink of an eye, and a total of 3000 afterimages emerged from the distance of 3 six hundred meters, and the alloy dagger in the robot’s hand shook violently.

In an instant, the sky, the underground, the blade warrior’s huge body, dozens of afterimages of the Shadow God No. 9 machine appeared, the void outside 1000 five hundred meters, the time of the Shadow God No. 9 Mecha reappears.

“Human Race … evolution … the …”

Blade will warrior spirit willpower echoed, the huge body suddenly appeared numerous gaps, monstrous black clothes juice sprayed, the body fell off the ground one by one …

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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