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“Shua shua shua!”

The pole of Heaven and Earth, outside of Space-Time, before the giant bronze gate, an old, dilapidated, dark ancient battle flag traversed out, in the desolate, quaint, far-reaching center, a huge seal body “Qin” emerged.


An old armor in the fog of gray and black clothes blew a horn that was almost decaying, like an ancient ritual sound, and the sound of an Immortal war song came between Heaven and Earth, full of heavy, desolate battlefields Killing.

“Jun Lao Qin, Fu Wu Shan He, veterans never die, Human Race Yongchang, Yongchang!”

“Jun Lao Qin, Fu Wu Shan He, veterans never die, Human Race Yongchang, Yongchang!”

“Jun Lao Qin, Fu Wu Shan He, veterans never die, Human Race Yongchang, Yongchang!”

The old armor, the ruined warlord, the decayed armor, the decline of qi and blood, all at the end of life, the bleak horn sound, the flying sound of the military flag, and the silhouette of 9 13 gray black clothes mist, full of endless desolate aura.

Battle Ge decayed, bronze swords are not sharp, sculpted bows, feathers and arrows also decay, iron armor is difficult to defend, and veterans also fall …

But the blood is still, the backbone is not broken, the will is still …

They are the Great Qin Expeditionary Force, the hope of Human Race, and the barrier of the imperial people.

Countless years, 100,000 Great Qin good children, and the unknown Foreign Domain Heaven and Earth, now there are only 93 people.

No support, no supplies, no hope, no light.

Only the darkness of day after day and the fight of year after year can’t remember how many wars have been fought.

One brother after another fell, one after another robe passed away, and new tombs appeared one after another.

Resented, angry, and roared!

But they didn’t betray, they didn’t cast their enemies, even if they were trapped in the dark, and they were so human and ghostless, there was only a little hope in their hearts, and they remained the last …

Come back home!

After countless years of waiting, I was finally able to go home.

Great Qin first class Royalty, fiend in human form, came to pick them up home in person.

All efforts and sacrifices are worth it.

Great Qin did not forget them!

Before going home, mess once.

We must return with glory, return with the merits of war, and return with the will of the battle robe.

“General is on, the villain invites to fight!”

“General is on, the villain invites to fight!”

In the old silhouette, there were 2 armoured men, almost half of them were reduced to gray, black clothes and mist, and they could not be called humans anymore, but they still survived, and the blood qi and immortality in Gain ’s heart Will.


monster Xuanzi’s old tears were unhindered, like a thunderous sound shaking the void, full of killing and iron blood. It has been a long time since I felt this way, and I have almost forgotten that I am still an individual.

The battles of countless years eventually led the remaining 131 brothers into the darkness, and finally found the power to continue life.

But the Eternal Abyss, Endless Purgatory, Fallen Forbidden Zone, when Chaotic Star Sea, known as the world ’s largest forbidden zone, the 4 poles, all one after another sweeping, and dare not step into the thunder pool.

The Sanctuary of Light, the Pure Land of Spiritual Mountain, the Sea of ​​Void, the Hill of Shadows, known as the source of all Fiendgod, have been killed to near extinction.

Too many regions, too many wars, have been forgotten.

Behind the giant bronze gate, the 100000000 million 10000 Heaven and Earth confiscated are now part of the Great Qin territory.

Since the final battle, all of the doors behind this gate have been reduced to Great Qin territory. He has not fought for a long time. He has forgotten that he is still a person, or the leader of Great Qin’s first expedition Legion. One of the generals.



The armoured man is late, the war is decaying, the silhouette is old, he is stumbling, very slow, but with a word of killing the exit, the two old armored soldiers are like a recovery, the endless murderous aura gathers the body, almost condensed into substance, the sea of ​​blood, The horrible natural phenomenon of the bones is reflected in it.

War Ge dances, pressing the 4 poles of the void, breaking the Eight Desolates of the universe, deterring the eternal starry sky, and almost before the face of the Demon Sovereign and the messenger of chaos.

Gray black clothes shrouded in mist, seemingly decayed silhouette, but in the eyes of Su Mei and Chaos Messenger, full of unknown and horror.

“Eliminate Black Lotus!”

“Chaos Divine Sword!”

2 people dare not care, to know that before the giant bronze gate, there are 91 silhouettes, which represents the great horror and unknown existence.

The annihilation of Black Lotus was suppressed, the chaos Divine Sword swept through, and beyond the vast void, there was a terrifying coercion and killing.

But in the next moment, 2 Great Qin old armor swept the battle with Ge, able to destroy one side Heaven and Earth, suppress the Eternal Void’s Black Lotus and the chaos Divine Sword, casually by the war Ge is set into the void, nothing is impossible to move even a little bit.

“How can it be……”

“Black Lotus is banned …”

Chaos messenger and Mozun Sumei 2 eyes looked at each other, and within a moment there was an irresistible sense of crisis in their hearts. It is important to know that they are all from the cultivation side. They have reached ten Rank 7 and broken Dao Realm, which has reached almost dead market. Ceiling.

Able to travel freely at the 4 pole Danger Land, at high and low latitudes, and fate and time will not interfere with them.

Whether it is a wolf girl, the main god, and Dust, they are at this stage, but Dust has reached the quasi-tenth Heavenly Dao level, which is the same as the realm of Qingtian.

The two soldiers who are full of horror and unknown in front of them, how can they be used to calm down their pawns, what level and how come …


Mozun Sumei and Chaosbringer 2 have the idea of ​​running away, simply ignore the Life Source pawns, their goal is always only one, that is the city of miracles.

But it’s not about desperately trying to fight with these 2 monsters!


Great Qin’s eyes are covered with gray black clothes rays of light, the ordinary one punch punches through the void, and the power of gray black clothes penetrates into the mist, instantly crushing in front of the messenger, layers of rules, rules, origin, Dao Mark, even the Supreme dimensional barrier, was all torn apart, and there was no fancy hole in his body.


“You … in the end …”

The messenger’s face was frightened, the voice had not fallen, the body had collapsed, and it turned into a sky of light and rain, and finally fell into nothingness, and even the mark of life was bombed clean.

“Human Sovereign seal!”

“One thought forever!”

Mozun’s eyebrows can’t be escaped, the hearts of rays of light flash, the power of the endless Human Dao erupts, the sky of gold destiny is like a cloud of the sky, its body outlines 100000000 10000 light of destiny, a True Spirit Immediately put into the Human Sovereign seal, dizzy night and water dive spear tear a huge black clothes vortex ……


The old armor a light shout, shock 4 extreme void, terrifying fist seal came out vastly, one punch is moved towards the body of Mozun Sumei’s body rolled away …

“Samsara Seal!”

“No … no … no ah!”

“Wife-in-law … I’m here …”

In the depths of the Vault of Heaven, when I saw Mozun’s eyebrows, I was about to be smashed. A silhouette of the Samsara Seal above my head emerged. It was a master of 6 lanes, 7 dyes, 2 lines of tears in the corners of my eyes, and my arms were stretched out. The petite body is blocked in front of Su Mei, although the body is shaking, but full of righteousness …

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